What is project-research activity in the field of education?

What is project-research activity in the field of education?
What is project-research activity in the field of education?

Today we will talk about what is design and research activities. It is worth saying that this is a progressive method in teaching, which is used relatively recently, but has already managed to bring great results. Today you will find out what advantages it has and why it is being implemented even at the state level. Moreover, the article will be useful to anyone who plans or has children, because it will allow you to look at the learning process from a completely different angle. This is especially useful for those parents who are afraid of the moment when it will be necessary to encourage or force the child to study for the sake of his future by unknown forces. You will be surprised, but this can be done without effort, but only with the right approach.

What is R&D?

Currently, you can often find the wrong conceptual design of various educational processes. Some textbooks and methodologies give educators and teachers some idea of what correctional developmental education and level differentiation are. Only a few specialists can apply all these methods in practice.and get results. As for the methods and techniques that are associated with work outside the mainstream, there is a huge variety of opinions of various scientists and researchers, which is often contradictory. We will consider the design and research activities of students, which many people write through the union "and", not realizing that these are not identical, but different directions. They differ in the way they are organized, the skills they develop, and other important indicators.

design research activity
design research activity

Design and research activities are activities aimed at developing the creative and research qualities of students. It is a search for a solution to a problem where the answer is not known in advance. This is the main difference between this activity and a simple workshop, in which everything is known and you just need to go through the thumb. The project-research activity of students implies the presence of stages that are typical for a typical scientific research: problem statement, study of theoretical material, choice of method or tactics, practice, the process of collecting the results obtained, analyzing and summarizing data, deriving specific results and own conclusions. Every research, in whatever field it is conducted, consists of the steps listed above, which are necessary for meaningful research activities.

Differences between design and research activities

Organization of project research activities involves a complexmethods that are separately attributed to each of the two activities. It should be understood that they complement each other and have a number of differences. As a result of research activity, we get an intellectual product, which is created by establishing the truth using traditional research methods. Project activity involves the search for truth by choosing the most effective way of knowing. The value of design and research activities is that it brings a comprehensive result and trains a group of important skills at once. Separately, project activity is very important, but it does not teach practice and how to search for information, process and submit it. Research activity in itself is not of such great importance. So she needs a project.

Design and research activities in kindergarten

This activity can be carried out at different levels of a person's maturation: in kindergarten, at school, at a higher educational institution and even at work. Design and research activities in kindergarten are various cognitive, playful and creative activities that are aimed at educating the child in the initial inclinations for the correct solution of problems. From birth, a child strives for contact and interaction with the outside world, he is very inquisitive and wants to find, learn and solve. Every kid is a discoverer, and the most important task of educators is to maintain and develop the properties of curiosity in the child. As the Chinese proverb says, a person understands something onlywhen he tries it. Project-exploratory activity with young children is almost entirely based on the fact that they decide how to act in a certain situation. Of course, the endless abundance of options will deprive the child of stability, and he will get confused, so at first the baby can choose from several options, but he must come to them on his own.

design research activities in kindergarten
design research activities in kindergarten

Junior students

The design and research activities of younger students are very similar to the work that is done in the kindergarten. In elementary school, children experience stress when they have to obey a strict routine, solve incomprehensible tasks, do homework every day and constantly learn something. This period is difficult, but if you spend it correctly, you can achieve significant results. The design and research activities of younger schoolchildren are full of independent tasks in which the child must not only come to a decision, but also find the most correct and rational way out of the situation. The tasks of a person who deals with research activities are as follows:

  • ensuring a favorable psychological climate in the team;
  • development of creative qualities;
  • development of independence and the ability to make decisions that differ from the opinion of the majority;
  • develop communication skills, friendship, conflict management;
  • development of imagination and fantasy.

Ways of implementation

We already know about the key concept of ourarticles. It's time to find out how the design and research activities are implemented. It is worth saying that there are several of them, but in no case should you choose any particular one and get hung up on it, considering it a priority. Each method should be alternated with others in order to develop the various skills of children as harmoniously as possible.

design research activities of younger students
design research activities of younger students

Design and research activities in preschool educational institutions can be manifested in the following:

  1. Projects where kids experiment. The results may be different, the main thing is the ability to receive and fix. After completing the work, the child must arrange the information received in the album in the form of a collage, drawing or booklet.
  2. Role-playing games that resemble theatrical performances. This exercise is very effective, and even adults often use it in various psychological trainings. Children should learn to be artistic, try on different roles in order to better feel their own uniqueness and individuality. Role-playing games are not held for fun, because during the staging, the child must not only try on a new image, but also solve a certain problem within its boundaries. A very important point here is that the problem must be solved exactly in the style of the selected character.
  3. Information practices that focus on the collection and presentation of information. Children must collect certain information and arrange it in any way. It is important here to teach kids not just to drawor to tell, but to demonstrate something through exhibitions, shows, performances, fairy tales, etc. In other words, it is necessary to teach a person to express his ideas in a variety of ways.
  4. Creative competitions that are aimed at developing organizational skills. Children individually or in a group should organize some kind of small event. Then there is a presentation of your event. In this way, children learn to independently see their advantages and differences from others, as well as notice weaknesses and subsequently focus on them.

