Everyone has experienced betrayal at least once in their life. Moreover, regardless of who commits a traitorous act, it is always painful, insulting and radically changes the attitude towards this person. Although betrayal is not just offending, it is rather to cross out all the good and kind that has been built in a relationship for a long time.
Dictionary definition of the concept
Intuitively, many people understand what it means to betray someone. The meaning of the word in the explanatory dictionary includes such descriptions as change, deceive slyly, leave in trouble. In the literal sense, to betray is to break the promises made. After all, a person from whom you do not expect loy alty or support and who does not provide it cannot be considered a traitor.

But the meaning of the word "betrayed" in the explanatory dictionary describes a person who is completely committed to someone, ready to give his love and loy alty, that is, he will never betray. These two opposite concepts are similar in sound and spelling. Therefore, dictionary definitions are not enough to understand this concept,it is necessary to find out why betrayals occur and whether it can be forgiven.
Anyone can be a traitor
Around every person there are many other people with whom relationships of varying intimacy and depth are built and developed. I would like to believe that their attitude on the outside coincides with their inner feelings, although it often happens that a person misinterprets the external manifestation of others, and then becomes disappointed and stops believing in anyone. To betray is to say one thing and do another, to promise to be there and support at any moment, but in reality it is to leave and leave someone alone.
Betrayal in love
It is believed that the betrayal of a loved one is the most painful and deepest grief that can happen in life. After all, love is a bright strong feeling that penetrates into the depths of the soul and the most hidden corners of the heart, makes you believe in a miracle and feel happy. The meaning of the word "betray" in love is closely related to the concept of betrayal and is its antipode. Betraying a loved one is the sharpest and most powerful negative act that a person can commit.

If a person chooses another person, this decision must be conscious, not to allow weaknesses or compromises. And, having chosen one, cheating on him with another means not only to cross out one's own decision, not to respect one's own choice, to prove oneself a weak-willed and vile person. Unfortunately, some cheaters believe that there is nothing wrong withthere is no such situation - you can live with one and periodically devote time and attention to others. Hidden betrayal is an even worse form of betrayal, destroying the relationship at its core. Most likely, in this case, there is no question of love, because they don’t cheat on loved ones.
Treachery in Friendship
A friend is as close and beloved as a soul mate, only with whom only platonic relationships develop. Friends can be the same sex or different, but if one of them betrays, it always affects friendship, intimacy and trust. It is generally accepted that a friend is a person you can always count on, trust him with the most important and valuable things, tell him what worries or pleases.
Friends are a small group of two or more people, within which - its own microclimate, rules and traditions. And if one person violates them, breaks the circle of friendship, betrays agreements, it will be very difficult to regain the former trust. Betrayal of a best friend is a phrase that evokes strong emotions and negative associations for many.
Treachery at work
In a working relationship, betraying is often a substitute. Sometimes colleagues get close, go beyond the business relationship, but the working atmosphere rarely suggests a good long-term friendship. Moreover, in various situations at work, a person is constantly looking for benefits for himself: how to complete a project faster, in what light it is better to appear before his superiors, how to hide his own mistakes.

And the human factorhere it only interferes, so many are ready to neglect good relations, decency. Betrayal at work is rare, but still carries negativity and discord in relationships.
Childish betrayal
Children, like adults, build relationships with each other, trust secrets and secrets. Therefore, even in such relationships there are betrayals, and although their meaning is difficult to compare with adult betrayal, they can cause serious childhood trauma to the child.
Many parents have experienced that the child is depressed and upset, and when trying to find out from him what happened, he reports a betrayal of a friend. He may not use this particular word and call it something else, but the meaning is that the person he trusted acted badly, did not justify this trust, betrayed him.

Children often ask what betrayal is, but they are not always able to explain it simply and clearly. After all, a child up to a certain age is not capable of such an act and cannot understand it either. But his relationships with other children are filled with different colors and shades, so you can try to tell him why you can’t betray friends and how to avoid it.
Can betrayal be forgiven
In whatever relationship a betrayal occurs, the question of forgiveness of such an act is always individual. It depends on many factors, and the situation may develop according to one of the similar scenarios:
- After a betrayal, an offended person cannot forgive what has been doneact, so the relationship ends. And for forgiveness and comfort, it takes a significant amount of time to let go.
- Two people can talk honestly and openly about the situation that has arisen, try to understand each other and start the relationship anew by closing the previous page. Although it is usually difficult for someone who has been betrayed to forget about everything and continue to pretend that nothing happened. Quite often, doubts and the expectation of a new stab in the back remain with him forever.
- In rare cases, both manage to forget about everything and move on hand in hand, not returning to the past. It is important that both people draw the appropriate conclusions and do not repeat the mistakes made.

To betray another person is, to some extent, to betray oneself. Indeed, by making promises and deciding to be faithful to someone, a person establishes himself in a certain position and expresses his intention. This can apply to any relationship - both in love and in friendship. Having stepped over his promises, he devalues his own word and intention, belittles the significance of the decision.
To betray or give: the difference between concepts
To learn to distinguish between two concepts and write them correctly, you need to correctly understand the lexical meaning of the word "betray". To violate someone's loy alty or to extradite someone, for example, to the authorities, means to betray a person and is written through the letter "e". Since it is unstressed, you can check it with a noun related in meaning and spelling -devotion.

The word "give" has a different context and means the assignment of a new property or quality to an object. The lexical meaning of the word "betray" and "give" has a semantic difference, so it is important to be able to distinguish them from each other.
Thus, "betray" is a simple word, but it is important to be able to understand it correctly and use it in your vocabulary. At the same time, in practice, it is better to never face betrayal and behave faithfully and honestly towards your loved ones.