Students who are in high school are increasingly thinking about what they need to take to become a programmer. This topic is interesting because you can get the specified profession in several ways. Sometimes, in order to become a programmer, you do not even need to get a higher education. There are a lot of self-taught programmers in Russia. Only they find it difficult to succeed in their careers.
That is why many are interested in what they will have to take for admission to this direction of study. What will applicants have to face? And where can they go to study to be a programmer?

Profession Description
First of all, you have to understand what speci alty you are talking about. The thing is that programming is something that, with the development of IT technologies, is required more and more often. People who create programs, applications and develop websites are called programmers.
In fact, the graduate will have to learn to understandprogram and system codes, write your own software and web pages. Learning to be a programmer is a rather complicated process. But after the release of job prospects and success, a person will have more than enough.
With a programmer diploma, you can get a job at a highly paid place not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Or even start your own business. Therefore, many people think that you need to take a programmer. After all, admission to training implies a collision with entrance tests. In Russia, this is the USE or GIA.
Education Methods
But before you get interested in the upcoming exams, you first have to understand where exactly you can go to study. A lot depends on this. The thing is that programming is now found in almost every educational institution. Under certain circumstances, you will not have to take anything at all. Only, as practice shows, you often have to think about the question posed earlier.

So where to study as a programmer? Currently offered:
- Enter the university in the appropriate direction. Usually, programmers are trained in mathematics and information departments. For example, you can contact MGIMO or Moscow State University. Programming is not found in liberal arts universities.
- Finish college. Here it is proposed either to go to school after grade 9, or after grade 11. A good way to get a secondary vocational education. Some schools do notyou need to think in general about what you need to pass to the programmer. All you need to do is provide a certificate of education. But in practice, most often students are accepted on the basis of the results of the GIA and the Unified State Examination.
- Pass retraining courses. Usually no exams are required. They are sent for training either from the labor exchange, or from work.
- Seek help from private training centers. It is enough to complete specialized programming training courses. In this case, you do not need to think at all about what you need to take in order to become a programmer. There are no entrance tests, just pay the tuition fee.
Where exactly to go to study? Everyone chooses this for himself. But most often in practice there is admission to colleges and universities. That is why you have to think about what you need to take for a programmer.
We'll have to pay attention to the fact that there is no single answer. Much depends on where exactly the applicant goes. In universities and colleges, they now study for a programmer according to various entrance exams. And this will have to be taken into account.

It is recommended to first determine the place of admission, then clarify the information of interest in a specific institution. Universities and colleges require the same exams. But what exactly? What subjects will qualify me to become a programmer?
Compulsory tests
What do you need to take for a programmer after 9th or 11th grade? There are 2 required subjects. They'll have to anywaytake, not required for admission to programming.
In Russia, according to the law, in order to successfully obtain a certificate, it is required to pass exams in the Russian language and mathematics. At the moment, discussions are underway, according to which it will be necessary under any circumstances to take another foreign language and geography. But so far there are no such bills in action.
A child wants to learn a profession called "programmer"? What exams should I take after 11th or 9th grade? Mandatory:
- Russian;
- mathematics (profile level preferred).
Common exams
What next? Usually, 3 subjects are required for admission to a particular speci alty. The Russian language, although it is mandatory, is often not taken into account. That is, it is necessary for graduation from school. There are 2 more items left.

What do you need to pass for a programmer? Most often, applicants are required to take the Unified State Exam or GIA in the following subjects:
- computer science;
- physics.
Accordingly, to become a programmer, a student will have to face:
- math;
- in Russian;
- physics;
- computer science.
It is in this combination that the requirements of colleges and universities are most often found. But this is not the only scenario. Some subjects that are not related to mathematics and technology may also sometimes be required for delivery. As already mentioned, alldepends on the educational institution the person is applying to.

Other Items
There are other subjects requested in conjunction with math. Interested in a direction called "Programmer"? What do you need to take after 11th grade? It is likely that the future programmer will be required to have the results of the Unified State Examination / GIA for:
- foreign language;
- biology;
- social studies;
- stories.
Now it's clear what you need to pass to the programmer. That is why at first people prefer the passage of specialized paid courses. And only then do they think about real admission to a university or technical school for programming.