Avid - what is it? Word interpretation

Avid - what is it? Word interpretation
Avid - what is it? Word interpretation

Are you familiar with the adjective "inveterate"? This word may confuse you, so it's time to find out its interpretation. Enrich your vocabulary with one more speech unit. You can find the lexical meaning of an adjective in Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary.

Interpretation of the word

So let's get to the interpretation. The adjective "inveterate" has the following meaning:

  • wholly devoted to some occupation;
  • fully involved in a particular activity;
  • arrogant.

This adjective can describe a person who enjoys performing certain actions. He likes to do something, he gets pleasure.

Sample sentences

Let's consolidate the interpretation of the adjective "inveterate" with the help of sentences. In practice, new information is easier to digest.

Avid cook
Avid cook
  • Masha is an avid cook, she loves to cook different goodies.
  • This avid gamer lost all his money.
  • Heavy smokers suffer from shortness of breath and immune problems.
  • Kirill everyone considers an avid fisherman, hecan stare at the float for hours hoping for a catch.
  • Avid football fans know the match schedule.
  • Misha is an avid blues fan, he loves this wonderful style of music.

Good or bad?

It is wrong to assume that the word "inveterate" describes any bad cravings of a person. It's just that the word is often used in a negative context: "an inveterate gambler", "an inveterate smoker", "an inveterate alcoholic".

avid gamer
avid gamer

So we infer that the adjective refers to something negative. But actually it is not. It simply describes intense love, craving for something, not necessarily bad. The reader can also be an avid reader. This is how they characterize a person who cannot live without books.

Avid athlete trains every day. An avid theatergoer does not miss a single premiere in the theater. That is, this adjective does not have a negative context.
