Man is a lazy creature, which makes it hard to get used to a new schedule. And if an alarm clock helps him in everyday life, then in the fresh air or after heavy loads there is no desire to turn on gadgets. Therefore, in he alth camps and in the army, a slightly different method is used. And this is a wake-up call when a ringing horn or a loud voice of a senior officer makes you jump on the bed as soon as possible. But how did the word come about? We need to look at similar concepts!
Encouragement or coercion?
The original form "wake up" is found in almost all East Slavic languages with the only interpretation in which someone is freed from sleep. Philologists point out that the base verb is the causative of "keep watch", the original meaning of which is "keep awake". As part of his research, Vasmer pointed to related Lithuanian terms:
- baudžiù, baũsti - to threaten or force;
- pasibaudýti - to go or go up.
Also, the Old Prussian etbaudints with the translation "intelligent, vigorous" will become indicative. That is, the person not only acquires the liveliness of the body, but also begins to improvethink.

Why are morphemes important?
The main role is played by the prefix po-, which retains its meaning in the word "wake-up". When talking about a verb, the action is stretched:
- by time - an attempt to stir someone up for a long time;
- by quantity - when they methodically wake one by one.
There is also a hunting term for the action when the beater raises the animal from the prone. However, the noun popular in the modern world has inherited its interpretation from the vernacular version, approaching "wake up".
Only in prison and in the army?
The concept under study is associated by most of the inhabitants exclusively with sensitive objects. It is not surprising, because it is used there on an ongoing basis, is included in the text of the charter, and is an organic part of the daily routine. Carries two main meanings:
- action on a single-root verb;
- signal to rise.
All options from the previous subheading remain relevant. But they are supplemented by special means and forms of interaction with others, which replace a person or help him reach his sleeping comrades. Wake up is a variety of things:
- a simple cry;
- radio signal;
- horn sound, etc.

For some, the word can cause negative emotions due to bad personal experience. But in itself it is devoid of negative connotations, moreover, it is used inofficial documents. It can be used in everyday life and in an ironic way, for example, when a mother wakes up a large family at once in order to "disperse" them to work and school. And if you go to bed on time, then any morning will seem wonderful, no matter if you wake up in your own bed or in an army bunk.