The national composition of Turkey: features

The national composition of Turkey: features
The national composition of Turkey: features

To a person who does not understand the issue, it may seem that there is a whole abyss between the countries in question. Recently, it is generally accepted to consider Russia and Turkey as antagonists. In fact, this is not so. Despite the numerous wars fought in the 18-19 centuries, our peoples lived in peace throughout the twentieth century, starting from the end of the First World War.

Many things seem familiar

Turkey national features
Turkey national features

Russian and Turkish people are very similar to each other. This is largely due to a similar history. Turkey and Russia in the past were empires that chose a democratic path of development in the 1920s. Both countries are divided into regions according to ethnocultural and linguistic features. The national composition of Turkey, of course, is not as rich as that of Russia, however, it includes more than thirty nationalities.

Our countries are surrounded by former constituent parts - now independent states, differently related to recent compatriots. Experts also note a rather similar political system, headed by a strong leader - the head of the largest political party. Interesting fact: Turkey is the firstrecognized the RSFSR in the world and established diplomatic relations with Soviet Russia on June 2, 1920.

Peoples of Turkey

national composition of tourists in Turkey
national composition of tourists in Turkey

As mentioned above, Turkey is a multinational state. Speaking about it, one can first of all refer to "Turstat" - an agency that deals, among other things, with population registration. It should also be noted that in the country for many years (almost the entire twentieth century) the population was Turkified, so many data on the number of a particular nationality are given with a wide spread.

In total, 77 million people live in the country. And the national composition of Turkey is as follows:

  1. The first place is expectedly occupied by the Turks, whose share is up to 70% of the entire population. Number - up to 65 million people.
  2. Kurds. They make up to 14% of the total population of Turkey. They live mainly in the east of the country, in mountainous areas. There is a separate language - Kurdish. It was this people who were the most subjected to and resisted the turkishization. Official Ankara preferred to call the Kurds "mountain Turks". Their total number is up to 11 million people.
  3. Crimean Tatars. Up to 5 million of them live in Turkey, which is 8% of the country's population. Representatives of this people moved to Turkey since the 18th century, after the Crimea became part of Russia.
  4. Greeks. Number - up to 4 million. Greeks have lived in Turkey since the time of the Byzantine Empire. It is also the only one of the many peoples of Turkey whose main religion is Christianity.
  5. Zazy. Up to 2 million people. They live together with the Kurds. The Zazas are an Iranian people, unlike the Turks and Kurds, who are Turkic-speaking. Religion also distinguishes them. Zazas are Shiites.

The above list is the most numerous, but not all the peoples whose main place of residence is Turkey. The national composition according to the census includes many other Turkic-speaking people, as well as about 2 million Arabs and more than 4 million representatives of various Caucasian peoples.

Small nations

national minorities of Turkey
national minorities of Turkey

The national minorities of Turkey include a small Jewish community of up to 20,000 people, about 50,000 Germans, 17,000 Assyrians, and others. Several thousand Russians, who are also part of the national composition of Turkey, permanently live in the country.

All European and non-Turkic-speaking peoples are concentrated in large cities of the country. First of all - in Istanbul. We must not forget that Constantinople (the name of this city before the conquest of Byzantium by the Ottomans in 1452) is still the center of the entire Orthodox world. It is in Constantinople that the Ecumenical Council gathers. Also in Istanbul there are temples of other Christian denominations and synagogues. The entire national composition of Turkey can freely practice their religion.


Turkey national composition according to the census
Turkey national composition according to the census

A feature of the described state is the huge difference between the urban and rural areas of the country. This fact, by the way, also makes our countries related. There isTurkey is European, with the largest metropolis - Istanbul. The country has long been trying to join the European Union precisely through the efforts of the so-called. Westerners, university intelligentsia, as well as the business elite concentrated in the capital.

And in the east and south of the country, life is completely different. People there are not at all inclined towards cosmopolitanism and do not accept globalization. This is a completely normal Muslim outback. The population of central Turkey is more religious, mainly engaged in agriculture. It is these regions that are the place of compact residence of the Arab community in the south and the Kurdish community in the east of the country.


Turkey national composition of the population
Turkey national composition of the population

Like any other eastern country, Turkey has always attracted travelers and explorers from all over the world. It is famous primarily for its numerous upscale resorts. In addition to beaches and hotels, the largest monuments of antiquity are concentrated in Turkey. Thus, Istanbul is the center of Byzantine and Islamic architecture, while Cappadocia is the place of the most interesting natural formations and settlements inside the caves.

Interesting and national composition of tourists in Turkey. The first place among them is occupied by the Germans. Up to 5 million people come from Germany every year. Next comes Russia with 3.5 million tourists. Nearly three million holidaymakers arrive from England.

Countries with a million or more tourists are Bulgaria, Holland, France, Georgia, Iran and the United States.

Russians in Turkey

National compositionTurkey
National compositionTurkey

As mentioned above, a certain number of ethnic Russians live in Turkey (about 50 thousand people). These are both descendants of white emigrants and new arrivals. Our former compatriots settle mainly in large cities - Istanbul and Antalya, where a compactly living, rather close-knit community has formed.

Due to recent political events, Russian tourists can again visit Turkish attractions and resorts. The most visited among them is the city of Antalya. It is located on the Mediterranean coast and specializes in the hotel type of recreation, as well as nightlife.

Culture and customs

national features of Turkey
national features of Turkey

Any country with a large number of peoples inhabiting it inevitably forms a single, generally understood cultural environment. Turkey was no exception. Its national features consist of the customs of the peoples of the Caucasus, Central and Central Asia, the Mediterranean coast and the Middle East.

Turks, like all Eastern peoples, do not like haste. Responsive and kind. When communicating with them, it is highly recommended to show interest in the local culture, and before traveling to the country, learn basic phrases for communication. This will help to win over any interlocutor. In Turkey, they like to bargain, this is known to almost all tourists visiting the country. If the buyer immediately agrees to the offered price, then this may even offend the seller.

Among other things, we must not forget that this is the country of Islam. Turkey, national composition of the populationwhich consists of 95% Muslim peoples, is very tolerant of visiting adherents of other cultures. However, one must always remember that a tourist or other foreigner is just a guest.
