One of the features of the English language are phrasal verbs. They are a verb with a preposition and / or an adverb that are not translated separately, but form an independent unit of speech and are very different in meaning from the constituent parts. For example, the phrasal verb set in combination with various prepositions can mean both "pimp" and "prevent". Usually the verb and preposition follow each other, but sometimes other members of the sentence can be inserted between them.
Should I use phrasal verbs?

Phrasal verbs are found everywhere: in speech, writing, books, periodicals. The best way to remember them is to pay attention to them when they catch your eye. Subsequently, you can automatically insert them in the right place in a similar context. If you are in doubt whether this is a phrasal verb or just a verb followed by an adverb, you can always look in the dictionary (both ordinary and specialized, whereonly phrasal verbs are collected). And, of course, use them in your speech. Only practice will make them your friends.
Phrasal verb set

Today we will take the phrasal verb set as an example.
In its pure form, set is translated as: "set", "set", "define", "assign".
The workmen set the box carefully on the floor.
The Prime Minister's fierce speech set the tone for the rest of the conference.
This is an irregular verb, and its second and third forms correspond to the infinitive without the particle to - set, set, set. Participle I is formed as usual set + -ing=setting.
Phrasal verb set. Translation of various combinations
There are quite a lot of set-based phrasal verbs, and almost every one of them has several meanings. For example, set up. The translation of the phrasal verb set up depends entirely on the context. Let's look at options.
Set up:
- Start (business). Now his father plans to set up shop somewhere in Europe.
- Combine, match (used in informal dialogues). How did you meet Nick? A friend set us up (How did you meet Nick? We were introduced by a friend).
- Sponsor. After he qualified as a doctor, his mother set him up in a practice of his ownhis mother gave money to start his own practice).
Set in: to begin (about something long and not very pleasant). Winter seems to be setting in early this year.

Set off:
- Depart, leave. I set off early to avoid the traffic.
- Decorate. The blue sundress set off her long blonde hair
Set out: to leave, take off (especially on a long-term trip). Betty is setting out on a European journey in summer (Betty is going on a tour of Europe in the summer).
Set back: hinder, delay. Illness had set me back a couple of weeks
Set down:
- Record, put in writing. I wanted to set my shopping list down on the paper.
- Get off (from car, bus). The driver set her down at the station.
Set apart: it is advantageous to distinguish, highlight. Man's ability to reason sets him apart from other animals.
Set aside:
- Set aside (money), save, allocate (time). Try to set aside some time each day for exercise.
- Cancel. The judge set aside the verdict of the lower court (Judgeannulled the judgment of the lower court).
Set forth: state (arguments, facts). He set forth an idealistic view of society (He set forth an idealistic view of society).
Set to: take on, take on (for something vigorously, with enthusiasm). If we all set to, we'll finish the job in an hour.
Set against:
- Set one up against the other, set one against the other. The bitter civil war set brother against brother.
- Turn against, boycott. She's set herself against going to universety.
Set about: to start, to take steps (especially with regard to something that requires time and effort). A team of voluntarees set about the task with determination.