In the modern world, it is very difficult to do without control. Alas, human society is still far from learning how to do what it does well and with high quality. And here control methods come to the rescue. In fact, these are the methods by which the effectiveness of human activity is determined. What are they?
General information about methods
Let's go over the theory first. There are various forms and methods of control. For now, we will not touch on the specifics and will talk in general terms. The main control methods are:
- Constant surveillance. It allows the leader to make a judgment about the student's attitude to classes, as well as the availability and feasibility for him of instructions, orders, job descriptions. In addition, you can personally observe the level of skill.
- Oral poll. There are three types: individual, frontal and combined (compacted). The first option involves a detailed answer to a specific question or a group of them. Frontal survey involveswork with a lot of people. It is necessary to answer questions that require a small amount of answers. And the combined answer - when several people are called, and oral and written explanations are required from them. An example is the actions of management when a shortage is detected. Initially, there is an oral survey, then an explanatory note is written about what and how.
- Checking written documentation. The main purpose of the search is to reconcile data on the position (company, sales, etc.). Also used for auditing, accounting, management and financial accounting.
- Checking the level of qualification. Used to determine whether a specialist has enough experience to perform a certain job or not, whether he fits the position he holds or needs to be transferred to a lower one.
Here are the methods of control. Of course, this is only general information, which needs additional detail and more detailed study.
General information about forms and types of control

They depend on the specifics of the organization of work. There are five of them in total:
- Front shape. Involves providing short answers to questions posed and requests to explain data and information.
- Group form. Work is carried out only with a certain number of employees or data. They also address certain questions about something. Although it should be noted that representatives of other groups who are not currentlycontrolled.
- Individual shape. Used to get acquainted with the skills, abilities and knowledge of individual employees, as well as with the results of their activities.
- Combined form. Assumes a combination of points 1-3.
- Self-control. It assumes that the employees themselves observe the quality of their work, the functionality of the equipment, the reliability and timeliness of information on their own without external coercion. In many cases, this is the most attractive, albeit elusive, option.
Besides, other species should be mentioned:
- Current control. It is carried out by the immediate supervisor during daily work, for example, the head of the shop for certain areas.
- Periodic control. It is carried out after the completion of a certain logically completed part of the work. For example, the production cycle or the end of the quarter.
- Final control. Conducted before reporting for the whole year.
Additionally, we can also recall planned, preliminary, thematic and deferred control. In general, there are various forms, types and methods of control that allow you to keep abreast of life. And in favor of what to make a choice is decided in a certain situation.
What is their place in monitoring the situation?
Let's look at an example based on the information already presented:
- Preliminary control. It usually performs diagnostic tasks. It is carried out to identify the skills, knowledge and skills of a specialist,sufficient to perform certain tasks. It is carried out when applying for a job or before assigning new duties. It allows you to choose the most efficient way to perform the assigned functions.
- Current control. It takes place during a certain process (for example, production), and allows you to determine how completed the creation of products, works, services. It is also necessary to determine their quality. Current control allows you to identify gaps in a timely manner and take the necessary actions to eliminate them. It also encourages accountability for the work being done.
- Periodic control. Summarizes results for a certain period of time. For example, a quarter or half a year.
- Final control. Designed to determine the final results of activities. For example, for a year or upon liquidation of an enterprise. Covers every possible moment.
- Delayed control. It is carried out after a certain time after the implementation of the action. Auditing is a good example. Called to form an opinion on the effectiveness of the functioning process based on the results of a certain time period.
There may be certain specific situations. For example, if a student from a university is accepted. In this case, practical control can be carried out in order to identify the formed skills and habits of real work. Separately, mention should be made of money. There are special methods of financial control, the task of which is to prevent misuse and / or waste.
Use of Information Technology

