On July 12, 1889, the "Regulations on Zemstvo Chiefs" was signed. It began to operate in 40 provinces of our country, in most of which the land was owned by landowners. Zemstvo plots were created in them. This article will highlight aspects of the work of their bosses, endowed with great powers in those days.
History of this position
The predecessors of the zemstvo chiefs are considered to be peace mediators, whose main task was to put into effect the provision on the peasantry, adopted in 1861. These people also resolved situations arising from the established order of land relations between landowners and peasants. Over time, the number of conciliators has been reduced, their institution began to need an immediate transformation.
In 1874, this position was abolished and a new one was introduced: county for peasant affairs presence. The inconvenient aspects of the work of this organization were revealed very quickly. Members of the county presence did not cope with their duties, riots broke out in the volosts, taxes were collected negligently and out of time, there were cases of theft of moneyamounts. These prerequisites led to the emergence of zemstvo chiefs (1889 is the starting point of their work).

Special job requirements
The need to introduce a new position was explained by the fact that in Russia there was no government close to the people. Only persons belonging to the local nobility could enter the institute of zemstvo chiefs. Applicants were subject to special requirements. They had to own certain property (land or other real estate). One could become the head of the zemstvo section only with a higher education.

If there were not enough candidates who met the above requirements, nobles who did not have the necessary education, who had military or civil service behind them, were appointed to this position. But in such cases, they should have had a much larger property qualification. The Minister of the Interior had the authority to bypass all conditions to replenish the ranks of the heads of zemstvo sections with local representatives of the nobility.
Service benefits
Zemsky chiefs had the right to wear a special badge on a gilded chain. It was a circle, on one side of which the coat of arms of Russia was depicted, framed by the name of their position. On the other side of the sign was an inscription indicating the day the Regulations on Zemstvo Chiefs were approved.

People exercising power inzemstvo districts also had a special seal that served as confirmation of the powers entrusted to them.
Administrative powers
Zemsky chiefs were endowed with the following administrative rights:
- To decide on claims and disputes related to the land law of peasants.
- Control the decisions of peasant self-government bodies.
- To supervise certain ranks of the police.
- Offer your questions for discussion at a gathering that gathered in the volost.
- Approve or temporarily dismiss foremen.
- Supervise the guardianship of orphans and more.
These powers were only valid in rural areas.
Judicial powers
Zemsky chiefs performed certain work of a magistrate. They could deal with specific cases of civilians:
- Claims for the lease of land, not exceeding the amount of 500 rubles.
- Personal claims not exceeding 300 rubles.
- Insult claims.
- Claims for reconstruction of damaged property.
- Requests to provide evidence for pending claims and more.
Representatives of this profession were also en titled to judge certain criminal cases. These people were subject to violations of the law, subject to a fine of 300 rubles; criminal acts for which one could receive a prison term of up to twelve months.

The Law on Zemstvo Chiefs endowed these people with special privileges in relation to the courts functioning in the volost. They had the right to control the activities of the judiciary. However, representatives of this profession had no right to cancel the decisions of the volost courts.
Practical work
The status of zemstvo chiefs over the years has become increasingly important. Counting on them as the main local executive power, important affairs in the state were planned.
To exercise control over the redistribution of land received by the peasants as property as a result of the reforms of the 1860s, a corresponding decree was issued. It was valid only in the provinces in which zemstvo sections functioned. In these areas, according to a certain provision, in 1899 the process of collecting salary taxes from the population was streamlined.
An important role was assigned to representatives of this profession in the Agrarian Reform. The government in 1906 made it easier for the peasants to leave the community. They were given the opportunity to secure the plots of land cultivated with their own hands. Zemstvo chiefs supervised the implementation of this decree in the localities. The activities of these people led to the success of the Agrarian Reform.

The chiefs of zemstvo districts in their time were judges and administrators in one person. Until now, the significance of their profession continues to receive ambiguous assessments and is of interest to various studies.