Nikola Tesla: secrets, biography, inventions and achievements in science

Nikola Tesla: secrets, biography, inventions and achievements in science
Nikola Tesla: secrets, biography, inventions and achievements in science

The world will probably never know about all the secrets of Nikola Tesla. And to this day, scientists are trying to unravel the secrets left after him. We know what the great scientist was working on; it is also known that not all of his works were published, and some, as it is believed, the author destroyed with his own hand. Why is this man so important to the history of our planet? Let's turn to his biography.

How it all began

Known today as the "Inventor of Mysteries", Nikola Tesla was born back in 1856. Born in Serbia, the scientist was born on July 9 in Smiljan. As a child, a teenager, the future world famous physicist looked like, as his contemporaries later recalled, a demon. Very tall and thin, the boy was distinguished by a fixed, thoughtful look of bright, burning eyes, strikingly combined with the hollowness of his cheeks. From an early age, Tesla saw strange visions - a light that his contemporaries could not discern. It is known that sometimes Tesla contemplated other worlds for hours, inaccessibleto a simple person. His visions were so vivid and vivid that the future scientist often confused them with the real world.

It is exceptionally surprising that the secrets that became available to Nikola Tesla, revealed in visions, allowed the young man to achieve great success in the real world. It would seem that the man was almost crazy, but this is what gave him the opportunity to create more than rationally, studying the technique. The young man was fond of electricity. The fiery zigzags that he sometimes saw in heaven, the sparks from the fur of his beloved animal - all this seemed to him incredible and attractive.

nikola tesla inventor of secrets
nikola tesla inventor of secrets

Opinions differ

Today the whole world knows the "Inventor of Mysteries" Nikola Tesla, and it is simply impossible to imagine that the history and fate of this man could have turned out differently. But the father of the young man thought quite differently - it seemed to him that his son should go to the clergy. The boy, however, opposed his parental will, and soon entered an Austrian school in the village of Graz, where he de alt with the problems of technology. From an Austrian educational institution, the young scientist, who had already shown his abilities, went to the University of Prague. The period of study in the second year was a turning point - the young man literally dawned on the idea of \u200b\u200bdesigning an induction generator. Tesla spoke about his theory to the professor, but an experienced adult considered the proposal to be folly. Tesla, by this time already accustomed to go against the will of his elders, only got fired up with an idea more. In 1982, while working in Paris, hedesigned a real model, which showed its performance.

New places and opportunities

Leaving behind a lot of secrets, Nikola Tesla went to America in 1984 with a letter of recommendation to Edison in his hands. The letter was signed by a Parisian scientist of that time, who considered that Tesla was the only one who was equal in genius to Edison. The journey was not without adventure: the young man was robbed, and he arrived in the country of destination without things, hungry, with only a few cents. However, on Broadway, he saw several people in need of repairing the motor, helped them, for which he received a twenty-dollar reward, which proved to him that he really arrived in the power of unlimited possibilities.

Edison decided to give the newcomer a chance and took him to his firm. True, there were some excesses - disputes began almost immediately. Edison approved of everything that brought immediate financial gain, and Tesla wanted to do only what was interesting to him personally. Edison worked with direct current, and the Serb - with alternating current. Edison proved with might and main how dangerous the ideas of a beginner. For greater clarity, he even used a current in order to kill a dog in front of people. However, this did not help, today alternating current is the very thing that runs through the wires all over the world, providing people with light, warmth and the opportunity to fully exist. In parallel, the conflict in the views of two associates, who understood the nature of electricity in completely different ways, progressed more and more actively. Edison followed generally accepted models, Tesla had his own point of view, where the keyspace was given to the ether, which cannot be seen. He, as the keeper of the secrets of Nikola Tesla said, fills the Universe. The ether is capable of transmitting vibrations faster than light travels. Any, even the smallest, volume is permeated, filled with energy that has no end, and the task of a person is to learn how to extract it for his own benefit.

nikola tesla his secrets
nikola tesla his secrets

What does that mean?

Why are the secrets of Nikola Tesla hidden from our world to this day? Many believe that the reason for this was the fact that the inventor himself did not consider it necessary to formulate the theory that he adhered to. Other theorists have not been able to correctly interpret the views of the Serb, therefore, at the moment, mankind has no other idea of \u200b\u200bphysical reality than the one that has existed for quite a long time. Some say that Tesla is a harbinger of a fundamentally new civilization that will form in the future. Probably, then the asynchrony of processes will become a source of inexhaustible energy. Some are convinced that time is the source of energy that Tesla spoke of. But these disputes still remain empty air shaking, because the great physicist himself did not leave clear keys to understanding his ideas.