Means and methods of control are constantly being improved. The development of computer technologies has introduced a new word into the monitoring process. Machine control saves time for both inspectors and workers. Indeed, with the help of technology, it is easy to establish uniform requirements for the assessment and measurement of knowledge. Also, the working information obtained by machines is very easy to process. And in addition, subjectivity is eliminated when evaluating results.
Another important point - the use of machine control allows you to increase the effectiveness of self-control. An example from personal life can be given when a person monitors all his expenses and incomes with the help of mobile assistants. Of course, you can do without them, but then summing up and searching for information will take a significant amount of time until all the papers and checks are sorted out. Whereas the technique allows you to quickly summarize all the necessary information and display it in an attractive way.
It must be admitted that self-control can be achieved without a car. In this case, you will have to independently look for errors, analyze the reasons for wrong decisions, summarize all the data and do a lot of other monotonous and tedious work. In modern manufacturing enterprises, quality control methods are often automated and human involvement is kept to a minimum. This allows you to get high quality results at a lower cost. Which, in turn, leads to an increase in competitiveness and allows you to survive in a tough market. You can't miss thatthe need that information technology has in the field of accounting. After all, they also contribute to control! Accounting, financial, management accounting at any relatively active small enterprise with more than one founder, medium and large businesses are impossible without information technology.
About requirements

Let's say we need to provide adequate and effective quality control methods. To do this, they must meet certain requirements. Namely:
- Systematic and regular implementation of control at all stages.
- Variety of shapes.
- Versatility. It is necessary to check the qualitative and quantitative indicators, theoretical knowledge, intellectual and practical skills and abilities, qualification level.
- Individual nature of control. When working with employees, you cannot replace the results of one person with the activities of the team and vice versa.
- Objectivity. It is necessary to exclude erroneous and subjective conclusions and judgments.
- Differentiated approach. It is necessary to take into account individual properties, personal qualities, conditions.
- All objects must comply with the unity of requirements.
It should be noted that control methods should be easy to use. Approaches also differ depending on the conditions in which one has to act. For example, in an educational institution, you can talk about one thing, at an enterprise, completely different requirements are put forward. It is still possibleto make such a generalization. In the future, the focus will be on control methods at the enterprise.
Modeling the situation with a commercial structure

Control methods are tools that are based on the presentation of data (including graphically), which allow you to familiarize yourself, understand and solve a specific problem. The source data are taken as the basis, which are subjected to special processing by statistical and mathematical tools. If we talk about graphical representation, then the most popular are:
- General Defect List.
- Histogram.
- Quality Control Chart.
- Pareto chart.
- Graphic depiction of cause and effect.
- Correlation chart.
- Brainstorming.
The first three are used to detect defects, the remaining four are used to analyze it. If it is necessary to use, for example, financial control methods to identify problems, then they are quite suitable for this task. Let's imagine how a group of specialists works:
- General list of defects. This is an inexpensive and simple accounting method that allows you to sort certain events by number and species diversity. Defects are listed in a two-dimensional table, and each error is fixed, for example, with a dash. You can insert separate lines for unexpected and expected problems.
- Histogram. This tool allows you to graphically display tabular data aboutdefects. Thanks to this, you can clearly see them. This view is also convenient for revealing the structure and nature of the available data, which is difficult to see in a tabular view. How are they built? In this case, transfer from the table to the column chart is provided. On the x-axis, you can place the change intervals, while on the y-axis, you can display the defect frequency values. Thanks to the histogram, it is easy to evaluate the ongoing process and make an assumption about the future.
Other moments of the simulated situation

