Until 1993, in Russia, students had no idea about the magistracy, and in general they did not know what it was. And already in 2003, Russia joined the Bologna process, and training was now divided into two parts: four years (as if basic) and two (at the end of the main course, studies end with the defense of a master's thesis).
What is a master's degree for?
The fact is that the task of the Bologna process is to enable specialists who have graduated from universities to go to any country in the world and easily find a job there in their speci alty. That is, the level of education should be high and approximately the same in different states. Students trained in master's programs have identical knowledge and skills. Already about six years (since 2012) have passed since almost all Russian universities switched to such a system of teaching their students.

Do I need to go to graduate school?
Four years of study at the institutes gives students onlybasic knowledge base for their chosen profession. Moreover, only in the last year of their undergraduate studies they begin to give the basics so that they can comprehend the intricacies of the profession. There is one more aspect. If you want to find a job abroad, then without a diploma after a master's degree, it is unlikely that you will be able to fulfill your dream. Preference will be given not to a specialist, but to a master.
How to get into graduate school
First of all, the student will face the question of the beginning of training. How to apply for a master's degree? Who has this opportunity? Only students of the last year of bachelor's degree or everyone, of course, from among those who have higher education? Is it possible to apply for a master's program if you are a 49-year-old man working as a security guard in a hypermarket? The answer, in general, is simple.
If you are a citizen of Russia living abroad, or a foreign citizen who has received a bachelor's or specialist's degree, then you can safely apply to a university. Thus, there are no prohibitions regarding gender, age, nationality.

You will be required to pass a competitive selection for free education, pass entrance tests. By the way, these tests may differ from each other in different universities. You will have to pass a comprehensive graded exam (usually oral). The approximate passing score depends on the rules for entering a particular university.
In addition, you must submit the required documents:
- passport and photocopies;
- application for admission;
- diplomas confirming your higher education;
- photo of the right size;
- if admission is on preferential terms, then documents confirming the right to benefits will be required;
- certificates from he alth professionals for permission to study;
- some educational institutions require portfolios from applicants.
Here are sample steps describing how to apply to graduate school.
Forms of learning
This question is always of interest to students. For convenience, educational institutions go towards students. You can get an education:
- in-person (the most complete, deep learning, designed for daily classes);
- in absentia (visiting a university twice a year, control of knowledge acquisition);
- evening training (students work during the day, study in the evening);
- remotely (having a computer and access to the Internet, students study according to an individual study schedule, which is very convenient to combine with work or any other employment).

Those who are thinking of going after a bachelor's or a specialist's degree to a master's should know that tuition, as a rule, is paid. That is, to solve the question: "How to enter the magistracy?" - this is one thing, but paid or free education is completely different. Moreover, the cost of education depends on the location of the educational institution, and on its prestige, and on the form of education. You cannot discount the amount of points that youscored upon admission in the entrance examinations. The profile of the profession and its popularity also affect. Approximate prices at well-known universities and institutes in Moscow range from fifty to three hundred thousand rubles a year. And if the choice was made in the direction of management or applied informatics, then the price will double or even triple.
How to enter the magistracy is now clear, but this is only half the battle. How to unlearn and finish? Here is a non-trivial question. In general, everything is not so simple.

And how to enter the master's program on a budget? Is it possible? Yes, it's possible. If you have a bachelor's degree or a diploma that you received before 2012 (specialist diploma), then a master's degree will be considered for you as the first higher education. The future student will be admitted to the competition on a budgetary basis.
How to apply for a master's degree after a bachelor's degree? If you studied for a bachelor's degree for free, then continue the same free education further. Moreover, a student will be able to get another profession if he considers that the choice he made earlier turned out to be wrong.
What areas does the magistracy cover?
This is a very interesting and important question. In the magistracy, in two years of study, you will be able to significantly supplement your knowledge and skills in the speci alty that you received in the bachelor's or specialist's programs. However, you can also radically change your choice.

What is the most popularcurrently in graduate school? There is a choice for every student:
- psychological direction;
- advertising business;
- economy;
- administrative activities;
- management;
- pedagogical disciplines;
- applied informatics;
- design.
So, where to enter the magistracy is a purely individual matter. You can choose from a huge variety of universities and study programs both in Russia and abroad.