New days and new events

So, the collaboration between Edison and Tesla has exhausted itself. The Serbian scientist wasted no time in "free swimming", he was taken under his wing by Westinghouse. Working here, the author of numerous secrets and mysteries of Nikola Tesla receives a considerable number of patents. They extended to multi-phase units, an asynchronous electric motor. Then createdand a patented energy transmission system through a multi-phase electric current. Tesla is working on amazing ways of transporting energy, unimaginable by contemporaries. And today, any person knows that the device will work if you plug a plug into the network, that is, create a closed circuit. If you don't close it, nothing will happen. But in Tesla's case, things were different. He demonstrated how power is transferred with one or no wire.

The secrets and mysteries of Nikola Tesla began to be discussed after his lecture, organized before members of the Royal Academy. The observers were amazed - being at a distance, the scientist activated the electric motor, also remotely turned it off. The lamps that Tesla held in his hands lit up on their own. Some of them were even without a spiral, they were just empty flasks. All this "magic" took place in 1892. The lecture ended, and Rayleigh invited the speaker to his office, where he identically pointed to Faraday's chair and offered to sit down, mentioning that after the scientist's death, no one else had the right to occupy it.

nikola tesla secrets of a genius
nikola tesla secrets of a genius

Clearly: immediately and not only

The secret inventions of Nikola Tesla already in those days worried people. Indeed, could a simple person demonstrate what this Serbian scientist demonstrated? In 1893, in Chicago, visitors to the exhibition literally fell into horror, watching how a nervous young man, surprisingly thin and tall, passed through himself an electric current of such force that it should not remaineven coal. And this, however, did not prevent the man who bore such a funny (according to the guests of the event) surname from smiling. The experimenter held electric lamps that burned brightly in his hands, and seemed to the people around him almost a magician. Today, the scientific community knows for certain that it is not the voltage that is fatal, but the strength of the electric current. Over time, it was proved that a high-frequency current passes through the surface of the skin. But in those days, people did not yet know about such amazing physical properties of our world, so the demonstration seemed to them the door to a fairy tale.

Genius or crazy?

In 1895, Westinghouse launched the Niagara hydroelectric power station, which was equipped with Tesla generators. In the same year, the public learned about teleautomatic devices. So called radio-controlled models that can move. The presentation of the invention took place in Madison Square Garden and spurred the interest of society in Nikola Tesla and his secrets. Many observers considered that the scientist is a dark sorcerer. People who had access to the scientist's laboratory were horrified watching how the inventor worked with energy clots - ball lightning, which he literally put in a suitcase. In 1898, the scientist fixed the device to the beam of the attic, which caused the walls of the building to vibrate, and people rushed to the streets. The policemen and press workers immediately arrived at the scientist, but the author quickly turned off and dismantled the machine. He assured that in just an hour he could destroy the Brooklyn Bridge. At the same time, Tesla said that even the planet can split if you choose the right vibrator and accurately time it.

nikola tesla secret inventions
nikola tesla secret inventions

About the mysterious from the start

The first experiment to be remembered when it comes to the mysteries of Nikola Tesla's genius is usually set up in Colorado Springs in the spring of 1899. The inhabitants of these parts will remember this incident for a long time. A scientist sponsored by the innkeeper set up a small laboratory. They put a coil, a copper sphere on a pole. The system was used to generate potentials that produced 135 feet of lightning. The accompanying noise was heard at a distance of fifteen miles. Residents watched sparks between themselves and the ground, lights jumped out of faucets, a fiery step blazed around the experimental facility for 100 feet. As the locals shod the horses with metal, the animals received electric shocks.

The first run ended with the failure of the generator. Tesla finished the experiment and started repairing the system. The event continued a week later. The effects observed then could only be fully investigated half a century later. They called them the Schumann resonance. The observations made at that moment allowed Tesla to suggest how it is possible to transmit electrical energy without the use of wires over a long distance. He created standing wars, spreading from the starting point in spheres and converging in the diametrically opposite place of the planet.

