Crimes are committed daily, and a large number of criminals are arrested daily. However, not only those who committed the act, but also accomplices can be guilty of a criminal offense.
According to the criminal code of the Russian Federation, an accomplice is the one who organized the crime, as well as accomplices and instigators. Customers and initiators are accomplices, they are also responsible for committing a crime. This explains the fact that in case of a contract killing, the blame is placed not only on the killer, but also on his employer.
Accomplice vs perpetrator - what's the difference?

The performer differs from the accomplices in that it is he who commits the illegal act. In this case, there may be several main actors. A group of people is given a heavier punishment, since group crime is an aggravating circumstance.
Not always in a group crime, all persons are perpetrators. If part of the group covered the main criminal, or provided assistance, then itrecognized by a group of accomplices.

The organizer is the one who developed the plan of the crime. The accomplice in charge of the organization is the one who is the "brain" of the operation.
Those who are in charge of the crime are the most dangerous criminals, as they lead one or a group of criminals, giving them instructions to commit a crime.
The organizers of large criminal gangs are responsible for every crime of their charges, and therefore they face the most severe sentence.
Types of activities of the organizer: gathering a group, drawing up an action plan, mining and providing crime instruments, and others.
The activity of the organizer is always intentional, as he is aware of the gravity of his crimes, has his own intent.
An instigating accomplice is one who forced a person to commit a crime. He could do this through bribery, threats, persuasion, or violence.
In this kind of complicity, only those people who conveyed a specific idea are accused. That is, they persuaded the criminal to commit a specific action in one way or another.
The intent of the perpetrator and the instigator may differ, but it is always direct. Therefore, incitement can only be premeditated.
Accomplices: Types of Aiding

Aiding is another type of complicity, which, unlike the first two, can beunintentional.
People who cover the criminal, provide him with the necessary information about the location of a person or other object are accused of complicity. Concealed possession of murder weapons, as well as simple advice to the criminal, is considered to be aiding.
The offender does not personally participate in the commission of the crime. All his actions, as a rule, occur before the actual action.
There are two types of aiding: physical and intellectual.
Physical aiding - providing the necessary tools for the crime (weapons, clothing, various tools, and so on.). In addition, this includes facilitating the conduct of a crime by removing any obstacles. Financial support also counts.
Intellectual aiding - providing information about the location of the object of the crime or weapons. Giving advice and guidance, as well as hidden storage of tools or a promise that an accomplice will hide the criminal. An intellectual accomplice is one who is often referred to as an informant.
Aiding does not always have direct intent, but is almost always considered premeditated. That is, the accomplice may not want to take part in the crime, but agrees to hide the criminal. At the same time, the accomplice realizes that by doing so he violates the law.