Humanitarians - who are they?

Humanitarians - who are they?
Humanitarians - who are they?

Literally, the term "humanist" means "humane, generous, free". This word refers to areas of activity and science related to art,

humanities is
humanities is

philosophy, psychology, with the study of human consciousness, cultural and social processes.

Erudimentary creator, educated naturalist

Humanist - who is it? The "inner core" of the concept, hidden from the eyes of ordinary people, can be called scientists associated with the social and cultural study of society, teachers of certain disciplines. Writers and art critics, journalists-analysts and representatives of art, cinema, theater criticism can be attributed to the thickness of the general humanitarian culture.

Humanitarians are intellectuals who create and shape the style of social thinking. "Sciences about the spirit" can be called specialized empirical areas of knowledge that study, explore cultural, historical, mental and social phenomena. Chemist and biologist, archaeologist and physician, artist and philosopher, linguist and economist - this is a humanist, that is, a representative of a profession not associated with complex mathematical calculations and logical thinking.

Whatdistinguishes the humanist from the techie?

you are a humanist what is it
you are a humanist what is it

Humanitarian - what is it? It is generally accepted that people who are passionate about art, history and literature, who love to speak and perform in front of the public, who easily learn foreign languages, have a humanitarian mindset and are highly sensitive. In addition, it is believed that they have absolutely no ability in mathematical sciences, but imagination and a romantic perception of reality are developed.

People with the so-called technical mindset are considered to be more active, energetic and down to earth. They are purposeful, persistent and more self-confident. Their style of thinking is credited with greater speed, clarity, and consistency. People with such analytical and logical thinking are closer to areas of life related to mathematics, computer science and physics.

How to tell one from the other?

humanist what is it
humanist what is it

You can use different criteria to distinguish these two types of people:

  • color preferences;
  • differences in clothing style;
  • ways of remembering new information;
  • behavior in society and in the family, values;
  • ways to transfer knowledge and information.

The goals of people with a technical mindset are the search for algorithms, unifying formulas and process optimization. Humanitarians are those who seek to gain advanced knowledge about the subject of study. The former are able to simplify and concretize information, build logicalchains. The latter use colorful and extensive analogies, applying the properties of memory.

Who needs these social sciences?

Unfortunately, the activity that humanities scientists are engaged in is a type of knowledge little demanded by society, rarely understood. The bulk of people involved in the cycle of everyday life, refers to the philosophical and socio-humanitarian knowledge as a luxury and a whim. Ordinary people have enough information about what is “bad” or “good”, who is a “fool” and who is “smart”, one way or another, it is necessary to behave in certain situations.

Representatives of modern society have learned to control the phenomena of the material world. Man is fascinated by the utilitarian, concrete results and technological possibilities of using the laws of nature to satisfy his needs. In a technogenic society, the ability to solve specific practical problems, to issue algorithms and schemes for this, is in demand, and not the ability to think by asking questions.

Who is smarter: a techie or a humanist?

you are a humanist what does it mean
you are a humanist what does it mean

Unsubstantiated claims by some that the mental abilities of techies and mathematicians are higher than those of the humanities are greatly exaggerated. In fact, any humanist can easily master any technical profession thanks to his good memory. A techie is unlikely to cope with such a process, although there are exceptions to the rule.

If you ask a person: “You are a humanist. What does this mean? , he can start long and beautifulreasoning about the high importance of his profession in the development of world science. It will be quite difficult to get a specific answer. In the study of disciplines that are far from exact calculations, there is no pronounced sequence of obtaining skills. From the realization of painstaking and boring small work to obtain an insignificant result, the willingness to do this work quickly disappears in the humanities.

Why are Western companies looking for humanitarians?

who is a humanitarian
who is a humanitarian

Modern science helps people meet their basic needs. The technocratic aspirations of society have singled out such professions as oilmen and geologists, experimenters and physicists, cosmonauts and creators of aircraft. Lately, however, the biggest companies need talent.

Humanitarians are specialists who today are engaged in the comprehension of technical speci alties. Diversely educated employees with flexible thinking and creative ideas are in demand even in various financial institutions. This is because many humanities students have skills such as a sharper critical eye for reality, they are better at conflict resolution techniques than many techies.

The art of thinking

In some professions, it is important to have a good memory and the ability to analyze (historian, lawyer), in others, developed imagination and competent speech are important (teacher, journalist). In some professions, even with a brilliant development of abilities, certain qualities of character are necessary.(philosopher, speech therapist, psychologist, art critic). An unequivocal answer to the question: "Humanist - what is it?" - does not exist. Many areas need mixed

an economist is a humanist
an economist is a humanist

ability. These include the following speci alties:

  • sociology and linguistics;
  • teaching technical disciplines;
  • economic majors;
  • control sphere.

Specialists of the listed professions must have a good memory, and the ability to think analytically, and make mathematical calculations, and master the elements of public speaking, and be able to competently resolve conflict situations. A mathematician who has studied management, or a financier who practices psychology, will answer the statement: “You are a humanist,” that this is indeed the case. The art of thinking is welcomed in any area of human life, in any profession. It is impossible to imagine modern sociology, as well as linguistics, without humanitarian and mathematical knowledge. Political science is impossible without mathematical data processing.

In medieval times, arithmetic was one of the liberal arts, which were called the humanities. Would anyone now argue that everything has changed!
