The morphologically invariable part of the word that carries the lexical meaning is the stem, it is on this basis that non-derivative and derived words are distinguished. Each basis is characterized bilaterally: structurally and semantically.

The non-derivative stem is not semantically motivated, since it cannot be explained with the help of related words, and morphologically it is inseparable. In its structure, it is equivalent to the root of the word. For example: forest -a; brave; good - oh; rivers and so on.
These fundamentals are non-derivative. And derivative words can be distinguished precisely on these grounds: semantically motivated, explained by the selection of a related stem. Its structure is easily divided into two blocks of equal importance, that is, the very basis that forms derivative words, and the word-forming affix. The examples will be the same: forest -n-oh; brave; good -from-a;
The first block is the base
Non-derivative and derivative words belong to the field of word formation, where the central concept is the basis - basic orproducing. From the base in form and meaning, that is, bilaterally, a derivative is derived, which is precisely why it is considered motivating for the derivative basis. This means that the base of the derivative word is the basis of the motivating one. For example, in the word forest-isty, the basic stem is forest, but the forest- is the basis of the adjective motivating. Thus, non-derivative and derivative words are distinguished.
The first block of this word-formation structure is the basis of the forest, it is the base, as in any other derived word. It, in turn, can become non-derivative, because everything depends on the ability to break down into separate terms. For example, the word forest is awn. In all cases, everything is decided by the stage of production. That is, the first stage is a derivative word derived from the root morpheme, here the base is non-derivative, and all subsequent stages make the word derivative.

The derivative and non-derivative stem of a word in its word-formation structure can be represented by the following schemes:
1. Basic stem (I) + word-forming suffix (II) + inflection. Examples: pride; speech - to-a; book n-th.
2. Derivative prefix (II) + base stem (I) + inflection. Examples: forever yes; right-vnu-k.
3. Derivational prefix (II) + base stem (I) + derivational suffix (II) + inflection. Examples: interviews - no-to; primor-sky.
Thus, it is possible to formulate the main patterns from the above diagramsword formation in Russian. The derivative and non-derivative stem of a word are quite easily distinguished.

First rule: a word is always formed from the basic stem that exists in the language, and word-building affixes help in this process. In general, the basic basis is a functional concept, since it can be the same for a number of words, because from one root we form several, and sometimes many others. For example, all kinds of adjectives come from a noun, which differ only in word-forming affixes: heads -a - heads -n-oh - heads -ast-th; eye - eye -n-oh - eye -ast-th and so on.
All words have a derivative and non-derivative property, the meaning of the word mainly depends on this. But all derivatives have a basic basis. If the base itself is segmentable, then there are difficulties and even errors in the definition of word-forming affixes. For example: a noun such as talent comes from the adjective talented, and not vice versa, as always happens. The noun talent was first supposed to form the talent -liv-th, and from here a new noun appeared with the help of the affix - awn. Otherwise, it would have turned out to be "talent - awn", somehow ugly.

Second rule: all words in the same meaning of basic stems are obtained using the same affix or one of its types. It works herethe principle of semantic deducibility, which serves as the foundation of motivational relations of base words and their derivatives. Of course, adding complexity to this principle is such a phenomenon as the ambiguity of words. In Russian, most of them are polysemic, and this is reflected in word formation.
The semantic structure of the derivative and polysemantic source words quite often radically differ from each other. A derived word usually has some one, isolated meaning, which is what distinguishes it from the basic stem. Here the main role is played by the derivative and non-derivative stem of the word. Examples can be found everywhere. Take the adjective old. It has several meanings: a person, an animal or an object that has reached old age; something ancient, existing since ancient times; used for a long time, dilapidated, deteriorated from time to time; old; worthless, invalid; old, outdated, outdated and much, much more. The group of derivatives of this word is numerous and is associated with the first, initial meaning of the basic stem: senile, old man, grow old, old man, old woman, old age, grow old, and so on. From here, derivatives appear that change the original value.

