Updating knowledge is an important step in any lesson. This process deserves separate consideration, since the final result of training depends on it.
Updating students' knowledge is a process that involves deliberate and arbitrary mental actions aimed at extracting experience and skills from the memory of schoolchildren, identifying the ability to use them.
For example, you can test the practical skills of high school students by conducting small experiments in chemistry lessons.
The stage of actualization of knowledge involves the extraction of feelings, desires, thoughts from short-term or long-term memory.
Depending on the specifics of the academic discipline, such a test may be incomplete, difficult, easy, selective.

Lesson steps
Updating knowledge and skills is part of the modern lesson within the framework of the second generation Federal State Standards. The main didactic task pursued by the teacher when planning a lesson is to systematize the knowledge, skills, and abilities available to schoolchildren related to the subject of the lesson.
Updating knowledge is the stage of the lesson, whichnecessary so that the teacher can proceed to the explanation of new material.
Stage content
How to achieve the desired result? The stage of updating knowledge is aimed at organizing the actions of students related to the topic of the lesson. The teacher, conducting a variety of surveys, reveals the level of learning. To do this, he uses an oral and frontal survey, work with a textbook, thematic dictations.
The duration of such a survey is 5-7 minutes, and the number of tasks is expected to be in the range of 5-10 pieces.
Further, based on the information received, the teacher develops an educational trajectory for his students, while moving along which they will be able to acquire new skills and abilities.
Updating knowledge allows the teacher to identify the main gaps in knowledge, find options for filling them before new material is studied.

Basic steps
The stages of the lesson, updating knowledge in particular, involve the following actions:
- setting a task for schoolchildren, which can be solved only if they have knowledge on this topic;
- teacher's story (conversation) about the practical and theoretical significance of the material that is planned for consideration;
- historical background on the issue under consideration.
Why do we need to update knowledge? Its purpose is to create a problem situation, when looking for a way to solve it, students smoothly move on to a new topic.
FSES involves summing upschoolchildren to independently formulate the topic, identify the purpose of the lesson. This is fully facilitated by the preliminary actualization of knowledge, which is an integral part of the lessons of the problem-developing type.
Once the main task is identified, you can proceed to drawing up a plan for future activities. The teacher is the coordinator of the work, but the main burden falls on the students themselves.
Some teachers are convinced that updating knowledge is a survey. Psychologists say that these are different concepts. Actualization involves the concentration of children's attention, the student's awareness of the importance of the work ahead, the motivation for vigorous activity.

How can you achieve the desired result? There are various ways to update knowledge:
- do a terminological test dictation;
- use a short frontal, written, oral, as well as individual survey on the topic, the purpose of which will be to enhance the mental activity of schoolchildren;
- apply Shatalov's reference notes;
- to re-explain the material.
The points listed above constitute a single methodological structure.
What are the main tasks of the knowledge update stage? The generalization of facts is supposed, the establishment of a connection between old knowledge and new data.
In the process of such activities, a problem situation is formulated, techniques and means are used to prepare children for independentactivities.
At the second stage, new terms and an algorithm of actions are formed.
Before explaining new material, internal and interdisciplinary connections can be identified. This is the purpose of updating knowledge in the classroom. To achieve it, the following techniques are used: analysis, raising questions, isolating, putting forward hypotheses.
As the work progresses, the development of many components of educational work: planning, algorithm of actions, analysis options.
The purpose of the stage of updating knowledge in the lesson in each academic discipline is set individually, but its general purpose is similar.
An occupation of this type has real opportunities for the upbringing and development of the younger generation, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard. Note that the teacher does not fully realize the educational task, since he does not guarantee the formation of strong and deep knowledge, but creates excellent prerequisites for the subsequent links of the learning process.

