Fashion image, spicy vegetable, hand weapon - all this is called the word "bow". It is often found in our daily life, and sometimes without context it is difficult to understand what exactly is being said. Let's try to understand the origin of this word.
He althy vegetable
Onion is one of the most famous food plants! In Latin, its name sounds like Állium. The author of the name is Carl Linnaeus. A naturalist from Sweden back in 1753 described more than 30 species of this spicy vegetable. Among them were several decorative varieties. To date, the number of varieties known to man exceeds four hundred! Scientists say: the birthplace of onions is Southwest Asia. There it began to grow about six thousand years ago. From Asia, onions came to Egypt, Rome and Greece.

Scientists are still arguing about the origin of the word "onion". Most experts believe that this word came to us from the Old Slavonic language. According to this hypothesis, the basis of the word can go back to the Old Germanic language. The meaning of the word "onion" is a vegetable belonging to the lily family, havingpungent odor and pungent taste. But this is not the only option.
Onion - the plant of the gods: beliefs and traditions
The plant of the gods was called the onion by the Egyptians. In addition, they were sure that earthly life is arranged exactly according to the model of an ordinary onion. The bow was considered a symbol of eternal life and energy, so the Egyptians used it in huge quantities. Onions were fed daily to the slaves who built the pyramid of Cheops. This gave them strength, performance and endurance.

Roman gladiators were fond of an unusual massage - with onion oil. Thanks to useful substances, their muscles became more elastic. The bow made the legionnaires fearless, and the Olympians - indefatigable. But the Greeks used onions exclusively as a medicine. They did not dare to eat it because of the too strong smell. In Russia, onions have long been considered the best remedy for diseases.
Interesting facts
The world champions of onion eating are the people of Libya. Every citizen of this country eats more than thirty kilograms of onions annually! About twenty kilograms of onions fall on one inhabitant of Senegal. In third place are the British - according to the UN, each resident of England eats about ten kilograms of onions. By the way, it was here that the largest onion was grown - its weight was six kilograms. It is worth noting that onions contain much more sugar than pears or apples. In order for the vegetable to become sweet, it must be fried.
Look: what do they eat it with?
Popularity in the modern world has acquired another meaningthe words "bow" - a fashionable image. There is a feature - a bow is called how a person looks exactly at that moment. Simply put, this is a complete image in which makeup, clothes, hair, shoes and accessories are selected. A bow is a kind of demonstration of one's individuality. This phenomenon is typical mainly for street fashion. A bright bow allows you to surprise or even delight others, and for this it is not at all necessary to appear at secular parties or fashion shows. Just go for a walk.

Mesolithic weapons: how did throwing weapons appear?
Digging up Mesolithic sites, archaeologists discovered huge bows. Their height exceeded human height. They were made from elm. The tree was not chosen by chance - elm is hard and resilient. In addition, this tree lends itself perfectly to processing. Scientists believe that initially curved sticks were used for household purposes and only ten thousand years ago they became weapons. The bow allowed people to hunt wild animals at the maximum safe distance.
The bow is a weapon: etymology
The common Slavic root "luk" can be translated into modern language as "bend". Linguists suggest that this word is associated with the Old Prussian language. "Curved pitchfork" - this is how you can translate lanktis. There is a hypothesis that "bow" is a derivative of the Latin lanx, meaning "scale".

Types of bows
There are three main types of bows.
- Simple. Usually such weapons are made from one material - wood.
- Multilayered. This type is made from several layers of similar materials.
- Composite bow. It is a weapon made up of three or more materials. Such a bow is considered the most powerful.
By the way, the maximum distance an arrow can be fired from a composite bow is over 300 meters.