Von Bock Fedor is a field marshal and a legendary German military commander who made his way into world history for his military merits. During the offensive on the territory of the Soviet Union, Bock controlled an entire army group called "Center". In addition, the general led the attack on Moscow. Want to learn more about this historical figure? Welcome to this article!
Fyodor von Bock. Biography
The future general was born on December 3, 1880 in the city of Kustrin, which belonged to the German Empire (currently Poland). The boy grew up in the family of a German officer named Moritz von Bock. Fedor's mother Olga had not only German, but also Russian roots. That is why Bok has a Russian name. And Fyodor's brother served in Berlin as a naval adviser to the Russian emperor. In general, the von Bokov family could be divided into two main branches: Prussian and B altic. Relatives on the B altic line were members of the aristocracy with Russian roots.

In 1898, when Bok received a cadet education, Fedor was assigned to the Guards Regiment as a lieutenant. The young man quickly climbed the career ladder. Already in 1904 he received the rank of battalion adjutant, and in 1906 - regimental. During 1910-1912. studied at the Academy of the General Staff. After completing his service, Fedor was sent to the General Staff with a captain's rank. In 1913, von Bock was promoted to Chief Quartermaster in the Guards Corps.
World War I
In September 1914, von Bock Fedor was at the headquarters of the Guards Corps. There he was promoted to Chief of Operations. At the same time, he was awarded the Iron Cross Second Class for his services, and in October Fedor received the Iron Cross First Class. During 1916-1917. Fedor served at the division headquarters as head of the operations department. In the same period, he received the rank of major. In the course of the war, in addition to the Iron Crosses, von Bock Fedor received a dozen more orders. In April 1918, the major took part in the attack on Picardy. Because of this, he was awarded the most prestigious Prussian order called Pour le Mérite, also known as the "Blue Max".
Further activities

Between the world wars in the Weimar Republic there was a significant reduction in the military forces of Germany. The reason for this was the so-called Treaty of Versailles. Nevertheless, von Bock managed to keep his position and remain in the Reichswehr. ForFor several years he continued to serve in the headquarters in various positions. Later he received the rank of chief of the district headquarters, and after that he became the head of an infantry battalion. Some time later, while in the rank of colonel, Fedor was promoted to commander of an infantry regiment. Soon von Bock received another promotion - he became a major general. In addition, Fedor was appointed commander in one of the cavalry divisions.
In 1933, power in the country is in the hands of the Nazis. Von Bock Fedor remains neutral towards the new regime. Already in 1935 he was appointed commander in the third army group. Soon von Bock decides to settle down. In 1936, Major General starts a family, soon his daughter is born. Nevertheless, military service did not let Fedor go. Already on March 12, 1938, he commanded the Eighth Army during the Anschluss. After that, Bock received another rank - he became a colonel general.
World War II

During the German invasion of Poland, Bock led an army called "North". Thanks to this, on September 30, 1939, Fedor's collection of awards was replenished with the Knight's Cross. A year later, Bock leads an entire army group "B", which occupied Belgium and the Netherlands. In the same year, after the occupation of Paris by German troops, Fedor takes part in the Wehrmacht parade, which took place at the Arc de Triomphe. On July 19, Bock receives a new rank - Field Marshal General.
Invasion of the Soviet Union
When German troops entered the territory of the Soviet Union, von Bockreceives at its disposal an army group called "Center". The main task of this group was the capture of Moscow. "Center" possessed the most powerful tank groups of Guderian and Goth.
General Fedor von Bock was committed to the dignified treatment of the occupied population. He was sure that otherwise the level of discipline in the ranks of the army would drop significantly. Based on Fedor's diary entries, it can be concluded that he considered the Soviet Union to be a frankly weak adversary. And the general took the Slavic peoples for uncultured, uneducated "natives". In this regard, he did not have any contradictions with Himmler or Hitler. It is also known that Fedor received an offer to assassinate the Fuhrer. However, Bock refused such an undertaking.

During the winter crisis (winter 1941) Fedor speaks critically about the then situation at the front. Bock's comments caused discontent on the part of the Fuhrer. Hitler was convinced that the reason for the failure of the Moscow offensive and Operation Barbarossa in general was the German generals and General Fedor in particular. Soon, due to a failure at the front, von Bock was removed from the leadership of the "North" (according to the documents, then for he alth reasons). However, after the death of General Reichenau, the "South" group is placed at the disposal of the general.
Between Bock and Hitler again there were disagreements. The general criticized the division of the "South" army into two directions. For sharp criticism, Fedor was again suspended andsent to the Fuhrer's personal reserve.
After the removal of the Nazi regime

Von Bock Fedor was rather painfully worried about his resignation. During 1942-1945. he lived in Prussia on his own estate. The former general was critical of Operation Citadel. In 1945, von Bock was driving along the Kiel Highway with his wife. The car came under fire, as a result of which Fedor died in the hospital the next day.
Fyodor von Bock. Memoirs
During the Second World War, many military leaders kept personal diaries, in which they described in detail the situation at the front. Fedor von Bock was no exception. "I stood at the gates of Moscow" was published in 2011 in Russia. The book is based on Bock's military diary. A. Kashin did the translation.