Sphere of influence is Definition and classification, features

Sphere of influence is Definition and classification, features
Sphere of influence is Definition and classification, features

The state, society, people are always under the overt or covert influence of external, third-party forces. People can agree with what politicians, economists or society present to them and succumb to their influence, but they can also reject it. It all depends on how the new ideas and perspectives offered by the external environment coincide with their own interests and goals.

What is the zone of influence?

Influence - the process of changing the state, behavior, quality of an object with the help of an open or hidden influence on it. The subject of influence (the one who organizes and implements it), as a rule, does this in his own interests, but sometimes in the interests of the object to which his actions are directed. That is, they can be self-serving or selfless.

human sphere of influence
human sphere of influence

Zone, or sphere of influence, is the area where a person can independently carry out transformations. For example, he cannot interfere in the affairs of someone else's family, but he is quite capable of changing something in his own.

The sphere of influence of a person (as well as society, the state) has the propertyexpand or shrink. It depends both on the subject's own capabilities and desires, and on how acceptable, useful, beneficial they are for the other side, that is, the object of influence. Aggressive imposition of ideas and solutions, as a rule, does not contribute to the growth of the authority of their author and, as a result, narrows his sphere of influence on the object.

Types of influence in psychology and pedagogy

In psychology, the sphere of influence is the inner world of a person: emotions, moral attitudes and intellectual capabilities. Pedagogy has an impact on his behavior and develops methods for the formation, development of his internal qualities.

Carrying out the functions of influencing a person and society, psychological and pedagogical sciences use the following types:

  • Functionally role-playing. The content of communication is dictated not by the personal qualities and relations of the participants, but by their role positions: the teacher is the pupil, the psychologist is the client.
  • Individual, specific education. The development of the object of influence of those qualities that he has not yet formed, for example, diligence, openness.
  • Social. Involving other persons, groups, public entities in influencing the object of education in order to change its behavior, state, ideas.
spheres of social influence
spheres of social influence

In general, given that these sciences are preparing a person of tomorrow - a creator, thinker, reformer, mentor of the next generations - it can be said without exaggeration that their spheres of influence are also today'sday of society, and its future.

More about influence

It can be direct and indirect, directed and undirected. These types are widely used in working with people who require psychological and pedagogical assistance and support.

  1. Direct influence. The specialist, working with the client, offers him his own example or experience as a model for action or imitation.
  2. Indirect influence. Impact on the people around the pupil, his environment. Sometimes you have to work with family members of the child, peers that have a negative impact on his behavior and personality. To do this, if necessary, specialists from other services are involved - law enforcement, social.
  3. Directional. Influence on a specific person or group of people, on certain personality traits with the aim of their formation or correction.
  4. Non-directional. The mutual influence of people on each other through imitation, persuasion, suggestion, as a result of which their attitudes and behavior change.
influence of spheres of society
influence of spheres of society

Organization of influence on an object is quite complicated, it requires a good knowledge of all the subtleties of its internal state, conditions of existence, types and causes of trouble, educational opportunities of the environment.

Influence of environment on personality development

A person as a member of society cannot but experience its impact. The whole sum of enterprises, organizations, institutions, on the content and quality of activities of which the quality of life of people depends - these are spheres of social influence. State, society, church,political parties, various public associations influence a person with the help of certain requirements, norms, control his development and behavior, provide material and other conditions for development and life. They are called institutions of socialization.

The sphere of influence closest to a person and very important in the development of his personality is the family.

the large family
the large family

It is she who ensures not only physical survival, but also, in cooperation with environmental institutions, moral, spiritual, cultural, social development.

Purposeful education of a person who meets the requirements of the environment does not exclude the development of his individuality. Feeling the influence of the spheres of society, following social rules (professional, ethnic, etc.), he strives for personal freedom and independence. It operates according to the rule: "Everything is possible that does not threaten the life and he alth of other people." He takes his own position in many public spheres, exerting a significant influence on the content and nature of their activities.

Economy matters

The existence of modern civilization is impossible without the economy. It provides the means and services necessary for the survival of mankind.

economic spheres of influence
economic spheres of influence

Economic spheres of influence are:

  • Social, public life of a person and the state as a whole. The economic recovery in the country's economy stimulates the development of industrial and agricultural production, the growth of labor productivity, an increase inconsumer power of the population.
  • Political life of society. In many ways, its content and direction depend on which party controls the main types of production. With her goals in mind, she tries to influence the administrative apparatus, public opinion.
  • Cultural, spiritual area. The economy creates the material, technical, and staffing of science, culture, and education.

Mutual penetration and influence of spheres of society is inevitable. The economy is an obligatory component of their existence, but at the same time it is stimulated by their social, political, spiritual needs and orders.

Features of the influence of the spiritual realm

There are two major components in the system of personal motives: the need for knowledge and the need to be useful to others. The public spiritual realm is designed to stimulate and develop these human aspirations.

spirit realm influence
spirit realm influence

Its components (each separately and in combination with others) reflect the moral essence of the society in which it exists.

  1. Education and science make it possible to realize the advantages and disadvantages of a real society and see the prospects for its development.
  2. Culture and art in all their many manifestations are based on human labor. They provide a person with ideal examples of spiritual development, behavior, service to society (literature, painting, architecture, music, folklore, etc.).
  3. Religion - belief in divine providence. Builds morality in believersconcepts that do not contradict secular ideas, therefore it is one of the most important parts of the spiritual sphere of society.
  4. Ideology is a system of worldview ideas, views on reality. Formulates ideas, goals and interests of his followers.

Public practice shows that the influence of the spiritual sphere on a person can be destructive if it contains, for example, entities such as sects, extremist groups.

Political sphere

All affairs in the country are managed, first of all, by the state in close cooperation with various party and non-party organizations. They constitute the political sphere of society.

Methods of governing society characterize the political regime: totalitarian or democratic. Under a totalitarian regime, strict control is exercised over all spheres of public and private life, dissent and all attempts at reforms that do not meet the interests of the political elite are persecuted. The proclaimed rights of citizens are not observed, freedoms are suppressed if it is beneficial to those in power. Intimidation, persecution for political reasons cause protest moods and intentions among the population.

Democratic political style of government: power is elected by the people on the basis of free will, constitutional rights and freedoms are guaranteed and protected by law, its observance is mandatory for all citizens, regardless of their social status, nationality, religion.

political sphere of influence
political sphere of influence

Influencethe political sphere to all the rest is huge. Goals, forms, methods of government can expand and, conversely, limit the horizons of personal and social growth.

Summing up

The state is interested in ensuring that the personal qualities, goals, and behavior of its citizens do not contradict public interests, but contribute to its development and prosperity. Therefore, the impact on him of all spheres of influence is carried out through the upbringing of the voluntary and conscious acceptance of social attitudes, norms and rules.

Subjects of influence - individuals (parents, teachers, friends), educational, cultural, religious, political, public organizations - carry out non-violent educational measures. Education, persuasion, example, involvement in social activities are methods for preventing an asocial lifestyle.

The harmonious development of all spheres of society guarantees a person the protection of his rights and interests, assistance from public institutions, satisfaction of various needs.
