Holland or the Netherlands? Many people will be puzzled by this question. Next, we will try to deal with this issue, as well as learn more about this country and its inhabitants.
Holland country overview
What do you know about this state? Holland is a country of tulips, windmills and beautiful European architecture. This is the birthplace of Van Gogh and Rembrandt. The famous Dutch cheese was invented here, and the main symbols of the country are clay pipes and wooden shoes.

Officially, the state is called the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It includes the Netherlands itself and 6 territories in the Caribbean. They include Aruba, Sint Maarten, Curaçao (self-governing states), Saba, Bonaire and Sint Eustatius (have the status of special communities). The name "Netherlands" is translated from Dutch as "low land", as most of the country is below sea level.
The European part of the kingdom, directly the Netherlands, is located in the northwest of Europe. In the east, Germany is a neighbor, in the south - Belgium, from the north and west the country is surrounded by the North Sea. The capital is Amsterdam, although in fact the main city is consideredThe Hague, it is there that the residence of the ruling monarch and the parliament are located.
Historical background
Now two names are used to designate one state - Holland and the Netherlands. It is important that the first is popular, it is historically fixed, the second is official and more correct. Where did it all start?
One of the first on the territory of the modern kingdom were the Germanic tribes. Later, these lands began to be occupied by the Romans. In the Middle Ages, the Netherlands consisted of many separate duchies, which later merged into the Hanseatic League.

In the 15th century, under the rule of the Spanish Habsburgs, the duchies united with Luxembourg and Belgium into a single state called the "Lowlands", or the Netherlands. Spain prevented the development of a new association. During the struggle for its independence, the Netherlands became the first country in the world where a bourgeois revolution took place.
After gaining independence in 1648 and becoming the Republic of the United Provinces, the state is experiencing a "Golden Age" in its development. The main role in the economic recovery was played by two provinces of the republic - South and North Holland. Outside the state, they were better known, so for many Europeans the terms Holland and the Netherlands meant the same thing, although this is not true.
In 1814, the state was renamed the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Belgium and Luxembourg left the union in the 19th century. And the name of the Netherlands was assigned to the remaining lands.
Dutch population
In 2016, approximately 17 million people lived in the country. Recently, the population of Holland has been growing rapidly. Apart from the dwarf states, the Netherlands is the most populous European power. In the world, according to this indicator, it ranks fifteenth. The population density per square kilometer is 405.
The rural population is about 10%. The main part of the population lives in the polycentric urban agglomeration - Randstad. It includes the city of Utrecht, which is the largest railway junction in the state. It also includes the largest Dutch port of Rotterdam, Eindhoven - a center of high technology, The Hague, Amsterdam and Leiden - a city of universities.

Outside the country, the Dutch mostly live in Belgium (6-7 million). About five million settled in the United States, more than two million are residents of South Africa. The rest settled in Canada, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, South America and the UK.
Ethnicity and Religion
The composition of the Dutch population is characterized by homogeneity. Approximately 84% of the inhabitants are ethnic Dutch and Flemish. The composition of Holland, more precisely, among its citizens, also includes the Frisians. Among the minorities in the country, the smallest Germans are about 2%.
In recent years, the population of Holland has replenished with migrants from Africa and Asia. Residents of non-European countries now account for approximately 9%. Among them are Turks, Indonesians, Indians,Moroccans, Surinamese, people from Aruba, Antilles, etc.

Protestantism and Catholicism are the main religious beliefs in the Netherlands. They are professed by more than 60% of people. Muslims make up about 7%. The rest of the population adheres to Hinduism, Buddhism and other beliefs.
What are the real Dutch?
There are many stereotypes about the inhabitants of the Netherlands. The most persistent of them tells about the use of drugs by citizens. But, despite the fact that marijuana is legal in the country, the Dutch use it much less than many other Europeans.
In some ways, the inhabitants of the kingdom sometimes resemble the Germans. They love accuracy and punctuality, even planning a meeting with close relatives and friends in the diary. The Dutch are famous for their restraint and will never interfere in other people's affairs. At the same time, they are very honest and straightforward. If you need to evaluate something, then they will not dissemble, they will give everything as it is.

Most of the country's residents go in for sports all year round and take care of their he alth. The favorite transport of every Dutchman is a bicycle. True, they also love to eat delicious food. The traditional dish is herring with onions, as well as french fries with mayonnaise.
The Kingdom of the Netherlands is a small Western European country with a very complicated history. The Germanic tribes were the first to settle in its expanses, and this probably affected the character and lifestyle of the Dutch. Bigpart of the population prefers to live within their own country, leaving only for countries with more favorable weather. The Dutch make up more than 80% of all inhabitants, thereby preserving their culture and language.