General Pershing: biography and photos

General Pershing: biography and photos
General Pershing: biography and photos

General Pershing is one of the most prominent commanders in the US Army. His experience is studied by the military around the world, he is quoted by American presidents, and his memoirs were awarded the Pulitzer Prize. He is an icon and a role model for American officers. Recently, Donald Trump on his Twitter, in all seriousness, said that he was ready to apply the best practices of General Pershing to combat Islamic radicalism. What methods does the President of the United States speak about and why did serious historians and researchers ridicule the words of Donald Trump?

general pershing
general pershing

Black Jack

It is necessary to briefly dwell on the main milestones in the biography of the famous American military leader. Missouri native. Born September 13, 1860. His father managed to give his son a good education, and before entering West Point, the guy managed to work not only on the family farm, but also as a teacher. However, the military career attracted the young man more.

Admission to the West Point Military Academy in 1882 was a life-changing event not only for one person, but for an entire nation. The teachers noted the unprecedented zeal and diligence of the cadet - perhaps the blood of German ancestors spoke in him. Be that as it may, he graduated from this famous educationalinstitution and was assigned to serve in the infamous 6th Cavalry Regiment.

The Sioux and Apache Indians defended their independence in an unequal struggle against the greedy white colonialists who staged the genocide of the indigenous population. The command noticed a participant in punitive operations and promoted him to first lieutenant, which corresponded to the rank of lieutenant in the Russian army. Along with the increase in rank, a transfer to the 10th Cavalry Regiment, which consisted for the most part of African Americans, followed. The privates were treated harshly, hence the nickname Black Jack.

what did general pershing do
what did general pershing do

10th Cavalry in the Spanish-American War

Cubans have risen in revolt against their Spanish exploiters. The American government was suddenly inflamed with a thirst to help the Cubans - the interests of the bigwigs of American business were too serious.

Most US wars started with provocations. The cruiser Maine exploded on February 15, 1898, and, judging by the reports of Russian military intelligence, not as a result of a mine. The explosion literally split the Maine in two - that is, it was produced from inside the ship. Nevertheless, American newspapers presented everything in the right light for their citizens. Seething with righteous anger, society demanded to punish the "vile Spaniards", and therefore troops were sent, which included the future General Pershing.

Despite the fact that the 10th Cavalry Regiment performed well in the famous battles of El Caney and Kettle Hill, the overall picture for the Armed ForcesThe USA was deplorable. The Americans simply did not expect such catastrophic losses that they received during the fighting. Tropical diseases also pretty much mowed down the personnel. The stupid paradox of that war was that the Americans were already ready to surrender, but they were overtaken by the temperamental Spaniards. They got 1st place in the race "who will have time to capitulate first."

general pershing
general pershing

Philippines and pork skins. Stupid fiction and forgery of historical facts

Recently, the legend about the events in the Philippines is getting more and more attention, and General Pershing and terrorists are mentioned. Or rather, one anecdote that roams the World Wide Web and which is referred to by the president of "the most educated and reading nation on earth" Donald Trump. The saddest thing is that the same episode, which allegedly took place in history, is mentioned by another “famous historian and anti-terrorism expert” Vladimir Pozner. And this is already alarming.

The bottom line is this. General Pershing. Philippines. Pig skins, in which the rebels were wrapped, and bullets soaked in the blood of this animal. What's the point? This, according to the American president and some who share these crazy ideas, is a universal way to fight world terrorism. It is enough to study "how General Pershing fought terrorists" and adopt this "priceless and useful" experience.

Argumentation not in favor of "pig skins"

It is necessary to go back in history and give a few facts. First you need to remember that the Americans supported the uprising in the Philippines against the Spanishexploiters. On May 1, 1898, the US fleet defeated the Spaniards, and it would seem that it is time to start rebuilding a peaceful life for the Filipino people, who lost about 200,000 people. But the US government once again manifested its unique vision of the world, and the time has come for the Philippines to new bloody and cruel tests.

Despite all the attempts of the local rebels - "juramendatos" - to protect their land from the invaders, their forces were suppressed by 1902. They were replaced by "amoks". These bloodthirsty and merciless terrorists committed their crimes without even trying to give them a religious ideology.

To be fair, General Tasper Bliss suggested wrapping juramendatos in pig skins. However, Pershing did not agree with him. He was an educated man and understood the absurdity of such proposals and measures. But in modern times, the myth of General Pershing, the Philippines and pigskins has been established, which has no basis and serious historical evidence.

A personal tragedy in the life of an American commander

Married John Joseph Pershing at the age of 45 with the daughter of Congressman Helen Francis Warren in 1905. Behind were military campaigns in the Philippines and participation in the suppression of the "Boxer Rebellion". Captain Pershing was in good standing with the command and had fame and popularity in American society. It is no coincidence that President Roosevelt promoted him to brigadier general in 1906, which caused grumbling from numerous detractors. He was a wonderful family man, but his nature craved action, sothe restless officer was constantly rushing into the thick of things, to the war.

general pershing and the terrorists
general pershing and the terrorists

So, he returned to the Philippines and again grappled with the local rebels, successfully leading the US Army to victory over the guerrillas in 1913. Ahead was the return home, but the plans were not destined to come true.

An uprising broke out in Mexico. The Americans again decided to intervene in the internal affairs of a sovereign state, and the troops of the illustrious General Pershing were put to shame. The Mexicans under Pancho Villa defeated the 13th Cavalry Regiment. The Americans, suffering one defeat after another in small skirmishes, even gave Villa instructions on how to properly wage war with "civilized" methods, which amused the Mexicans a lot.

What has General Pershing been doing all this time? He fought on two fronts: political and military. The Mexican government threatened war if the Americans did not leave. On top of that, the U. S. military looked comical and only dishonored a nation that despises everything “un-American.”

general pershing philippines pork skins
general pershing philippines pork skins

But worst of all was the death of his wife and three daughters in a fire in 1915. Only the son survived. This tragedy forever left a mark on the soul of the old soldier.

Personal experience in the world war of General Pershing

The Americans have been preparing for the upcoming war with Germany for a long time. So long that they entered it three months before its full completion. Pershing led the millionth contingent. But even here there were excesses on the American side.

US Armed Forcesdid not have modern weapons, and the allies (France and Great Britain) had to share. Naturally, such an untrained and unprepared army, which only recently disgraced itself in the fight against the Mexican rebels, suffered huge and unjustified losses.

The prestige of America in the eyes of the allies fell, but this did not prevent Pershing from receiving the rank of General of the US Army and heading the General Staff. He retired in 1924. He published a memoir, My World War Experience, and won the prestigious Pulitzer Prize. His life journey was completed on July 15, 1948.

how General Pershing fought terrorists
how General Pershing fought terrorists

Trace in history

In the state of Nevada there is Pershing County, named after the American commander. The US military named a medium-range tank and missile after him. To this we can add the medal "Occupation Army in Germany". On the obverse is a portrait of General Pershing. The famous breeder Lemoine bred the lilac variety "General Pershing". The photo of this wonderful plant is the most recognizable, due to its frequent use in various photo shoots.

lilac general pershing photo
lilac general pershing photo


General Pershing was at the forefront of the creation of the modern US mechanized army. Burned during his operation in Mexico, he attached great importance to the loy alty of local authorities when campaigning in their territory. His name is overgrown with an incredible amount of myths and legends that are shamelessly used by political leaders and some fairly well-known media outlets.characters for the purpose of cheap populism. One thing is certain: General Pershing is a soldier who honestly performed his military duty, whose victories have adorned the US military history, which is not rich in glorious accomplishments.
