Face type and psychological characteristics of a person

Face type and psychological characteristics of a person
Face type and psychological characteristics of a person

Once upon a time in school we were taught that humanity is divided into races, each of which has its own characteristic features of appearance. And when we are told that this or that person has a European type of face, we can already roughly imagine what he looks like. But appearance isn't everything. There is an interesting science called physiognomy, which claims that the type of face and the psychological characteristics of a person are closely related to each other, and provides quite convincing examples to prove it.

face type
face type

For skeptics

Some people think it's all bullshit. With all due respect to such an opinion, we hasten to note that physiognomy as a science has about three thousand years in its history. The type of face and its connection with the inner world of a person were of interest at one time to such famous thinkers and scientists of antiquity as Aristotle, Hippocrates, Cicero, Ibn Sina, Pliny the Younger and Leonardo da Vinci. In addition, a number of well-known domestic psychiatrists and physicians, including V. F. Chizh, I. A. Sikorsky, V. M. Bekhterev, note the connection of diseases and the psyche with external statisticalfeatures, including the shape of the head. And if physiognomy were pseudoscience and mystical nonsense, would it be able to withstand such a test of time?

determine the type of person
determine the type of person


A person's face, depending on its shape, is round, trapezoidal, elongated rectangular and square. Let us briefly list what this can say to a person who is well versed in physiognomy.

Round face type

Such people are distinguished by their good nature. They are gentle and peaceful. They love delicious food, good company, appreciate beautiful things and comfort. Curiously, women with this face shape are more likely to have a boy. They tend to be excellent housewives, prefer the liberal arts, and are prone to teaching and writing. If, in addition to a round shape, cheekbones are clearly visible on the face, combined with a high bridge of the nose and “burning” eyes, then such a person clearly has organizational skills and can make a real leader from him. Among the shortcomings can be noted cunning and restlessness.

Trapezoid type of face

Different from others with a wide forehead and a non-pointed chin. Often found in artistic, intelligent, sensitive people. Women of this type are able to create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere around them, and men can boast of high authority, although they do not always occupy leading roles. The reason for this is a certain lack of will in protecting their interests, inherent in people with this face shape. However, in the family of a manoften become leaders, they are quite demanding of others and want to control everything.

Elongated rectangular face type

The width of the forehead and chin is about the same. Among such people there are often intellectuals and real talents. They are characterized by sensitivity, balance, prudence and strong organizational skills. It is curious that if the owner of a rectangular face type was not born in the autumn month, then he most often achieves success in the humanitarian field, and otherwise he can be very successful in finance and economics. And for men born in December, it makes sense to try their hand at politics and banking.

European face type
European face type

Square face type

Such a person is most likely straightforward and stern, but at the same time open and frank. He prefers to go ahead to his success and is distinguished by determination and perseverance. Sometimes it may seem that people with a square face are rude and heartless, but this impression is often misleading. Among them, you often come across good psychologists and excellent analysts who are able to successfully extricate themselves from the most difficult troubles in life. Their ability to get along with people deserves deep respect. If you come across a woman with a square face, be careful, as such ladies often have a quarrelsome character. Sometimes they are vengeful and envious, but at the same time they are not strong in intrigues, so there will be no great danger from them.

Triangular face type

Distinguished by a wide forehead, a small nose,protruding cheekbones and deep-set eyes, combined with a slightly protruding chin. These people are inquisitive, talented and often become prominent personalities in the field of art or science. Possible disadvantages are cunning, selfishness and quarrelsomeness. Loy alty and loy alty are by no means a priority for such people, but at the same time, a person with a triangular face shape does not make false promises. If the eyes are set too deep, this is a sign of excessive emotionality. The sharp mind and resourcefulness of people of this type are combined with a good imagination, cheerful disposition and impulsiveness. At the same time, they are often troubled by spiritual emptiness, disappointment and inner sadness. Now, guided by our descriptions, you can try to determine the type of face, both yours and your friends, and check how close all of the above is to the truth. Perhaps you will learn something new for yourself about the people who surround you.
