Russian statistics: how many schools are there in Russia?

Russian statistics: how many schools are there in Russia?
Russian statistics: how many schools are there in Russia?

It happens that inexperienced first graders and first graders manage to get lost in school. Since, out of habit, even 500 students for the entire institution can seem like a huge crowd. And what happens if we gather together all the students at once, who are the same number as there are schools in Russia, multiplied by about a thousand? It is clear that such an event is something absolutely impossible. However, it is enough just to look at the statistics on how many schools and students there are in Russia in order to both admire and be horrified by their large number. For this article.

How many schools are there in Russia

In the Russian Federation, most students have the opportunity to study in various types of institutions:

  1. Primary education for preschool and primary school children.
  2. Comprehensive schools.
  3. Boarding schools (these include boarding schools, sanatorium schools, he alth facilities and the like).
  4. Cadet schools.
  5. As well as educational institutions for children with physical disabilities and children with mental disabilities.

This is just an enumeration, which, however, is already amazing.

how many schools in russia
how many schools in russia

But still, how many schools are there in Russia? According to rough estimates, the number of general education institutions exceeds 50,000. At the same time, most of them are general education schools and boarding schools, mainly providing students with secondary education. Their share is 9/10 of all educational institutions in Russia, not counting higher educational institutions and institutions of secondary specialized education.

How many students are in Russian schools

When considering the number of pupils and pupils, only a group of the above types of educational institutions were taken into account. So, in general, students and pupils make up a little more than 15 million people. This is a little less than one tenth of the entire population of the Russian Federation, which, of course, cannot but amaze. Moreover, every year schools all over Russia accept about 2 million children into their ranks.

How many teachers in Russia

how much in russia
how much in russia

Compared to the situation in the Soviet Union, there are now more teachers per school than there used to be. This is due to the more "small-sized" classes. Whereas class sizes of 30 were the norm during the Soviet Union, now the average number of students per class has been reduced by about 10 students in an effort to improve learning productivity and behaviour. The number of teachers in the Russian Federation is approximately 1.5 million people.
