Acceleration of time: scientific facts

Acceleration of time: scientific facts
Acceleration of time: scientific facts

The concept of time is one of the most mysterious in modern science. Before the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago, the consequence of which, according to modern scientific theories, was the emergence of the Universe, it did not exist. But without time, the existence of space and, as a consequence, movement is impossible. As a result of the Big Bang, the universal clock was launched, which provoked the movement of all matter in the Universe.

First observations

In recent years, topics about accelerating the flow of time have begun to appear more and more often on the forums. However, there have been no official statements in this regard from scientific representatives. In particular, the reduction in the time in the day began to manifest itself on the border between the 20th and 21st centuries.

Some users find information from scientists who have proven that the Earth has something like a "pulse". For a thousand years, it was stable and amounted to about 7.8 cycles per second, but somewhere around 1980 it began to grow. For now it's an earthly heartbeatreaches 12 cycles per second, which in theory can affect the human sense of time acceleration. What we used to perceive as 24 hours now feels like only 16 hours.

acceleration of time
acceleration of time

Possible Evidence

The well-known Moscow clergyman and publicist Alexander Shumsky mentioned that even children's sense of time has changed. If in previous years it seemed to the little ones that its course was extremely slow, now they say that time is accelerating. According to the priest, the reason for this can be both a real change in his substance, and simple information overload. After all, do not forget that every year a person processes more and more data, which may cause a feeling of lack of hours in the day.

On sacred Athos, many prayers are offered at night during the sleep of ordinary people. Over the years, the monks have developed their own prayer rule, according to which a set number of prayers should be said in a certain period of time. And this happens every day, strictly according to the schedule. Previously, the monks could perform this procedure overnight without any problems and leave time until the morning service to rest a bit. However, now with the same number of prayers, they do not have enough night to finish the service.

speed acceleration time
speed acceleration time

A similar phenomenon was encountered among the Jerusalem monks. The lamps set at the tomb of the Lord burn longer than before. If previously adding oil to large lamps occurred inthe same time - on the eve of Easter, and for a year it completely burned out, now - already several times in recent years - enough oil remains in the lamp on the eve of the holiday.

Impermanence of time

The property of impermanence was said by one great Russian thinker Alexei Fedorovich Losev. In his opinion, time is unstable, inhomogeneous, it can shrink and expand completely conditionally and relatively. Starting in 1914, it condensed and began to flow faster.

In the mid-1930s, Professor Kozyrev put forward a theory about the transformation of time into energy. According to him, due to the fact that the solar system changes the speed of rotation, time also changes. People who do not believe in this theory were shown one simple but extremely convincing experience. Lever scales were taken, a top was attached to one yoke, and a bowl with weights to the other. To reduce friction, an electric vibrator was connected, fixed at the base of the balance.

When the top started spinning clockwise, the scales themselves kept their balance. When the top was spinning in the other direction, the balance needle changed position and indicated a decrease in the weight of the top. The reason for this, according to the scientist, was the flow of time. In his mind, this is not just the duration from one event to another, but something material, which gives him the opportunity to participate in all the processes of nature.

acceleration at a given time
acceleration at a given time

Science experiments

The change of time was recorded in an experiment with clocks, which was set by the Americanphysicists Heifel and Keating. Two coordinated cesium chronometers with a small share of error were used for the experiment. One was located at the Washington Naval Observatory, and the second - on a jet plane. The latter was sent on a round-the-world flight. First in the east-west direction, and then vice versa. In both cases, a clear and distinct difference was recorded between the clocks on site and those on board the aircraft. It fully coincided with the theoretical conclusions.

According to scientists, when a ship is launched into space at a speed equal to 99.99% of the speed of light, the ship will return to the planet in 14 years. On Earth, one millennium will pass during this period. This is due to the fact that as the speed of the object increases, the passage of time slows down.

determine acceleration at time
determine acceleration at time

July 17, 1962, the famous speleologist Michel Seaford descended alone and alone into Scarason Cave. He left her two months later and was sure that only August 20 was on the calendar. However, he lived in it until September 14. Thus, underground time for the experimenter slowed down by 25 days.


