What is vocabulary? Language definitions and properties

What is vocabulary? Language definitions and properties
What is vocabulary? Language definitions and properties

All our interaction happens through language. We communicate information, share emotions, and reflect through words. But what are these words without meaning? Just a bunch of letters. It is our perception, thoughts and memories that can breathe life into a dry set of sounds. This whole process is determined by vocabulary, without it all this would be impossible. So let's get acquainted with what the vocabulary is, the definition and properties of the language.


Communication illustration
Communication illustration

Definitions "What is vocabulary?" may differ, as a rule, in details, but always have the following base. Vocabulary is a collection of words and expressions in a language. Vocabulary is studied by a special science - lexicology. The objects of study of this discipline are constantly expanding due to the dynamic development of the vocabulary itself. New words are added, a new meaning is changed or added to the existing ones. In addition, the emphasis on words is also changeable: some passinto a passive vocabulary (no longer used in speech), some, on the contrary, receive a “new life”. By the way, judging by the definition of the word "lexicon", it can be both the whole language as a whole and the style of individual works.

The most common ways to replenish the vocabulary of vocabulary: word formation and arrival from other languages. In word formation, new expressions are formed from previously known parts of words. For example, "steamboat" is formed from "steam" and "move". New words from other languages are formed in the process of political, cultural or economic communication between countries. For example, "shorts" from the English short - short.

Meaning of words in vocabulary

Communication process
Communication process

Definition "What is vocabulary?" in Russian is directly related to the word. The word is the basic unit of vocabulary. It has its own properties: the rules of spelling - grammar, the rules of pronunciation - phonetics, the rules of semantic use - semantics.

Each word has its own lexical meaning. This is a set of properties that has settled in the mind, which, as a result, correlating auditory and mental perception, forms an idea of the word. From such lexical units, speech is formed, with the help of which we express our thoughts.

After getting acquainted with the concept and words, we can say that the definition of "What is vocabulary?" almost over. In fact, we know everything we need, but to complete the picture, we need to go a little deeper into the use of certain words.

Types of words

Communication process
Communication process

Sothe definition of the concept of vocabulary is firmly based on the concept of words. The words themselves are divided into several types. Here we will consider three main ones: synonyms, antonyms, homonyms.

Synonyms are words that are close in meaning. Usually they are close, that is, their meaning is not identical. The same words, the meaning of which coincides completely, are called absolute synonyms. For example, a friend is a comrade, an enemy is an opponent.

Antonyms are opposite words. They must refer to one property of the item, such as color or size. For example, good - evil, high - low.

Homonyms - different in meaning, but identical in spelling and pronunciation of the word. For example, a braid (hair) - a braid (tool), a key (spring) - a key (from the door).

Common usage

Communication process
Communication process

A more global division of words is their division into widely used and narrowly focused. Let's start with words of common, common use. They are divided into archaisms, neologisms, phraseological units.

Archaisms are obsolete words that have come out of the active vocabulary of the lexicon. They move into passive vocabulary. That is, their meaning and properties are known, but they are no longer used in the language. Archaisms, as a rule, have a synonym that is in active use. That is, such a "new version of yourself." For example, an eye is an eye, a verb is to speak, a mouth is a mouth, etc.

Neologisms are new words that have not yet taken root in the active vocabulary of vocabulary. And if archaisms are not used because they are outdated,then for neologisms it is still ahead. Such words are most often associated with the development of technology. For example, until recently the word "cosmonaut" was considered a neologism, but now it has completely come into use. Of the current ones, for example, “deadline” or “upgrade”. Yes, why go far, the word "copywriter" is just beginning to move away from the meaning of neologism.

Phraseologisms are expressions determined by the historical and cultural process that have become established in public use. Although they consist of several words, their overall meaning is often not connected logically with the semantics of each individual word. This, for example, is “playing on your nerves”, “grabbing at straws”, “beating the buckets”.

Limited use

Communication process
Communication process

Narrowly focused words are divided into professionalisms, jargon and dialectisms.

Professionalisms are words that refer to a particular profession. Such words most often denote any names of concepts, processes or tools. This, for example, is a “scalpel”, “alibi”, “stern”.

Jargon - words that are used by a certain narrow group of people. They are formed under the influence of the conditions for the existence of such a group. For example, greens are “money”, ancestors are “parents”, etc.

Dialectisms are words tied to a particular territory. That is, they are used by certain groups in the respective field. For example, "beet" - beets, "gutorit" - to speak.
