The Russian language is a storehouse of various phrases, metaphors and abbreviations that can bewilder not only a beginner trying to learn it, but also the speaker himself. For example, many words have multiple meanings that change depending on the stress or context in which they are used.
Polysemy around
Even abbreviations have a variety of symbols that can only be determined by looking at the whole sentence or text where they occur.
For example, a set of three consonants is SKR. This abbreviation in itself does not make any sense, but in a certain context it acquires a large number of transcripts, each of which refers to completely different topics.
Special Purpose Ship
Having met the abbreviation TFR on the pages of military books describing naval military equipment or various equipment, one can be sure that the TFR is nothing but the designation of a patrol ship. Basically, this is a certain type of surface vessels that are used to protect sea liners and cargo barges, ports and borders. This type of water transport is referred to in the literature as a patrol ship.

A trip to history
The first use of patrol ships dates back to the First World War, when England was forced to use special ships to spy on German submarines. Then America borrowed this idea, and then almost every self-respecting country had a small fleet consisting of security ships.

In Russia, this idea found support later, or rather in the post-war period, when it was necessary to continue to monitor the borders of the state. On the personal instructions of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, the development of ships with a small displacement began. Then dozens of such ships were produced, each of which found its application in the vast expanses of the Russian sea.
Azerbaijan's neighbor
Literature on geographical topics is also filled with various abbreviations, special terms, and TFR is one of them. This is a wonderful place, which is successfully located surrounded by three seas, the majestic mountains of the Caucasus and landscapes, turning into a real he alth resort of Russia. This is the North Caucasus region.

These places have always been famous for their pristine nature, untouched by human activity. But with the advent of a large number of people who want to see a virgin corner, times of unprecedented popularity have come for the TFR - the flow of tourists is not decreasing, but, on the contrary, is gaining strength.
The fact is that the North Caucasus region may seem interesting not onlyextreme climbers who dream of conquering the peaks of Donbai, but also people who want to relax and improve their he alth.
There are a huge number of mineral springs, the water of which helps to cleanse the body, and in combination with clean mountain air and a lot of greenery, this place becomes a magnet for any traveler.
In addition, due to the proximity of the three seas - the Black, Caspian and Azov, the climate acquires the necessary humidity, which makes it so healing for he alth.
Future of Enterprise
The next meaning that TFR takes on is a term used in business circles. This is a database of employees who can be trusted by predicting their future career growth. The personnel reserve system of any enterprise consists of a list of promising employees. These are people who can be entrusted with any, even the most responsible position. As a rule, such employees are hard to miss, because the spirit of initiative, personal development always stands out among dullness and mediocrity.

The most important thing is that young specialists who have recently graduated from higher educational institutions, experienced employees of the enterprise who demonstrate efficiency and a desire to work, as well as various deputies who are several steps below the chief director on the career ladder can become part of this reserve.
With the help of this reserve, any enterprise, regardless of its size, production volume and income, will be able to prevent work stoppages due tolack of any work link. Simply put, if, for example, after a certain time, an employee leaves the position of deputy director, then another person will be quickly put in his place, who, during his stay in this field, has inspired confidence and demonstrated a desire to work. Thus, any business can avoid large losses of income by having a couple of candidates for this or that role.
Reliable construction assistant
The last decoding of the TFR refers to one of the construction terms, which can often be found in construction manuals or simply scientific and construction encyclopedias. In this case, it is a rail-mounted jib crane, which ensures the mobility of the device and is used in the construction of high-capacity power facilities. Its use is especially effective in sea and river ports, in forest industrial areas where it is necessary to carry out loading and unloading operations.

This machine belongs to the category of cranes, the boom of which is fixed on a movable platform. In this case, the running device for movement is the rails.
The essence of this type of cranes is that any necessary structure is assembled first on a straight surface, and then mounted using large-sized blocks, the mass of which often reaches 50-100 tons. All these nuances make this machine indispensable for construction work.