Flexibility: definition, means and methods of developing flexibility

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Flexibility: definition, means and methods of developing flexibility
Flexibility: definition, means and methods of developing flexibility

Different sciences related to physical education and sports are engaged in the development of physical abilities: pedagogy, psychology and physiology. In order to solve the problems associated with physical development and education, it is necessary not only to carefully approach the determination of endurance, flexibility and other physical qualities, but also to the search for optimal means and methods for their development.

What are physical qualities?

Such qualities are represented, according to the definition, by strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, dexterity. They are directly related to motor abilities, being, in fact, their basis. They manifest themselves in motor skills and abilities. Physical qualities are innate, they provide human motor activity.

What is flexibility in physical education: definition

Well developed flexibility is essential invarious sports. One of the tasks solved by physical education is the development of flexibility. Well-developed this physical quality is an important condition for successful training in physical exercises.

flexibility in sports
flexibility in sports

One of the manifestations of flexibility is associated with internal changes that affect the joints, muscle and cardiovascular system. The consequences of insufficient flexibility may be posture disorders, osteochondrosis, s alt deposits, changes in gait. Insufficient flexibility in athletes can lead to injuries and prevent perfect mastery of the technique.

The very definition of flexibility is used to denote the properties of the motor apparatus, which determine the degree of mobility of its links relative to each other.

Flexibility characteristic

In various sports and industrial activities, flexibility acts as a success factor. It provides a better and faster mastery of the techniques of performing movements, contributes to a more economical use of speed, strength and other physical qualities, which allows you to achieve practical results much more efficiently.

development of flexibility
development of flexibility

According to the definition of the physical quality of flexibility, it simultaneously refers to the structure and functions of the musculoskeletal system, that is, it acts as a morphofunctional one. Through this quality, the limiting boundaries of the movements of various parts of the body are determined.


As the most important features,allowing to classify flexibility are the following factors:

  • in what mode the muscles work;
  • Using or not external assistance.

According to this, we can distinguish such forms of flexibility as:

  • dynamic (appears in motion);
  • static (allows you to maintain body position);
  • active, it can be characterized by the magnitude of the amplitude of movements during independent exercise due to the muscular efforts of the body;
  • passive, where the characteristic is the maximum value of the amplitude of movements, which is achieved under external influence.

Features of manifestation

According to the definition, flexibility is the ability to perform movements with a significant amplitude. This term is most acceptable in the case when the mobility of all joints of the body as a whole is considered. In relation to individual joints, it is more appropriate to use the concept of "mobility". Thanks to good flexibility, freedom, speed, economy of movements are ensured, and there is an increase in the path of effective application of efforts. Insufficient development of flexibility contributes to the difficulty of coordinating human movements, which is associated with limiting the movement of individual parts of the body.

flexibility exercise
flexibility exercise

When determining flexibility, the forms of its manifestation are considered. In this case, active and passive flexibility can be distinguished. Active flexibility is determined by the performance of movements with a largeamplitude, which ensures the own activity of a particular muscle group. Passive flexibility is considered as the ability to perform movements that are at the same time affected by external tensile forces: the efforts of a partner, external weights, special devices, etc.

According to the way of manifestation (and according to the definition), flexibility is divided into dynamic and static. The manifestation of dynamic flexibility is associated with movements, static - with postures.

Flexibility can also be general and specific. General flexibility is characterized by high mobility (range of motion) of all joints of the body. Special flexibility is associated with the amplitude of movements, which correspond to the technique of performing a specific motor action.

Means and methods of development

The greatest pedagogical effect of means and methods aimed at developing flexibility is observed if they are applied systematically and purposefully. At the same time, stretching exercises should be used in small quantities, but they should be performed often.

demonstration of flexibility
demonstration of flexibility

As a means of ensuring the development of flexibility, there are exercises that can be performed with maximum amplitude. They have another name - stretching exercises. Antagonist muscles act as the main limitation of the range of motion. The purpose of stretching exercises is to stretch the connective tissue in these muscles, the desire to make them supple and elastic.

Exercise onstretching is divided into active, passive and static. The main characteristic of active movements is the full amplitude of execution (swings with limbs, jerks, tilts and rotational movements of the body) can be performed without objects and with objects.

flexibility in dance
flexibility in dance

Passive flexibility exercises include:

  • movements that are performed with the help of a partner;
  • movements that are performed with weights;
  • movements that use a rubber expander or shock absorber;
  • passive movements can also be performed using one's own strength (for example, when pulling the torso to the legs, bending the hand with the other hand, etc.);
  • movements that are performed on shells (weight is your own body weight).

When performing static exercises, for which the help of a partner, your own body weight or strength is used, it is necessary to maintain a stationary position with the maximum amplitude for a certain time (6-9 s). After completing one approach, you need to relax, after which the exercise is repeated.