On June 22, every year in all countries of the former Soviet Union, the terrible events of 1941 are remembered, when the Great Patriotic War (WWII) began with an unexpected attack by Nazi troops. What is it like to live in conditions of war, felt millions of residents of the Union.
Assessments of the term "WWII" by historians
As you know, fascist troops in Europe began hostilities since 1939. The same can be said to some extent about the Red Army (although the actions of the USSR army cannot be regarded as predatory. It was the reunification of Eastern and Western Ukraine). In Western historiography, we are talking about the Second World War, which lasted from 1939 to 1945. Soviet, and later Russian historical science primarily analyzed the events that took place on the territory of our state, so the period from 1941 to 1945 is more important for domestic historians.

That is why the term "WWII" appears in the traditions of the peoples and the official positions of the states that emerged in the post-Soviet space. What is the essence of this concept? "Great" - because, in fact, the whole people rebelled against the aggressor's troops, with the exception of those who hated the existingmode. "Patriotic" - people defended their land, their homeland. It was a war, the main idea of which was to protect their own land from a fierce enemy.
Veterans of the Great Patriotic War
A lot of soldiers fought in the ranks of the Red Army. The status of a veteran of the Second World War means the availability of benefits for utilities, travel in transport and others (for example, free he alth tours, extraordinary installation of a telephone). In the first post-war years, not all persons who fought at the front had veteran status, but only the most affected and most distinguished by their exploits (Heroes of the Soviet Union and war invalids) during the Second World War. What does it mean to be a Hero? During the war years, almost 12 thousand people received the status of Hero of the USSR, about a quarter of them posthumously. By the way, the status of the Hero could not be obtained for some "ordinary" successes. Such a title was given only to people who repeatedly and clearly showed themselves in the battles of the Second World War.

What is a "war veteran" in the understanding of modern legislation? This is a social category of persons who have benefits for services to the state and people during the Second World War. Who can be included in this category? First, war invalids and Heroes of the USSR. Then gradually this status was given to such categories - participants in the blockade of Leningrad; persons awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor during the Great Patriotic War"; persons whose illnesses are associated with being at the front, and many others.
Participants of the Second World War
In the ranks of the Red Army during the war years was calledseveral million Soviet citizens. Of course, not all of those who fought had military awards that gave them the right to claim veteran status. Many soldiers died literally in the first days of their stay at the front.

Participants of the Great Patriotic War are all those who fought against the fascist troops on the territory of the Soviet Union. Of course, here you can also include members of partisan detachments that operated in almost every forest, causing significant damage to the power of Hitler's army.