Officially, the collapse of the USSR, the date of which fell on December 8, 1991, was formalized on the territory of Belovezhskaya Pushcha, and more specifically, in the estate of Viskuli. Then the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian leaders put their signatures under the Agreement, according to which the Commonwe alth of Independent States was created. A little later, on December 21, eight more former republics joined them. Thus, the collapse of the USSR occurred 69 years after its foundation.

Now there is no unanimous opinion on the main reasons for the collapse of the Union. Some suggest that this was facilitated by the fall in the cost of oil on world markets, which was initiated by the US government. Others believe that the betrayal of Mikhail Gorbachev led to this. Still others believe that what happened is the result of the population's dissatisfaction with the authoritarian method of government in the country and the protracted socio-economic crisis. It is also widely believed that the collapse of the USSR happened due to a number of man-made disasters and military-political defeats of the state. There are other assumptions as well.

Conspiracy theory today is very widespread. According to her, the collapse of one of the most powerful countries in the world occurred as a result of the consistent and long-term work of the intelligentsia, which was opposed to the state. Proponents of another theory are sure that it was the Americans who provoked the collapse of the USSR. Gorbachev played a significant role in it, providing them with a legitimate field for activity with his "perestroika". This process, in their sincere conviction, was intended primarily to change the ideological policy. Representatives of the domestic intelligentsia, who acted as the vanguard of everything new, were radically minded and oriented towards Western states. In the mid-eighties of the last century, these people in their activities sought to revise historical events, giving them a different meaning. For example, the socialist revolution of 1917 was called a coup. Many thought they were right.

However, many historians do not agree that the collapse of the USSR was initiated by external factors. They are prompted to such a conclusion by the fact that the Soviet political elite, starting from the mid-sixties, believed less and less in its official ideology and gradually turned into admirers of bourgeois values. Moreover, when solving issues of different levels in all spheres of activity, "telephone law", bribery and corruption flourished. Many citizens joined the Communist Party no longer for ideological reasons,as before, but only in order not to lose the opportunity to make a career. All this, together with the fall among the population of confidence in the socialist system of the state, could not but undermine it from within. So this version has the right to exist.
Thus, it is very difficult to say for sure that one of the above reasons is the one that caused the collapse of the USSR. Without a doubt, the answer to this question should be approached comprehensively. In other words, the combination of all these events most likely led to the collapse of such a powerful state.