At the present time, the issue of increasing the speed of assimilation of information has become especially relevant. One way to deal with a huge amount of information is to read diagonally.
Factors making it difficult to read quickly
There are a number of factors that negatively affect reading speed. Looking at each one in detail will help you understand what mistakes you may have made.

Regression is one of the most common flaws. When reading, the gaze involuntarily bounces back to the phrase just read. This happens mechanically and significantly reduces the speed of reading the text.
Lack of concentration means switching to extraneous sounds, objects and thoughts. In this regard, interest is reduced and understanding is difficult, which makes you return to the read passage again. To eliminate this problem, one should work on developing the ability to concentrate, as well as eliminating possible distractions.
Articulation or silent speaking also significantly slows down the process. We must learn to perceivethe meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, without pronouncing it. The brain is able to capture and transform the received information much faster. Internal speaking happens at the same speed as you read aloud. This is a habit that many have formed during childhood and will require some conscious effort to change.
Hinders and limited field of view. Most people focus on a limited area of text: from one to several words per line. Fast reading implies the perception of a larger field: from a line to a whole paragraph. The eyes make fewer transitions and jumps, which not only speeds up the process, but also reduces the degree of fatigue.
Basic ways of reading

There are several ways to read:
- Deep. This thoughtful analytical study of information is used in the study of various disciplines, since in addition to reading, an assessment of the material is made, followed by the formulation of conclusions.
- Panoramic. This method involves increasing the perception of the page field due to peripheral vision and at the same time assimilating a larger section of text.
- Scanning is used when it is necessary to find certain facts without being distracted by descriptions. To do this, you can use any method convenient for you: both reading diagonally and from top to bottom.
- Selective - one of the varieties of speed reading. The reader scans the text, fixing attention on more important points. This method is good for quickly finding information or reviewing previously read material.
Conditions for mastering a new technique
To achieve success in any kind of intellectual activity, whether it is learning a foreign language or reading diagonally, a number of conditions must be observed. These are simple, but important rules, the implementation of which will greatly speed up the achievement of the desired:
- Workplace organization. If possible, eliminate all distractions, find a secluded place, provide yourself with good lighting and comfort.
- Regularity of classes. Successful mastery of any skill requires consistency. The best option is to devote time to reading daily, one to two hours. However, if this is not possible, try to find at least 15-30 minutes a day. This will be much more effective than a lesson lasting several hours once a week.
- Gradual increase in difficulty. Regardless of which exercises you choose, you should gradually increase the level of difficulty. The same applies to training texts. Start with easy to understand. Early on in learning, it is important to rewire the brain and start applying new reading techniques.

What is diagonal reading, how to learn it and what to pay attention to? Understanding the essence of the above methods and eliminating obstacles will significantly increase the likelihood of approaching success. But in addition to this, it is important to fulfill certainexercises:
Schulte table. The essence of one of the exercises that allow you to develop this skill is as follows: fix your eyes on the central number 1 and name all the numbers in the table in order. It is important that the eye does not move around the page
5 | 13 | 23 | 6 | 9 |
10 | 18 | 21 | 25 | 16 |
7 | 20 | 1 | 24 | 12 |
17 | 15 | 22 | 3 | 4 |
11 | 2 | 19 | 14 | 8 |
- Read two lines at the same time and try to catch the meaning. Then increase to three or four lines. Over time, this will help develop the skill of "reading diagonally".
- Track the time and try to find the words for:
such | dry | flow | find | mass |
before | dance | drop | part | yesterday |
humidity | reach | sea | straight | except |
crowd | many | new | rain | cute |
address | as if | wave | law | then |
narrow | river | wind | cloud | sun |
what | grey | dream | scarlet | ultramarine |
sorry | paintings | purple | straight | leaves |
image | blue | school | cloud | place |
dot | lake | door | pink | month |
red | book | indigo | song | azure |
dance | flower | summer | about | spring |
The above exercises will help develop not only speed, but also attentiveness, the ability to concentrate and find the necessary information among other information.
Reading diagonally, main benefits

One of the significant advantages of such information processing is the speed and the ability to cover a large volume in a short time. However, this method is not appropriate if you have to read a complex text that requires thoughtful reading and memorization. This method is best used for magazines or newspapers.
Use reading books diagonally if you want to get acquainted with the general content and learn the most significant points, while not focusing on less important information.