An interesting explanation was given by physicist Albert Viktor Veinik. He put forward a hypothesis according to which time as a physical phenomenon can have a material carrier. This is a kind of substance, which was called the "chronal field". According to him, the Earth is aging, and the intensity of processes on it is slowing down, due to which the real flowtime began to accelerate. However, there may also be zones on the planet where this process is slower, for example, on Sakhalin. So, the plants that tried to transplant from the island to another place degenerated.

time acceleration state
time acceleration state

In 1990, with the help of Kozyrev's "mirrors of time", experiments were carried out on hypersensitive perception. According to the scientist, the density of the temporal flow could change inside the mirror room. And indeed, the subjects, who were inside the chamber of metal curved mirrors, felt something like "out of their body." Staying in the cell for several hours, they felt as if they were participants in events long past or saw the future.

Research continued at the end of the same decade after the expedition of doctor Ernst Muldashev to Tibet. Here, the researchers came across huge structures made of stone, having a complex shape, similar to concave mirrors. According to the scientist, the ancient inhabitants understood the properties of these objects.

Increasing the speed of time acceleration

Although today many do not have enough in the day and 24 hours, in the time of the dinosaurs there was not even this time. At the beginning of the birth of the planet, the rotation of the Earth was much faster. So, during the formation of the Moon, one Earth day lasted only two or three hours, and the satellite itself, which was much closer to the Earth, could circle the planet in five hours. However, over time, the gravity of the Moon began to slow down the rotation of the Earth, which is due to the appearance of tidal waves, and not only in water, but alsoin the earth's crust and mantle, which affects the rate of time acceleration.

At the same time, there was an increase in the orbital moment of the Moon, because of which our satellite was moving further and further away from the planet. And the more this distance became, the more the speed dropped. So the acceleration of time depends on gravity. The process continues even now: in a century, the day increases by 1/500 of a second. Moreover, at the height of the dinosaur era, that is, 100 million years ago, the length of the day was about 23 hours.

how to find acceleration time
how to find acceleration time

Ancient calendars

The development of calendars in different ancient civilizations was carried out not for the sake of practical needs, but in connection with the religious and mythological views of those centuries, and it was clearly impossible to fix the state of time acceleration. For this reason, the calendar systems of the past had time units that exceeded the lifespan of a person and civilization itself. So, in the Mayan calendar there is a unit of time called baktun, which is 409 years, and an epoch of 13 baktuns, which equals 5125 years.

However, even greater values appear among the ancient Hindus. In the sacred texts of this people, there is a Maha Manvatara, lasting 311.04 trillion years. Given that the real age of the universe according to modern calculations is about 13.8 billion years. Because of this, it is impossible to determine the acceleration at this point in time.

Time Zones

The creation of unified time systems occurred in the industrial age. Earlier, in agrarian times, the calculation took place according to the observed astronomical phenomena. However, traces of thesevestiges of the past are observed to this day on Mount Athos. Midnight here comes at the moment of sunset, and each time the clock is set in accordance with this moment. Given the fact that some monasteries are higher in the mountains than others, midnight does not come at the same time in them.

Gravity action

The force of gravity can also affect how time feels and speeds up. So, at the depth of the mine, where the force of gravity is stronger, time passes more slowly than on the surface of the Earth. For the top of Mount Everest, on the contrary, it is accelerating. The so-called gravitational slowdown effect was predicted by Einstein in 1907 during the construction of the general theory of relativity. To confirm the stated theory by experiment, it was necessary to wait more than half a century, until devices were created for fixing ultra-small changes over time. Currently, the most accurate atomic clocks can detect the effect of gravitational slowdown when the altitude changes by only a dozen centimeters.

Chronostasis Phenomenon

The following effect has been noted for quite a long time: when a person glances at the clock face, the second hand seems to freeze in one place, and the subsequent tick turns out to be longer than all the others. This phenomenon has been called "chronostasis" and dates back to the time when our wild ancestors had a vital need to quickly respond to any recorded movement. As a result, as soon as the eye falls on the arrow and fixes the movement, the brain does something like a freeze frame, and then quickly returns our sense of time toinitial state. However, it is impossible to say how to find the acceleration time on your own, without physical calculations.