Pedagogical Techniques
All stages of the lesson, updating knowledge in particular, involve the use of various techniques, such as problem-based learning techniques. Its specificity lies in the maximum involvement of all participants in the educational process, filling the lesson with vivid examples and facts, the use of teaching aids, as well as modern information technologies.
The task of updating knowledge includes a certain variant of independent work: productive, reproductive,partial-search engine.
In addition, it is supposed to select the form of education: frontal, group, individual. The teacher chooses some basic concepts for updating, develops forms of control.
The stage of updating the basic knowledge allows you to save time on explaining new material, bringing theory as close as possible to real practice.
Lesson structure
Any lesson contains several basic structural elements:
- subject;
- checking homework;
- knowledge control;
- updating skills and abilities;
- motivation to gain new knowledge;
- generalization and repetition of material;
- homework.
What is the purpose of updating knowledge? The purpose of the stage is to motivate the independent activity of schoolchildren.
Professionals who own teaching methods try to include elements of problematicness in the lesson. Of course, this does not mean that every training session should have all the elements. GEF involves the choice of those components of the lesson that are optimal in each specific situation.
When is it appropriate to update knowledge? Its purpose is to analyze skills and abilities, therefore, such activities are appropriate at various stages of the training session.
The guarantee of the high efficiency of the teacher's work is considered not only his constant work, but also the use of non-traditional forms of lessons, thoughtful extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activity scenario
Offerto your attention a variant of the lesson related to the formation of successful communication skills.
The purpose of this event is to activate the skills of communication, collectivism, social mobility.
The educational aspect of the lesson is the formation of a sense of responsibility, comradely relations between team members.
The developmental aspect is to develop and develop communicative and general intellectual skills and abilities.
The guys get the skills of analysis, argumentation of their answer, reflection and correction of actions.
The students close their eyes and imagine the following situation. You receive a huge inheritance, you can fulfill any desires. But there is one caveat - you can only live on a desert island.
It is warm here all year round, there are many green plants and shrubs, but there are no friends or girlfriends. Imagine yourself on such an island? Think about whether it would be interesting for you to live on the island alone? Do you want to stay on it? Those guys who are not ready to exist alone open their eyes. Why did you decide to come back, because you have so much money?
Answers of schoolchildren: "No friends, girlfriends, no one to play with, talk to."
Of course, one person is very bad. We will devote our lesson to the art of communication.
In Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary, the word "communicate" means - to maintain mutual relations. Vygodsky believed that it is thanks to other people that a person comes to know himself.
But do today's teenagers know how to communicate? Are there any ingredients for successful communication? WeLet's try to find answers to these questions together.
Teacher: "I'll tell you a fairy tale that has so much truth in it."

Fairy tale
A white mouse lived in a small town. He loved his parents, brothers and sisters. The mouse had a big and kind heart. When the mouse began to study at school, he began to make new friends. He believed all their words, believed that they were the same as him: kind and honest. The mouse seemed to live in some other world. He wanted to give everyone sincere advice. But evil mice began to appear around him, who were jealous of the success of the little mouse.
Gray mice didn't know anything, didn't know how, didn't want to learn. And the kid wanted and acquired new knowledge. Gray mice tried to harm him by any means, told various nasty things about him. The baby often cried in his hole.
But fortunately, there were always true friends next to him. No matter how hard the gray mice tried, they could not change the white mouse. He kept a good heart, continued to believe in love and friendship. Of course, this is just a fairy tale. The mouse with honor passed all the tests. But can a person always cope with such problems?"
Answers of schoolchildren: "No, not always".
Teacher: "Would you like to communicate with that person who speaks badly of you?"
Student answers: "No".
Any harsh word thrown in the heat of anger will hurt a friend, it will push him away. But there are alsogood words.
Game "Compliment to the little mouse"
Task. The guys pass the teddy mouse, complimenting him.
Teacher: "Guys, the kid liked your kind words, and now try to say them to each other."
Heart Game
Turning to his neighbor, the child gives him a toy heart, pronounces kind words.
So, the first component of the formula for success in communication will be kind words.
Game "T-shirt for mates"
Each student is offered a piece of paper and a ballpoint pen.
You need to make an imaginary inscription on a T-shirt, telling other people about yourself. On the back of the sheet, the guys write those qualities that they would like to hide from friends. Show your neighbor the “front” part of the “t-shirt”, where good words about yourself are written. Do you want to show him the other side? How easy is it to admit flaws? We see them so quickly in other people, but we don't see them in ourselves.
The second component of success is the ability to see problems in yourself, and not in your interlocutor.
Game "Do you believe us?"
The guys form a circle, then stretch out their arms, hold them tightly. One student stands in the middle, closes his eyes, sways in different directions. The teacher asks the daredevil if he was afraid?
The third component of successful communication is sincerity. Only trust leads to true understanding and meaningful communication.
Game "Competitors?"
The guys are divided into pairs, sit opposite each other. They act as competitors, have availablea pen and a sheet of paper. Each is offered a red card. If one of them agrees with the opinion of the second, you need to show the partner a red card.
Let's assume that everyone has 3 million rubles. You can add to them, remove the amount during the game. For example, a deal is offered by a dubious firm. She can bring you 5 million. If one participant agrees to the contract, 5 million appears in his piggy bank, and the second player loses them. If no one is ready for a shady deal, everyone can count on 3 million.
The one who tried to defend his personal interests turned out to be bankrupt. Distrust, inability to understand, listen to friends, always leads to failure and deceit.
The fourth component of successful communication is the ability to hear the interlocutor.
Here they are - those four components that lead to mutual understanding are the real components of friendship.
Such an event is the best guarantee of activating communication skills, putting theoretical information into practice.