Assume that financial control methods were needed due to the detection of marriage. In the future, you must use the following methods:
- Quality control chart. It is a graphical interpretation of random events in a certain coordinate system. In production, workers can independently control the quality aspect of the activity by randomly choosing random products on the line and sent for inspection. Its results are recorded in a special document. With their help, you can judge the presence of deviations, whether they go beyond the established norm. If there are no problems, then the process is considered to be under control.
- Pareto chart. It is used to graphically display the causes of problems in the sequence of their impact on internal processes. Defects are evaluated based on their significance or on the amount of costs that are needed to correct them. This is where the famous Pareto Principle comes into play, which says that 80% of our problems will come from 20% of our problems. Sothe chart is used to rank the sequence of problems in the order in which they were solved.
- Graphic depiction of cause and effect. Also known as the Ishikawa diagram. This graphical method is used to analyze and then form cause-and-effect relationships. With its help, all possible causes that relate to the problem are recognized and investigated. At the same time, five main groups are distinguished that are dedicated to: man, machine, methods, materials and the environment. If necessary, they can be detailed.
Correlation chart and brainstorming

Finishing the Enterprise Model:
- Correlation diagram. It is a graphical representation of the statistical relationship between a certain number of measured factors (at least two). In this case, the magnitude of their relationship is established. As an example, you can draw a diagram that contains points that are responsible for the signs "width" and "temperature". A positive correlation in this case indicates that the higher the temperature, the greater the width. Examples include ice, water and steam. Negative correlation provides an inverse relationship, that is, the higher the temperature, the narrower the width will be.
- Brainstorming. It is a group-oriented method of searching for ideas, as well as jointly forming a way to solve problems. It has the following rules: there should be no criticism in the idea-seeking phase; focus on quantity, notquality; unbridled fantasy is only welcome; everything needs to be presented and recorded. Initially, the facilitator writes down the existing problem on the board. It is also necessary to remind those present to follow the rules. Then the first phase of the search for ideas begins, the duration of which is negotiated. At the request of the group, it can be extended. The results are recorded in the minutes and the ideas are written on the board. Then the members of the group begin to evaluate them and choose the best ones.
This is one of the seven stages of solving problems that arise in enterprises. Of course, one should not think that everything is limited only to them. This is just one example of a possible activity that would be more suitable for conventional businesses oriented towards production and/or trade. What if it's not that simple?
About non-destructive testing methods
Let's talk about technical issues. Non-destructive testing methods - most often this is an analysis of the reliability, basic performance and other necessary properties for a particular object or its element, provided that it is not dismantled or taken out of service. That is, they are used to check the quality of the product without destroying it. Consider an example when it is necessary to evaluate the upper limit of the load leading to damage that makes operation impossible: a car crash test. But what if it is too expensive, difficult, impractical? In this case, GOST-18353-79 will come to the rescue. It offers us the following methods:
- Vortex.
- Radio wave.
- Optical.
- Acoustic (also called ultrasonic).
- Magnetic.
- Thermal.
- Penetrating.
- Electric.
Physical control methods are somewhat separate, which are used to check the quality of welded work, coating of iron surfaces and so on. Returning to non-destructive methods, it should be noted that despite the rather impressive variety, magnetic and acoustic methods are most often used. While radiation can provide more options. Also, its significant advantage is that it can be used in the diagnosis of materials that others cannot handle, such as composites. Of course, the specific use case depends on what is being worked on, as cost must always be kept in mind.
About the work of the enterprise

And finally, we need to consider tax control methods in order to pay attention to the maximum possible number of aspects encountered in practice. What are they? Tax control methods are methods and techniques for checking the legality of business transactions, as well as whether they are displayed correctly in documents and tax registers, whether taxes have been fully accrued and paid to the budget, and whether there are signs of offenses in the actions of the taxpayer. However, they are quite closely intertwined and it is quite difficult to separate them. But you can try:
- Documentary. These include requests andseizure of documents, as well as accounting registers, verification of the correctness and reliability of reporting, compliance with the law, the validity of operations performed, the coincidence of arithmetic values.
- Actual. This includes expertise, inventory of property, verification of the actual amount of work that was paid, test purchase, analysis of the quality of materials and raw materials.
- Settlement and analytical. These are economic data analysis, technical calculations and logical assessment, pricing control.
- Informational. Requesting and receiving explanations from the taxpayer, requesting written certificates, clarification of applicable laws.
We have analyzed the methods and methods of control exercised in various areas of human life.