Conversational style: its main features

Conversational style: its main features
Conversational style: its main features
Conversational style
Conversational style

Conversational style is a style of speech that serves for direct communication between people. Its main function is communicative (exchange of information). Conversational style is presented not only in oral speech, but also in writing - in the form of letters, notes. But mainly this style is used in oral speech - dialogues, polylogues.

Sash", "San Sanych", etc.). The context of a certain situation and the use of non-verbal means (reaction of the interlocutor, gestures, facial expressions) play an important role in conversational style.

A lexical characteristic of conversational style

characteristic of conversational style
characteristic of conversational style

The language differences in colloquial speech include the use of non-lexical means (stress, intonation, speech rate, rhythm, pauses, etc.). The linguistic features of conversational style also include frequentthe use of colloquial, colloquial and slang words (for example, "start" (start), "today" (now), etc.), words in a figurative sense (for example, "window" - in the meaning of "break"). The colloquial style of the text is distinguished by the fact that very often words in it not only name objects, their signs, actions, but also give them an assessment: “dodger”, “well done”, “careless”, “be smart”, “take a sip”, “cheerful ".

The conversational style is also characterized by the use of words with magnifying or diminutive suffixes ("spoon", "book", "bread", "seagull", "pretty", "great", "red"), phraseological turns (“He got up a little light”, “rushed with all his might”). Speech often includes particles, introductory words, interjections, appeals ("Masha, go get some bread!", "Oh, my God, who came to us!").

Conversational style: syntax features

Conversational text style
Conversational text style

The syntax of this style is characterized by the use of simple sentences (most often compound and non-union), incomplete sentences (in dialogue), the widespread use of exclamatory and interrogative sentences, the absence of participial and participle turns in sentences, the use of sentence words (negative, affirmative, incentive, etc.). This style is characterized by breaks in speech that can be caused byvarious reasons (the speaker's excitement, looking for the right word, unexpected jumping from one thought to another).

The use of additional constructions that break the main sentence and introduce certain information, clarifications, comments, amendments, explanations into it also characterizes the conversational style.

In colloquial speech, complex sentences can also be found, in which parts are interconnected by lexical and syntactic units: the first part contains evaluative words ("clever", "well done", "stupid", etc.), and the second part substantiates this assessment, for example: "Well done for helping!" or "Fool Mishka for listening to you!"
