Now, in the era of democracy and freedom of speech, it is difficult to imagine any difference between one person and another - everyone is equal. Is that everyone himself determines his financial situation, education, profession and family. In past centuries, when the population was ruled by kings and nobles, there was a social stratum of people that made up the majority, called commoners. What does this word mean and how to decipher it?

Meaning of commoner
This is a person who does not belong to a noble estate or family. In the past, peasants, workers and small landowners were called so. A person who was born in a family of ordinary people could hardly raise his social status to the nobility. There are isolated cases of this kind in history.
A brief about the life of commoners
Of course, only fragments of information about how commoners lived in past centuries have come down to us. This is due to the fact that among the peasants and workers practicallythere were no educated people. Only a few could read and write. The nobility and church ministers were, in contrast to them, more educated, they were obliged by status. Accordingly, there was no one to tell about the life of such people. Only household items, elements of clothing, buildings found by archaeologists paint a picture of the life of common people. It is known that the poor strata of the population did not have much we alth, and their clothes were simple. She was usually darned and patched repeatedly.
Commoners are also artisans. Such a difficult profession as a blacksmith, carpenter, builder, farmer, cattle breeder and others were mastered only by the lower class. Since this work was hard and dirty, I had to spend a lot of time on the street, under the scorching sun or in dusty hangars, doing production.

Due to strong physical exertion and the poor development of medicine, many were sick in the past. But since the poor did not have money for at least some medical care, they died more often from various diseases, including those not known to doctors of that time.