Children are very interested in participating in various competitions, relay races. The event, the main idea of which is intellectual questions, will surely attract a lot of people who want to participate. Such activities will captivate both children and adults. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to them and conducting them more often, especially among middle and high school students.
What are the benefits of mind games for schoolchildren
A smart game that includes intellectual questions is very useful for children. In terms of personal development, this will help:
- learn to make important decisions quickly;
- think logically;
- find solutions to difficult situations;
- increase brain activity;
- feel the confidence and spirit of victory when you answer correctly.

In terms of benefits for the company of children, intellectual questions and a spirit of excitement will contribute:
- active communication between students;
- ability to work in a team;
- develop communication skills;
- to unite the team in a difficult situation.
In any case, intellectual questions for schoolchildren will help make a bright holiday filled with emotions and the desire to win.
How to get kids interested
For the most part, students themselves do not mind taking on such a responsible mission as participating in an intellectual relay race. But in order for the game to be filled with excitement, a thirst for victory and efforts, it is worth coming up with a motivation. It could be:
- a gift for everyone;
- cup for the winning team;
- diplomas to all participants;
- winning a ticket to a children's pioneer camp;
- automatically receive grades for items related to the theme of the game.

There are countless ideas for rewards. The main thing is to have an incentive to take an active position in the intellectual relay race.
Interesting intellectual questions for high school students
To make the competition active, unusual and interesting, you need to carefully prepare for it. Various intelligent questions with answers will help to do this:
- Name the continents on the globe that begin with the letter "A". How many are there in number? (There are five: North America, South America, Africa, Australia and Antarctica.)
- How many eyes does a fly have? (Five.)
- How many sense organs does a person have that are considered basic? (Five: sight, hearing,smell, taste, touch.)
- How many squares are on the chessboard in total? (There are sixty-four squares on the chessboard.)
- How many times did the old man meet the golden fish from the sea in the fairy tale? (He called her five times.)
- How many leaves are in a lily of the valley? (Two.)
- How many days does a hen need to incubate an egg to hatch a chick? (Twenty-one days.)
- What is the tongue in the mouth for? (Behind the teeth.)
- Until what point can you go deep into the forest? (Exactly halfway, because after half you start to leave the forest.)
- Four cones grew on one of the birches, and five cones on the second. How many cones are on two birches? (Cones do not grow on birches.)
Such intelligent questions with answers will help children think and be smart during the game. It is worth preparing for the relay race to be held in one breath, and stock up on additional questions.
Questions for an intellectual trick game
Kids are quicker than adults to perceive tasks that have errors, so you can safely include cunning in the game. Interesting and reactive questions for a mind game might be:
- What geometric figure can be called "Solar"? (Ray)
- What bag do you most often go on a hike with? (With backpack.)
- What is the sharpest heel among the rest? (Hairpin.)
- Ballet with teeth. (Nutcracker.)
- Sports female name. (Olympics.)
- Musical flower. (Bell.)
- The kindestdoctor in the world. (Aibolit.)
- This musical instrument is often taken on camping trips. (Guitar.)
- A tourist that the whole world knows. (Robinson Crusoe.)
- Which artist painted the world's most mysterious smile? (Leonardo da Vinci.)

Such questions for an intellectual game will definitely cause excitement and thirst for victory in children.
Questions for the little ones in intellectual relay races
The youngest schoolchildren should not be ignored in such games. Children's questions for the intellectual competition will help to involve a large number of children in the relay race, even first-graders. Assignments should be easy. Children should be asked to answer who they will become if:
- Will go to the doctor. (A patient.)
- Will watch TV. (Viewer.)
- Play loud music after 11pm. (Troublemaker.)
- Will travel by public transport. (A passenger.)
- Sit behind the wheel of a car. (Driver.)
- Will worry about the game of their favorite football team. (Cheerleader.)
- Go to the grocery store. (by the buyer.)
- They will go to rest on the sea or in the mountains. (Vacationers.)
- They will go with a fishing rod to the pond. (A fisherman.)
- They will come to someone's home. (Guest.)
Multiple choice questions, one of which is correct
You can also offer children questions that have several answers, and they must choose the correct one.
1. What color is not in the rainbow?
- Red.
- Orange.
- Brown.
- Green.
Correct answer: brown.
2. If you mix red and blue paint, what color do you get?
- Blue.
- Purple.
- Green.
- Orange.
Correct answer: purple.
3. Who in the military has blue berets?
- Sailors.
- Pilots.
- Tankers.
- Paratroopers.
Correct answer: paratroopers.

4. Which plant is not blue?
- Forget-me-not.
- Chicory.
- Buttercup.
- Cornflower.
Correct answer: buttercup.
5. What sea does not exist in the world?
- Red.
- Blue.
- Yellow.
- White.
Correct answer: blue.
Questions with humor
1. One person really disliked the Eiffel Tower, but every time he dined at the lower level of this structure, why?
Answer: you can't see the tower from there.
2. What kind of surface is used all the time but hardly ever driven?
Answer: stairs.
3. Two people approached the river at the same time, a boat stood on the shore. The boat could only support one, but both men landed on the opposite bank. How did it happen?
Answer: they came to different shores.

4. How can a person not sleep for eight days?
Answer: maybe if he sleeps onat night.
5. Which word uses "no" a hundred times?
Answer: moaning.
Let the intellectual game for schoolchildren go like clockwork. Cheerful and sonorous children's voices will fill the younger generation with joy and faith.