Non-derivative words
It is known that the boundary between classes that would represent the exact opposition of which words are derivatives and which are non-derivatives is not strict enough. Accentological analysis makes this distinction in such a way that the category of non-derivatives includes words that have no semantic connection with anyreal-life word in Russian. There are many of them: luggage, author, live, water, strong, take, and so on. In addition, non-derivatives should be words with a monomorphic stem - barking, running, and so on. Also among the non-derivatives there will be words, so to speak, "simplified".
What "derivative and non-derivative words" means becomes more clear when the principle of morpheme addition becomes clear. Attachment may or may not be tight. How are two word forms combined into one word? Its main part is an independently existing word form. Refining and refining, red and fine, in and out are a million examples. Here is the last one - tightly joined, and the first one - loosely.
Worker words
One should never confuse a derivative and a producing word. The producing one works, and the derivative appears directly from it, repeating the parental features with its material backbone, but not completely, but in the same way that the son is approximately similar to both the mother and the father, and even to the great-aunt: there the ending is truncated, and sometimes and the suffix disappears. Worker-nickname - work-at; pri-tsep-shchik - pri-tsep-it and so on. Here, the generating word is unchanged here, and the derivative is obtained with the help of affixes and is often not identical to the usual stem of the word.
On this topic - "Derivative and non-derivative words" - the outline of the lesson would be interesting, since word formation is very strongly connected with all manifestations of human existence. The teacher is simply expanse in the selection of examples, comparisons, illustrations.

It is impossible to compare a derivative word with words related to it, that is, close in meaning and sound, in the analysis, and this is done very often. It is very difficult to give an exhaustive answer to the question of what words are called non-derivatives. Derivatives are easier to work with. This term in itself is too broad, since it covers a huge word-building nest, where there are derivatives not only with the generating base that interests us, but also a lot of words that are not directly related to it, there are a lot of related formations.
For example, adjective conversational. Here you can bring related words: talk-say, talk-it-sya, talk-say, talk-or-s. And here only one, the second, will be generating, it is from it that this adjective is directly formed. The last two are generally superfluous, they do not contribute to the direction of analysis we have chosen, because the adjective conversation-talk is formed not from the verb, but from the noun conversation, that is, from its substative generating stem, and the past tense (form) - from the infinitive, which included, among other things, suffixes as additional elements. From here you can observe what the derivative and non-derivative stem of a word in word formation means.
And yet - definition
Non-derivative words can be considered those that are not formed and are not formed from any other single-root word existing in the language. Regarding derivative words - everythingvice versa. These are formations from words that already exist in the language, using various models of word formation. The motivation for it is the relationship of two words with the same root. The meaning of one of them is determined either through the meaning of the other (crab - crab-ik, that is, small, but still a crab), or through identity in all components, excluding the grammatical meaning of the part of speech (white-th - white-izn-a, run-a-be - run and so on).
A word-building chain is a series of words with a single root that are consistently motivated. The initial, initial link is an unmotivated word, then with each newly formed word, motivation grows. Thus, both derivatives and non-derivatives are defined. Examples: old-th - old-et - y-old-et - y-old-ate-th - y-old-ate-awn. There are four degrees of motivation here, and all together they make up a word-formation nest, in which there are many more chicks. The original word - like a mother bird, a kind of peak - it is unmotivated. From it come word-building chains that have the same source word.

First you need to define each element of the structure. The part of the word where its lexical meaning is expressed is called the stem. Inflection is an ending that always indicates the relation of this word to others. Root - part of the word, which is common to all relatives. Affixes (or formants) are morphemes that join the root and serve to form new words.
Modern Russian word formation occurs in different ways - both morphological and non-morphological. First of all, there is a regularity in the combination of morphemes in the process of word formation.
Methods of word formation
Morphological ways of word formation are quite numerous.
1. The addition of the foundations, that is, the formation of complex and complexly abbreviated words (earth-quake, sky-vault, steam-way and paradise-com, face-without, savings-bank).
2. A rarely used non-affix method, it works only for nouns, the consonant at the end and the stress change there, but the stem remains unchanged.
3. Affix is one of the most productive when morphemes are added to the root, creating both lexical and grammatical forms.
4. Suffix - added to the base suffix.
5. Prefix - a prefix is added.
6. Suffix-prefix - respectively, both are added.
7. Postfix - an affix is added after the end.
There are only three non-morphological ways of word formation: lexical-semantic (a word with a new meaning), lexical-syntactic (former word-combinations like crazy-lost) and morphological-syntactic, when words become other parts of speech. Having mastered these word-formation rules, a person will already be able to answer which words are derivatives and which are never non-derivative.