The Importance of Lesson Plans
Any Russian teacher, regardless of length of service, professional field, develops curricula. It includes not only goals, objectives, activity algorithm, homework, methodological kit. Among the components of the plan being created, one can consider the updating of skills, abilities, knowledge.
For example, practical skills are important for the natural sciences, so the curriculum for chemistry, physics, biology, geography is givena certain number of hours for the formation of similar UUD.
For each individual lesson or activity, indicate in planning:
- organizational stage;
- motivation for learning new theoretical material;
- updating the most important knowledge;
- new material listing teaching and control methods;
- its systematization and generalization;
- homework.
In the lesson plan, the teacher does not always single out the stage of consolidating skills and knowledge as a separate element. For example, a similar stage is carried out after the information block, as well as during the experimental (practical) activity.
Depending on the age and individual characteristics of students, the teacher can use different methods of updating skills, abilities, knowledge. For example, using the "chain of signs" technique, you can identify the ability of children to describe certain objects according to characteristic features, to draw up a plan of their actions.
One child names the analyzed object, indicates its attribute.
The second student marks the second object, which is similar in characteristics.
As a result of such activities, information can be summarized, for example, about a chemical, a certain interaction.
The game "I take you with me" involvesupdating the knowledge of schoolchildren, allows them to accumulate information about certain features of the analyzed object. The guys learn to combine different objects according to similar characteristics, highlight common parameters, compare them, and form a single image based on the information received.

The teacher thinks of some sign, several objects are collected on it, and only one object is called.
Then the guys try to guess the sign by matching various objects to it. The game continues until it is guessed. Child psychologists advise periodically using such a game to check homework.
To include children of primary school age in active cognitive activity, the “yes-no” technique is suitable. It contributes to the formation of analytical skills in the younger generation, the skills of conducting a scientific discussion. The teacher lists the features of the repeated material, and the guys agree with the statements or refute them.
From the beginning of the lesson, it is important to demonstrate your trust in the students. According to the new educational standards, the teacher acts as a mentor, helps his pupils to clarify, formulate the purpose of the lesson, and set tasks. It is the teacher who helps each child build an individual educational trajectory, adjust universal learning skills.
He helps his wards to develop interest in obtaining new skills and knowledge, to adapt in the student team.
At the organizational moment of the modern lesson onGEF includes not only the actualization of knowledge, but also the preliminary mood of the class team for work. The teacher identifies absent students, the reason for their absence from classes, assesses the external state of the classroom.
If the preparation of a teacher for work is evidenced by the presence of a plan or outline of a lesson, demonstration aids, then the mood of schoolchildren can be assessed by their appearance, concentration.
Only with a full positive mood of the class team for a lesson or an extracurricular event, the mentor can count on achieving the goal, the implementation of pedagogical tasks.