Next step

In the biographies of Nikola Tesla devoted to mysteries, the events organized by the scientist in New York are necessarily mentioned. It was here in the middle of June of the third year of the new century, as soon as midnight came, people were able tosee amazing lightning. They illuminated the ocean waves, and the length of the lightning exceeded a hundred miles. Of course, soon the event was covered by all the major newspapers. For example, the New York Sun wrote that the inhabitants of Long Island became extremely interested in the scientist's experiments, seeing incredible phenomena, including the ignition of atmospheric layers. The night, as the witnesses assured, before their eyes became a bright bright day, the air was filled with a glow, the observers were sources of amazing radiation. Many said later that those around were perceived as ghosts. Tesla set off a huge vibrator and powered two hundred lamps, 42 km away from the point where he was.

nikola tesla philadelphia experiment
nikola tesla philadelphia experiment

Tunguska meteorite

Among other secrets related to the biography of the genius Nikola Tesla, this is one of the most beloved and interesting for the media both during his life and after his death. On the last day of June 1908, a luminous, noisy object was recorded over Siberia, which exploded and knocked down an impressive part of the taiga. The explosion occurred at an altitude of up to 10 km and caused an earthquake, a strong displacement of air masses. Locals said that fountains burst out of the ground, luminous stones and new springs appeared.

To this day, scientists are not sure if it was a real meteorite. One of the options for explaining the event is Tesla's experiment, which de alt with the possibilities of transporting energy over long distances. It is believed that he created a unique installation through which he could moveenergy, using the possibilities of the ionosphere. As the scientist himself said, such a system allows you to transmit information and even images, videos to anywhere in the world. You can compare his theory and the Internet technology available to modern man.

What an interesting car

This is not the end of Nikola Tesla's secret inventions. In the 31st, the public saw how the engine was taken out of the limousine and an electric one was put in its place. They put a small box with two rods under the hood, plugged it in and started the car. The speed that the transport developed during the experiment was 150 km/h. It seemed that the car did not need to be charged at all. The author of the invention said that she takes energy from the ether.

Of course, such an invention attracted the attention of the general public. Many began to talk about evil spirits, devilish machinations. Fearing such a hype, the author simply removed the power generation system and dismantled it. To this day, scientists do not know exactly how he designed his product, how the machine received energy, how this technology can be repeated today.

nikola tesla mystery of death
nikola tesla mystery of death

The mystery of the "Philadelphia" experiment

Nikola Tesla was actively working on various projects, including those related to the US Navy. He made a particularly large contribution shortly before the war. He created an energy transfer system that allows you to hit the enemy, resonant weapons. At the same time, experiments were carried out aimed at managing time. In the period 1936-1942, Tesla was engaged in a project called "Rainbow". Then alsoan experiment took place, known today to the whole world - but only in general terms. Tesla believed that setting up an experiment would cause death of people, and demanded that the equipment used be changed, thereby delaying the start of work. The government did not agree with him, and the victims were regarded as an inevitable tribute. At the same time, they said that there was neither time nor money to create new equipment. The severity of disagreements became such that the scientist left the project.

So, what is the secret of the "Philadelphia" experiment? In the biography of Nikola Tesla, this period is covered rather vaguely. It is known that a bubble was made on the Eldridge ship to hide it from radar. The ship became invisible even to the common man, then appeared in Norfolk, hundreds of miles from the starting point. The next time the ship appeared to the observers at the starting point. People who were on the ship at that time could not navigate in space and time. They didn't move, they were terrified. All participants were sent for a long rehabilitation, as a result of which they were fired due to mental imbalance. The project was closed, its results were classified. What is known today to the general public is only the tip of the iceberg of events that unfolded in those days in military circles.

Nothing lasts forever

Well, finally, let's turn to the mystery of the death of Nikola Tesla. Shortly before the end of his life, the scientist said that he had created "death rays" capable of destroying at least tens of thousands of aircraft 400 km away from his position. No information about the technical aspects of this invention by himwas not disclosed. Some believe that at that time Tesla concentrated on the problem of artificial intelligence. He believed that it was possible to photograph a thought, and probably worked in this direction as well.

secrets of the riddle of nikola tesla
secrets of the riddle of nikola tesla

Tesla died at the age of 86, on the seventh day of January 1943. The world was immersed in war, and the scientist's projects remained unfinished. Some believe that Tesla died so early, stubbornly refusing the help of doctors in order to avoid continuing to work on systems that could lead to the death of a huge number of people. After his death, the body of the scientist was cremated, the urn was placed at New York's Ferncliff Cemetery.
