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Technopark is History of technopark movement
Technopark is History of technopark movement

The history of technology parks began in the fifties of the last century. It was at this time that Stanford University, located in the state of California (USA), decided to lease out empty premises and unused land. Agreements were signed with various organizations

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Knights of the Round Table: "Strength is not justice, justice is strength"
Knights of the Round Table: "Strength is not justice, justice is strength"

The Knights of the Round Table were real? If they were, what were they? Noble and honest knights, or, on the contrary, vile, low in their thoughts, people who craved power?

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Unify - how is it? Meaning, synonyms, interpretation
Unify - how is it? Meaning, synonyms, interpretation

Unification is what we are exposed to almost all the time in today's society. And not only in modern times. The process of generalization of information is necessary for the normal functioning of a person and society. Therefore, it is so important to understand, to unify - how is it?

  • What is the Croatian sea really called?

    Croatian sea… What is it like? After all, it's not a secret for anyone that many tourists, having visited the countries of the Adriatic, continue to call it Croatian or Montenegrin, well, at best, the Mediterranean. Why at best? Yes, because the first two simply do not exist. So what is the sea in Croatia?

  • What does the tundra look like in summer and winter? Natural zone tundra: description

    Mysterious and harsh place - the tundra. Everyone knows that this is where the reindeer live and the northern lights shimmer. But what the tundra looks like, few people know for sure. So maybe you should try to find out?

  • Peesk mosquito: description and photo

    Unique creations of nature hide many secrets. The six-limbed animal, the squeaker mosquito, which will be discussed in this article, has an amazing multi-phase life cycle and the ability to feed on more than just blood. Let us consider in more detail the habitat, the structure of the body of the insect and the stages of its development

  • Many-faced molybdenum: where it is used, properties, biological role in the human body

    Chemistry is the foundation of our life. All household items consist of compounds of the elements of the periodic table. Every minute in the human body there are complex transformations in which chemicals are involved. This article will talk about the metal molybdenum: where it is used, its properties and role in the human body