For the inhabitants of Russia, it is a common thing that the time in our time zones differs, and quite seriously. However, outside the borders of the country, you can find territories where the difference with Greenwich is a whole day plus half an hour. For example, the time in India differs by 5.5 hours, which created a kind of joke: if you are now in London and want to know the time in Delhi, then just turn the clock. If you go to Nepal from the same India, you need to move the arrows 15 minutes ago. For China, which is also not far away, it was 3.5 hours ago. In this case, determining the acceleration at a point in time is not so important.

acceleration speed time formula
acceleration speed time formula

The International Date Line is located in the Pacific Ocean, where there are also many islands whose inhabitants literally live "between the dates", which often provokes curious situations. So, in 1892, merchants from America convinced the king of the local island kingdom to move "from Asia to America", shifting east of the date line, because of which the inhabitants experienced the same day twice - July 4th. After more than a century, residents decided to return everything back, which is why December 30 was canceled in 2011.

Features of time perception

For modern people, it is customary to divide time into the past, present and future, but in the physical sense, the so-called "present" time is a big convention. What is happening in this present?So, a person sees the light of stars, but a light wave flies from each of them for a different time: from a couple of light years to millions (Andromeda Nebula). The sun is the same for us as it was eight minutes ago.

But even if we talk about sensations from nearby objects, like a light bulb or a warm stove that you can touch with your hand, you should take into account the time that will pass from the moment when the light hits the retina of the eye or when information about the sensation is transmitted from the nerve endings to the brain. Everything perceived by a person in the present is something like a "hodgepodge" from the phenomena of the past.

Informatization and sense of time

It is not worth saying that changes in time really occur and this is a scientific fact, because there is no direct evidence for this. The reason that this phenomenon began to be fixed at the end of the 20th century can be explained by other factors. First of all, it is worth remembering that the transition to the information society has begun, and the amount of news received daily has increased. Previously, a person could hear one piece of news a day or, while studying at school, had a strictly defined amount of knowledge available, which made information easier to memorize and retained in the mind for a long time.

Currently, he gets hundreds of news from all over the world in the morning while reading the morning column in the newspaper. Do not forget about work and how much information will be received for the whole day. As a result, the brain does not have enough time to remember all the really important things and sort out the unnecessary. Because of this, it createsfeeling as if it is accelerating and one cannot keep up with it.

You can also refer to the physical laws mentioned earlier. Living on a planet with a huge number of belts, a person is not always able to adapt to his own: after all, in one city at 11 pm it is already dark, and in another the sky is still bright, but residents in both cities should already go to bed. This leads to a violation of biological rhythms, which further worsens the perception of the real course of things. It's also worth remembering that there is a linking formula for acceleration, speed, and time.

Also, the Sun gradually "absorbs" the planet. So, every year the Earth gradually changes its orbit and approaches the star. The more this distance decreases, the slower the Earth rotates around the Sun. This happens due to the strong gravitational field of the latter, which can slow down the movement of our planet. The more the speed of rotation slows down, the more noticeable is the acceleration of time. There will still be the same 24 hours in a day, since the small orbital trajectory will be compensated by a decrease in the rotation speed in this orbit, but these will not be the same hours that a person felt before.

It is impossible for a person to notice the process with standard methods, because it goes beyond the boundaries of the senses, as well as to determine the acceleration of time on Earth. However, our biological clock may well perceive this. The speed of the planet was never a constant value and regularly decreased. Each year will feel faster than the previous one. If the speed of the planet is not furtherdecrease and become a stationary value, then the Earth will acquire a certain orbit, and the acceleration will stop. Time will begin to flow as usual. The very uniformity of the course will depend on the constancy of the velocity and acceleration at the initial moment of time. From this dependence, it can be determined that time can not only become faster, but also slow down if the planet starts to rotate at a different speed.

From all the above scientific facts about the acceleration of time, we can conclude that this process on Earth is really noticeable for some people. However, this does not mean that there will suddenly be fewer hours in the day. For a person, only his sense of the passage of time will change.
