To write a good essay about a book on a free topic, it is enough to understand what you want to receive: a review, a review or a review. And, based on this information, draw up a plan.

Review, review or review?
First you need to understand how these concepts differ:
- A review is a personal opinion about a book. You can tell if you liked it or not, what about it hooked you or repulsed you.
- A review is an overview of storylines, a full description of what was written, your thoughts on the main theses of the book.
- Review - a description of the book with highlighted interesting points. Such text usually encourages reading.
If you are writing an essay about a book for school, then most likely you need to write a book review.
Preparing to compose
Following a simple procedure, you can easily and quickly write the essay you need.
- Select the book you want to write an essay about. It is better if it is the one that you remember well. Some teachers recommend writing an essay about your favorite book.
- Make a small plan that includesintroductory, main and final parts.
- Remember what your book is about. Write down a couple of main thoughts that you remember and seemed close.
- Write a book review like you would like to write for your friend. In simple, uncomplicated words.

Writing an essay
Having prepared drafts and a plan for writing, you have already done a great job, and there is little left to do. Be sure to remember that an essay about a book you read is your thoughts, feelings and emotions from the work itself.
In the water part, write about the plot of the book, about the essence, but do not fully reveal the intrigue so that your classmates can also read the book. Feel free to quote a few interesting passages, but don't forget to justify why you chose them.
In the main part, you need to write a personal opinion from what you read. If the teacher did not mention that the book must be loved, you can write about the book that, on the contrary, left a negative residue in your soul.
The ending should be short and concise. Write what you like to read, why you like to read and recommend the selected work for everyone to read.

Examples of essays
Essaying about a book leaves the imagination, especially when you are a big fan of the book world. But sometimes reading is much easier than writing. Therefore, here are some examples from the writings.
Introductory part:
"I love to read. Reading helps you immerse yourself in that completely different world. It makes you forget that you are a simple student. You can become a great traveler, circle the entire globe, or you can find yourself in a school of magic and study complex magical sciences. My choice fell on the book "Harry Potter", as it was in this world that I spent my childhood."
Final part:
"I would like to finish my essay about the book "Three Comrades" with advice: read, look for morality in any work, and you can become a good person."
These are just examples of how you might write. Choose your favorite book and write whatever you want to say.