Refined - what is it? Meaning and suggestions

Refined - what is it? Meaning and suggestions
Refined - what is it? Meaning and suggestions

How to distinguish the beauty of the rough from the refined? This question, we think, torments not only us, but also many others. However, it's not just about beauty. Let's talk about the adjective "refined" in general and discuss the personality trait that many desire and some even dream about.


So how do you tell one beauty from another? Some faces are beautiful and some are rude. But at the same time, the latter can be quite nice. For example, it is not customary for men to be too beautiful. If a man is beautiful in a feminine way, then he is called “pretty”, and such a characteristic among real men is not valued too highly. So the answer to the question posed at the beginning is gender. The easiest way to distinguish rough beauty from the refined one is by gender. Women strive for sophistication, and men for brutality, but the latter does not have to be unattractive.

Hannibal Lecter himself
Hannibal Lecter himself

Of course, not only beauty can be sophisticated. So let's give meaning to the word "refined":

  1. Good, finely developed, exquisite.
  2. Pushed to the extreme.

We noticed that there is a moral distinction in the meanings: for neutral or positive phenomena, such as beauty or taste, the first meaning is applied, and if cruelty or bullying is implied, the second meaning is applied. However, this will be obvious in the examples.

Sentences with the word

An example of sophisticated beauty can be found immediately - this is Monica Bellucci, who at 50 retains a great shape. However, the reader can put any woman he finds beautiful in her place, we do not mind. An example of refined cruelty is Hannibal Lecter. Remember his conversations with Clarice Starling, how he masterfully tore the crusts from her old wounds, penetrating into the hidden depths of the soul? Yes, it was refined cruelty, and this is also a skill.

But there will be other characters in the sentences:

  • Can you imagine, she told me that she was tired of my action films and, having tied my arms and legs, forced me to watch romantic comedies, and since it was Friday, we managed to watch about 4 films. Then I cried, and she took pity. Yes, it was refined cruelty.
  • He didn't like going to the cinema: he couldn't stand mass films. I only watched arthouse movies and thought they had sophisticated taste.
  • In general, in today's visual world, those who prefer reading to watching already have refined needs. Although the confrontation between the book and the screen has been going on for many years.

What can be sophisticated?

We have already talked about beauty, taste and cruelty. But the division into gross andsophisticated is something that can be applied anywhere. For example, needs are gross and subtle. Humor of the same quality: the residents of "Comedy" joke rudely, and Zhvanetsky - subtly.

Shelf with books
Shelf with books

Yes, there is a feeling that the adjective "refined" is always a plus, and rough is always a minus. But it is not so. There are different people with different mental organization. And according to the latter, some get pleasure from simple things, while others from complex ones. There are snobs who are aesthetic and try to find meaning in modern installations. And show them an action movie with Van Damme, they will say: “Ugh, how rude!” But culture accepts everyone, this is its advantage, under its roof everyone finds comfort - both rough and refined, and that's good.
