How do irreversible processes occur? A lot of things happen in the world every day. They are quite common and permanent, and can have irreversible consequences. It is these events that will be discussed in the article below.
Concept and definition
Irreversible processes are immutable, often regressive processes. They can occur in absolutely any spheres of human life. But, according to scientists, the most important are similar processes in nature. Unfortunately, there are many such examples. But in this article we will highlight the most important ones. They tend to be major environmental problems.
The extinction of animals, the destruction of plants
It is quite reasonable to say that the extinction of various animal species is a natural process of evolution.
According to Google, every year the world loses from 1 to 10 species of animals and about 1-2 species of birds. Moreover, the disappearance tends to increase. Because, according to the same statistics, about 600 species are officially endangered.

So it iscompletely irreversible processes occurring in the world of animals and plants. The main reasons are the following factors:
- Pollution, emissions and other negative environmental impacts.
- The use of chemical compounds in agriculture, which leads to the impossibility of the existence of certain species of animals and plants in such areas.
- The constant decrease in the amount of food for animals, associated, for example, with deforestation.
Earth Depletion
Every day every person on the planet uses the energy of minerals. Whether it is oil, gas, coal, or other necessary sources of electricity. Here you have a new irreversible process - the depletion of the "treasuries" of our planet. Scientists believe that the main reason for this regression is the constant population growth.

The number of people is increasing, respectively, and consumption is increasing, as well as demand. Along with the increase in demand, critics additionally point out that the constant depletion of mineral basins will lead to inevitable climate change. And this, as you know, will entail even more problems than we can imagine.
World Ocean
As Thor Heyerdahl said:
Dead Ocean - Dead Earth.
He was absolutely right in his statement, hinting at one of the examples of irreversible processes - the absolutely dishonest behavior of people in relation not only to the ocean, but to nature in general.

Even in the 20th century, it became known that the oceans belong to everyone. This, in particular, led him to the state in which he is now. The main problem of the World Ocean, which is also an irreversible process, is the illiterate use of its resources, as well as the fact that the World Ocean does not tend to withstand the entire load of the atmosphere into which humanity produces daily emissions. But more on that in the next chapter.
Emissions to the atmosphere
Irreversible processes in nature often cover the most global and serious areas of our life. The release of chemicals into the atmosphere is a really important issue. The consequences of such emissions are so dangerous that in 1948 the state of Pennsylvania (USA) was enveloped in an extremely dense fog. About 14,000 people lived in the city of Donore at that time.
According to historical sources, out of these 14 thousand, about 6 thousand people fell ill. The fog was so thick that it was almost impossible to see the road. They began to actively turn to doctors with complaints of nausea, pain in the eyes, and dizziness. After some time, 20 people died.

Also, dogs, birds, cats died en masse - those who could not find shelter from the suffocating fog. It is not difficult to guess - the cause of this phenomenon was nothing more than emissions into the atmosphere. Scientists claim that the situation has developed due to the incorrect distribution of air temperature in the area as a result of the use of chemicals.
Ozone layer problems
For many centuries, people did not even suspect the existence of such a phenomenon as the ozone layer (until 1873 - it was then that the scientist Shenbein discovered it). However, this did not prevent humanity from influencing the ozone layer in a very detrimental way. The reasons for its destruction, to the surprise of many, are quite simple, but good reasons:
- Space flights, launches of rockets and satellites.
- Active emission of freons into the air - the consequences of the use of deodorants, perfumes, etc.
- Operation of air transport above 15 kilometers.

At the moment, the problem of the destruction of the ozone layer is relevant. People are thinking about how to use freons less, actively looking for their substitutes. There are also many volunteers who agree to help scientists and go into science to save the environment.
Human "contribution" to natural landscapes
There are two categories of people. For some, environmental protection is important, while others are the opposite. Unfortunately, destruction prevails. An environment that is no longer suitable for life, thanks to the influence of mankind, is considered to be completely mutilated. And there are a lot of them these days. Basically, changes in natural landscapes are deforestation, as a result of which animals die out, plants, birds, etc. disappear.

Renewing the affected area after that is extremely difficult, and, as a rule, almost no one does it. What processes are called irreversible,know many organizations that are engaged in the restoration of nature. But will they be strong enough to save our entire ecology?
How to prevent the inevitable?
Global problems are called so for a reason - they do not tend to return. However, great help can be given to the world so that these processes do not continue to adversely affect the environment. There are many ways to help nature. They have long been known to everyone, but it is impossible not to talk about them.
- Political way. It implies the creation of laws to protect the environment, to protect it. Many countries already have many such laws. However, humanity needs effective, literally, forcing people to stop and not destroy their own habitat.
- Organizations. Yes, today there are organizations for the protection of nature. But it would also be nice to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to participate in their activities.
- Ecological way. The simplest is planting a forest. Trees, bushes, seedlings and plant breeding is the most basic task, but it can have a strong impact on nature.
Holzer biocenosis
An ordinary person, not a botanist and not a scientist of the highest category, but just an ordinary farmer created a biocenosis. The bottom line is to ensure the existence of fish, insects, animals, plants in a certain place, practically without taking part in their development. Thus, for meat, fruit and other products, the whole of Austria is lining up for him. He proved by example that if you do not interfere with naturedevelop - it will only bring benefits. The so-called harmony with nature is the goal that everyone in this world should strive for.

Humanity is accustomed to act on the principle: I see the goal - I see no obstacles. Even if this leads to such global problems (if it has not already begun to lead), that humanity itself will disappear. In an attempt to achieve our goals and ensure our own comfort, we do not notice how everything around is destroyed. After reading this article, how many people will wonder what processes are irreversible?
If you do not overcome the process of thinking of modern people, nature is in real danger in a few years. It is a pity that we live in a world where our own benefit prevails over the state of the world.