Education, self-education and personal growth - methods, lessons

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Write an essay on the topic: "Description of a cultural monument"
Write an essay on the topic: "Description of a cultural monument"

To be able to correctly express your own thoughts, you need to train and often write an essay. The modern educational program at school provided for a task in the thematic planning, performing which children write an essay on the topic “Description of a cultural monument”. Monuments of culture surround us everywhere. Therefore, writing an essay for children will not be difficult. First, you need to look at the monument you like. Secondly, remember those features that are useful for describing

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Was the Battle of Stalingrad part of a not-so-successful plan?
Was the Battle of Stalingrad part of a not-so-successful plan?

In the heat of victorious reports, only some military experts paid attention to the fact that the battle for Stalingrad took on a positional character, and the German 6th Army lost the opportunity to maneuver, bogged down in street battles among the ruins of houses

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