Subject relations

Project and research activities are most often implemented within the framework of the subjective relationship "teacher - student". The teacher transmits some knowledge, and the students must perceive it. This scheme has long been established and is always used by those who are critical of progressive teaching methods. The inefficiency of this technique lies in the fact that many situations cannot be entered into its framework. There are many cases when the student's unbiased opinion turns out to be more expedient, logical and correct than the teacher's book opinion. Children look at the world without a film of prejudices and a mass of information that limits the perception of reality, so they can see it from a different angle. Many teachers simply do not want to develop on their own, because it is much easier to act according to a well-established scheme, which seems to give good results, so even the conscience will be clear. And yet this is a big mistake, which forms in the child the fear of contradicting the teacher and the refusal tocritical thinking.

design research activities in dow
design research activities in dow

Project and research activities in modern education

Today in Russia there are old traditions of implementing this approach, which are already becoming obsolete, because they are ineffective and do not meet modern requirements. Small academies of sciences and scientific and technical societies are created and function throughout the country, which are the "executive body" of project activities. They bring great benefits, but they can bring even more. The main goal of such institutions is to create a model for the functioning of academic research associations. Children who take part in such events are future scientists and professionals who will move the wheel of history. Education in such societies is carried out in a more individualized and high-quality way, there is time to listen to everyone, and everyone can implement any of their projects. Modern educational standards are aimed at minimizing the burden on children. Reduce the quantity but increase the quality.

design research activities of students in physics lessons
design research activities of students in physics lessons

What could it be? For example, the design and research activities of students in physics lessons are manifested in practice. Children should not memorize formulas and laws, but conduct experiments on their own and see visual confirmation of book knowledge. Only in this case, the educational process ceases to be perceived by the child.as imposed and will become interesting. And only in this way the student will understand, and not learn the necessary information, and will also be able to draw parallels and use it in various areas of life.


The design and research activities of students within the framework of the GEF are prescribed by the state. Modern pedagogy is impossible without design and research activities, since only during it the necessary skills of independent thinking and decision-making are formed. These qualities cannot be taught by a book: practice is needed. The activity approach is the basis for modern pedagogical science, and it is best implemented thanks to thoughtful design and research activities. In many ways, it is independent, especially for high school students. Self-organization of their own learning process allows a person to plan and track their actions.

design research activities in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard
design research activities in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Design and research activities in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard differ from other areas of its application. Young children require a special approach, because they are still developing skills such as comparison, analysis and planning. Nevertheless, state standards of project activity are being introduced at all stages of education.

Positive factors

Design and research activities in kindergarten as a means of teaching independence, responsibility and determination have a number of advantages. Children who study with such educators will be able toearly years to learn what some learn half their lives. The described activity has a number of positive qualities:

  • multiple increase in the motivation of children in solving various problems;
  • nurturing a genuine interest, not a mechanical performance of the required tasks;
  • bringing responsibility;
  • formation of a technological approach to solving problems;
  • training in communication skills;
  • the ability to independently compare and analyze in order to draw only the best for yourself;
  • cultivating perseverance, concentration;
  • teaching public speaking skills;
  • formation of collective communication skills;
  • the ability to organize your workspace, plan;
  • ability to find a common language with people who have a different point of view;
  • shaping a positive outlook on life;
  • develop collaboration skills.
design research activities of students within the framework of the federal state
design research activities of students within the framework of the federal state

Additional education

Project and research activities in additional education are becoming more and more popular. Initially, the introduction of this activity took place only in the main learning process, but later it became clear that it could be useful and applicable in various circles, electives and courses. This area of education is just beginning to develop, so there are practically no printed works on this topic. Anyone can apply to the FGOS. Design and researchthe activities described in the state standard will allow you to understand the main points of this approach. It is most actively used in the field of information technology. This allows you to educate a computer literate person who will be able to express his ideas and projects with the help of modern technology and equipment. The first experiments with this approach have already yielded positive results. Training is conducted with students 7-16 years old. Since the work must be creative, everyone is free to choose the desired topic and ways of presenting it.
