Ancient stone cathedrals began to be built after the proclamation of Christianity as the state religion of Russia. For the first time they were erected in the largest cities - Kyiv, Vladimir, and Novgorod. Most of the cathedrals have survived to this day and are the most important architectural monuments.
Historical background
The Old Russian state reached the peak of its development during the reign of Vladimir the Great and his son Yaroslav the Wise. In 988, Christianity was proclaimed the state religion. This was of great importance for the further development of feudal relations, strengthening the unity of the country, flourishing cultural life, expanding ties with Byzantium and other European powers. After the establishment of Christianity in Russia, they began to build ancient cathedrals of stone. The best masters of their time were invited to work, the artistic and technical achievements of the era were used.
The first stone church - Tithes - was erected in the center of Kyiv under Vladimir the Great. During its construction, the prince managed to significantly strengthen the city and expand its territory.
Byzantine style in architecture
The ancient cathedrals of Russia very often resembled Byzantine churches in their design. But soon this artistic model began to acquire national characteristics.
The Church of the Tithes was a cross-domed church. The Chernigov Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral, St. Sophia of Kyiv and others had the same form.

Let's consider the characteristic features of Byzantine temples:
- Cross-domed cathedrals were a building crowned with a dome, which was strengthened by four columns. They were sometimes joined by two more (to increase the size).
- Ancient cathedrals looked like a pyramid.
- For the construction of temples, special bricks of a certain shape were used - plinths, which were connected with the help of opulence.
- Windows usually had a couple of openings and an arch.
- The main attention was concentrated on the interior decoration of the temple. There were no rich compositions outside.
Characteristic features of ancient Russian architecture
The ancient cathedrals of Russia were built according to the Byzantine model. However, over time, architecture acquired its own national features.
- The temples were much larger than the Byzantine ones. For this, additional galleries were built around the main premises.
- Instead of the central columns, large cruciform pillars were used.
- Sometimes the plinth was replaced by a stone.
- The picturesque design style eventually gave way to the graphic.
- From the XII century.the towers and galleries were not used and the side naves were not illuminated.
St. Sophia Cathedral
The ancient cathedral was erected during the period of the highest prosperity of Kievan Rus. In the annals, the foundation of Sophia of Kyiv dates back to 1017 or 1037.
The cathedral was dedicated to the wisdom of Christian teaching and was called upon to affirm the greatness of the new religion. During the times of Russia, the cultural and social center of the capital was located here. The cathedral was surrounded by other stone temples, palaces and simple city buildings.

Initially it was a five-nave cross-domed structure. Outside were galleries. The walls of the building were built of red brick and plinth. Sophia of Kyiv, like other ancient Russian cathedrals, was decorated with various spans and arches. The interior decoration abounded with picturesque frescoes and gilded mosaics. All this created an impression of extraordinary splendor and splendor. The cathedral was painted by some of the most famous Byzantine masters.
Sophia of Kyiv is the only monument of architecture in Ukraine that survived after the invasion of the Mongols in 1240.
Church of the Intercession of the Virgin
The church, located on the banks of the Nerl River, is one of the most famous architectural monuments in Suzdal. The temple was erected by Andrei Bogolyubsky in the 12th century. in honor of a new holiday in Russia - the Protection of the Virgin. Like many other ancient cathedrals in Russia, this church is a cross-domed building on four columns. The building is very light and light. Temple frescoeshave not survived to this day, as they were destroyed during the reconstruction at the end of the 19th century.

Kremlin in Moscow
The Moscow Kremlin is the most famous and oldest architectural monument in the capital of Russia. According to legend, the first wooden fortress was erected under Yuri Dolgoruky at the beginning of the 12th century. The ancient cathedrals of the Kremlin are the most famous in Russia and still attract tourists with their beauty.
Assumption Cathedral
The first stone cathedral in Moscow - Assumption. It was erected by an Italian architect during the reign of Ivan III on the highest point of the Kremlin Hill. In general terms, the building is similar to other ancient cathedrals in Russia: a cross-domed model, six pillars and five domes. The Assumption Church in Vladimir was taken as the basis for the construction and decoration. The walls were built from iron ties (instead of traditional oak), which was an innovation for Russia.
The Assumption Cathedral was designed to emphasize the greatness of the Muscovite state and demonstrate its power. Church councils were held here, metropolitans were elected, Russian rulers were married to reign.

Annunciation Cathedral
At a time when Moscow was still a small principality, an ancient cathedral was located on the site of the Annunciation Church. In 1484, the construction of a new building began. Russian architects from Pskov were invited to build it. In August 1489, a snow-white three-domed church grew, surrounded by a large gallery on three sides. If the Assumption Cathedralwas the religious center of the principality, where important spiritual and political ceremonies were held, then the Annunciation was the royal house church. In addition, the state treasury of the great rulers was kept here.

Arkhangelsk Cathedral
This ancient monument is a temple-tomb, which stores the ashes of prominent figures of Russia. Ivan Kalita, Dmitry Donskoy, Ivan the Terrible, Vasily the Dark, Vasily Shuisky and others are buried here.
The Archangel Cathedral was built in 1508 by the Italian architect Aleviz. The master arrived in Moscow at the invitation of Ivan III.

It should be noted that the Archangel Church is not like other ancient cathedrals located on Red Square. It resembles a secular building, in the design of which there are antique motifs. The Archangel Cathedral is a cross-domed five-domed building with six columns. During its construction, for the first time in the history of Russian architecture, a two-tier order was used to decorate the facade.
Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye
The church was built in 1532 in honor of the birthday of Ivan the Terrible. There is a beautiful building on the banks of the Moskva River.

The Church of the Ascension is fundamentally different from other Russian cathedrals. In its form, it represents an equal cross and is the first example of tent architecture in Russia.