A sensitive question - what is it?

A sensitive question - what is it?
A sensitive question - what is it?

People sometimes ask "uncomfortable" questions. And the reaction of the one who is asked may be different. Another person will quickly put in place. And someone will be confused, start to smile miserably and look away.

An uncomfortable or sensitive question can put a person in a nasty position. Let's talk about this in detail.


There is an opinion that a sensitive question is one that one is ashamed to answer truthfully, but one does not want to lie.

The definition is pretty accurate, and it's in plain language. If we say more "smartly", then it will look like this: "Sensitive is a question of a provocative nature, touching on too personal topics."

Question marks
Question marks

We ask, we are asked

We found out the meaning of the delicate question. And now let's admit, we ask such friends and acquaintances? Rather yes than no. And sometimes we ourselves do not notice how uncomfortable our question can be. What seems absolutely normal to us, for others is akin to folk scourging.

Look, if a girl who has no problems with a figure is asked about her weight, shelaugh and answer. And try to ask such a question to a plump young lady. In the best (for your person) case, confuse her and make her blush. At worst, the bbw will show the curious the path he should take to get away from her.

There are things that are inappropriate to ask. Although for the questioner they seem absolutely natural. He would not be offended by such a question, but answered honestly. And he does not understand why others are indignant, reproaching the questioner with excessive curiosity.

Not everything can be asked

What questions are best not to ask even very close ones?

  1. "When are you getting married?" If a person does not want to get married, he will calmly respond. And for those who have this sore subject, the question will cause anger. Better not tempt fate.
  2. “You have been married for a long time. When will you have children?" Another rather provocative question. And very tactless, in fact. People are happy to have children, but it doesn’t work.
  3. "Why do you look so bad?" The question is inappropriate for both women and men. Maybe a person is sick or has no way to take care of himself. In any case, if he wants to share, he will tell.
  4. "How much do you get?" Someone will hide the answer due to the fact that his earnings can cause envy and gossip. Others will keep silent, because there is nothing to brag about. The question of earnings is the most common and sensitive one.
Confused girl
Confused girl

Here are the things, dear readers. Now you know which questions are sensitive, and what is the meaning of thisphrases.
