What is a gradient? Types of gradients

What is a gradient? Types of gradients
What is a gradient? Types of gradients

Some concepts and terms are used purely within the narrow framework of professional vocabulary. Other definitions are found in areas that are sharply opposed. So, for example, the concept of "gradient" is used by a physicist, and a mathematician, and a specialist in manicure or "Photoshop". What is a gradient as a concept? Let's figure it out.

What do the dictionaries say?

What is a "gradient" special thematic dictionaries interpret in relation to their specifics. Translated from Latin, this word means - "the one that goes, grows." And "Wikipedia" defines this concept as "a vector indicating the direction of increasing magnitude." In explanatory dictionaries, we see the meaning of this word as "a change in any value by one value." A concept can carry both quantitative and qualitative meanings.

In short, it is a smooth gradual transition of any value by one value, a progressive and continuous change in quantity or direction. Vector calculate mathematicians,meteorologists. This concept is used in astronomy, medicine, art, computer graphics. A similar term defines completely dissimilar activities.

what is gradient
what is gradient

Math functions

What is the gradient of a function in mathematics? This is a vector whose direction indicates the direction in which the function in the scalar field grows from one value to another. The magnitude of the gradient is calculated using the definition of partial derivatives. To find out the fastest direction of growth of the function on the graph, two points are selected. They define the start and end of the vector. The rate at which a value grows from one point to another is the magnitude of the gradient. Mathematical functions based on the calculations of this indicator are used in vector computer graphics, the objects of which are graphic images of mathematical objects.

What is a gradient in physics?

The concept of gradient is common in many branches of physics: the gradient of optics, temperature, velocity, pressure, etc. In this industry, the concept denotes a measure of increase or decrease in a value per unit. It is calculated as the difference between the two indicators. Let's take a closer look at some of the quantities.

What is the potential gradient? In working with an electrostatic field, two characteristics are determined: tension (power) and potential (energy). These different quantities are related to the environment. And although they define different characteristics, they still have a connection with each other.

To determine the strength of the force field, a gradient is usedpotential - a value that determines the rate of potential change in the direction of the field line. How to calculate? The potential difference of two points of the electric field is calculated from the known voltage using the intensity vector, which is equal to the potential gradient.

what is potential gradient
what is potential gradient

Terms of meteorologists and geographers

For the first time, the concept of a gradient was used precisely by meteorologists to determine the change in the magnitude and direction of various meteorological indicators: temperature, pressure, wind speed and strength. It is a measure of the quantitative change of various quantities. Maxwell introduced the term into mathematics much later. In the definition of weather conditions, there are concepts of vertical and horizontal gradients. Let's take a closer look at them.

What is a vertical temperature gradient? This is a value that shows the change in indicators, calculated at a height of 100 m. It can be either positive or negative, in contrast to the horizontal, which is always positive.

what is temperature gradient
what is temperature gradient

Gradient shows on the ground the magnitude or angle of the slope. It is calculated as the ratio of the height to the length of the path projection on a certain section. Expressed as a percentage.

Medical indicators

The definition of "temperature gradient" can also be found among medical terms. It shows the difference in the corresponding indicators of the internal organs and the surface of the body. In biology, the physiological gradient fixesa change in the physiology of any organ or organism as a whole at any stage of its development. In medicine, a metabolic indicator is the intensity of metabolism.

Not only physicists, but also doctors use this term in their work. What is pressure gradient in cardiology? This concept defines the difference in blood pressure in any interconnected sections of the cardiovascular system.

Decreasing gradient of automaticity is an indicator of a decrease in the frequency of excitations of the heart in the direction from its base to the top, which occur automatically. In addition, cardiologists identify the site of arterial damage and its degree by controlling the difference in the amplitudes of systolic waves. In other words, using the amplitude gradient of the pulse.

what is pressure gradient
what is pressure gradient

What is a velocity gradient?

When they talk about the rate of change of a certain value, they mean the rate of change in time and space. In other words, the velocity gradient determines the change in spatial coordinates in relation to temporal indicators. This indicator is calculated by meteorologists, astronomers, chemists. The shear rate gradient of fluid layers is determined in the oil and gas industry to calculate the rate at which a fluid rises through a pipe. Such an indicator of tectonic movements is the area of calculation for seismologists.

what is velocity gradient
what is velocity gradient

Economic functions

Economists widely use the concept of gradient to substantiate important theoretical conclusions. When solving consumer problems, it is useda utility function that helps represent preferences from a set of alternatives. "Budget constraint function" is a term used to refer to a set of consumer bundles. The gradients in this area are used to calculate the optimum demand.

Color gradient

The term "gradient" is familiar to creative people. Although they are far from the exact sciences. What is a gradient for an artist, decorator, designer? Since in the exact sciences it is a gradual increase in value by one, so in color this indicator denotes a smooth, stretched transition of shades of the same color from lighter to darker, or vice versa. Artists call this process “stretching”. It is also possible to switch to different accompanying colors in the same scale.

Gradient stretching of shades in room coloring has taken a strong position among design techniques. The new-fashioned ombre style - a smooth flow of shade from light to dark, from bright to pale - effectively transforms any room in the house and office.

Opticists use special lenses in their sunglasses. What is a gradient in glasses? This is the manufacture of a lens in a special way, when from top to bottom the color changes from a darker to a lighter shade. Products made using this technology protect the eyes from solar radiation and allow you to view objects even in very bright light.

what is gradient in glasses
what is gradient in glasses

Color in web design

Those who are engaged in web design and computer graphics are familiar with the universalGradient tool, which creates a wide variety of effects. Color transitions are transformed into highlights, a fancy background, three-dimensionality. Hue manipulation, light and shadow creation adds volume to vector objects. For this purpose, several types of gradients are used:

  • Linear.
  • Radial.
  • Conical.
  • Mirror.
  • Diamond-shaped.
  • Noise gradient.

Gradient beauty

For visitors to beauty salons, the question of what a gradient is will not come as a surprise. True, in this case, knowledge of mathematical laws and the foundations of physics is not necessary. It's all about color transitions. Hair and nails become the object of the gradient. The ombre technique, which means “tone” in French, came into fashion from sports lovers of surfing and other beach activities. Naturally burnt and regrown hair has become a hit. Fashionistas began to specially dye their hair with a barely noticeable transition of shades.

The ombre technique did not pass by nail salons. The gradient on the nails creates a coloration with a gradual lightening of the plate from the root to the edge. Masters offer horizontal, vertical, transition and other varieties.

what is gradient function
what is gradient function


The concept of "gradient" is familiar to needlewomen from one other side. A technique of this kind is used in the creation of handmade items in the decoupage style. In this way, new antique things are created, or old ones are restored:chests of drawers, chairs, chests and more. Decoupage involves applying a pattern using a stencil, which is based on a color gradient as a background.

Fabric artists have adopted dyeing in this way for new models. Dresses with gradient colors conquered the catwalks. Fashion was picked up by needlewomen - knitters. Knitwear with a smooth color transition is a success.

Summing up the definition of "gradient", we can say about a very vast area of human activity in which this term is located. The replacement with the synonym "vector" is not always appropriate, since the vector is, after all, a functional, spatial concept. What determines the generality of the concept is a gradual change in a certain quantity, substance, physical parameter per unit over a certain period. In color, this is a smooth transition of tone.
