Chlorine stock solution is an excellent disinfectant. With its help, they fight against harmful insects, infectious agents, as well as rodents. Preparing a solution at home is not so difficult. During work, the main thing is to adhere to the necessary proportions and observe safety precautions.
Composition and properties

Chlorine lime is a white powdery substance. It is sold in bags or packages weighing from one kilogram to thirty. It contains active chlorine, which, when combined with water, dissolves, forming lime. This substance is quite persistent and does not lose its properties throughout the year.
In addition, chloramine, which is made from toluene and benzene, is also used for disinfection. This gray-yellow powder contains 26.6% chlorine.

As a rule, bleach is used by medical professionals to disinfect premises. Before cookingbleach mother solution, according to safety regulations, gloves should be on the person’s hands, and a respirator and glasses should be on the face. And latex gloves are absolutely not suitable. The best material would be thick rubber. The worker also puts on a protective apron. After finishing work, he removes all protective equipment and thoroughly washes his hands.
Cooking procedure
Usually act as follows. Before preparing the mother liquor, a special enameled container is prepared in which the powder will be diluted. To work, you will need a wooden spatula to stir the solution with it. For one kilogram of dry powder, ten liters of pure water are taken, which is poured into a container. Next, the powder is gently poured and stirred with a stick or spatula. After the powder is completely dissolved, the solution is sent to infuse for a day. As a rule, it is stirred at least two or three more times immediately after preparation.
After the required period has elapsed, the finished solution is poured into a pre-prepared glass jar for further storage. A sheet with the date of preparation of the solution, the signature of the responsible medical worker who made bleach, as well as the percentage of components must be glued to the container. It should be borne in mind that the prepared composition is stored for no more than ten days.
Chloramine solution is prepared in just one step. For one liter of liquid, no more than fifty grams of powder will be needed. It is stirred with a wooden spoon until completelydissolution. Next, the container is covered with a lid and signed. Use the composition immediately after preparation.
Clear bleach solutions at 5, 3, and 1% should be prepared immediately before use. To do this, simply add some of the water to the mother liquor. Even in the absence of a table, it is very easy to calculate the ratio of components. For example, to prepare three liters of a one percent composition, you need only three hundred milliliters of a solution and 2700 g of water.
Purpose of compositions

Chlorine can be used dry to treat urine stains, feces, and sputum and vomit. Spots are simply sprinkled on top with dry powder in a ratio of about one hundred grams per pound of secretions and left in this form for fifty minutes.
Chlorine stock solution at 0, 5, 1 and 2% is used to disinfect objects and rooms, and a more concentrated solution will be needed in order to treat the toilet and trash can.
Ratio of ingredients

In order to prepare a 5% chlorine solution, you need five liters of pure water and a 10% clarified mother liquor. For a 3% composition, seven liters of liquid are required, for 2% - 8 liters, and in order to prepare a 1% solution - at least nine liters of water. Accordingly, if necessary, the concentration in a 0.1% solution is 9.9 liters of water, for 0.2% -9.8, and for 0.5% - 9.5 liters of liquid.
These working compositions are obtained from the mother liquor of bleach. If chloramine is used as the starting material, then the concentration of substances will look like this: for a 4% solution, you need half a kilogram of powder per ten liters of water, for 3% - three hundred grams and 2% - two hundred. Accordingly, to prepare a mother solution at a concentration of 0.2%, you will need 20 g of powder, 0.5% - 50 g and 1% - one hundred grams.
Further, in order to make the solution necessary for processing from this composition, you will need a separate container and clean water. To prepare 4% chloramine, you will need fifty grams of the composition per 950 ml of water, and for 1% - ten grams. Accordingly, 0.2% - two grams.
What is used for

Ready stock solution will be used depending on its concentration. For example, a 0.5% working composition made from 0.5 liters of clarified mother bleach is used for disinfection in somatic wards. 1% composition is disinfected from pathogens of intestinal diseases. In order to make a treatment for hepatitis, you will need a 3% solution, and for tuberculosis - 5%.
Cleaning the room
General cleaning is carried out, as a rule, no more than once a month. The medical worker puts on a protective gown, mask, goggles, gloves and an apron. First, windows are opened in order to protect the person from chlorine vapor as much as possible. Next, the furniture is moved away for convenience, the beds are covered and the procedure begins. During work, use reusable and disposable cloth napkins. Windows are processedwindow sills, walls and floors.
Disadvantages of the solution
Despite the obvious benefits, this composition has a number of disadvantages. For example, it has an extremely negative effect on metal or fabric. With regular use, it can destroy or damage any material. It does not have good enough solubility in water, which is why sometimes the solution is prepared in two or even three stages. Many experts complain about the difficulties that arise during the storage of lime. In addition, insufficient storage time also affects the quality of work.
Chloramine Benefit
Chloramine cream powder has some advantages over bleach stock. It is much better stored, and its action on any surface is less aggressive. In addition, it dissolves perfectly in water, which cannot be said about the lime liquid.