Ditmar Elyashevich Rosenthal - the famous Soviet linguist, interpreter of the rules of the Russian language. This is a person who has made a significant contribution to Russian research, because he has many philological works to his credit. In addition, in 1952 he became a candidate of pedagogical sciences. And in 1962 he received the title of professor.
For every literate person, there is hardly a specialist philologist more authoritative than Dietmar Rosenthal. More than one educated generation grew up on his textbooks. And while someone is wondering: Dietmar Elyashevich Rosenthal - who is it, we can safely say that this person was able to slightly change the world for the better. Thanks in part to his work, students in the USSR demonstrated such high levels of literacy.

Childhood and family
In December 1900, a Pole of Jewish origin was born in Lodz, who was given the name Ditmar Elyashevich Rosenthal. Rosenthal's photo can be seen inarticle. He was born in the family of a housewife Ida Osipovna and an economist Zygmund Moiseevich. At first, the family lived in Berlin for some time. Except for the father, all relatives spoke Polish. Sigmund Rosenthal spoke only German, because, like many intelligent Jews of that time, he was a Germanophile. Dietmar, along with his brother, went to the gymnasium, where at that time it was obligatory to study the Russian language.
Moving to Moscow
In 1914, with the outbreak of the First World War, shortly after the start of the first hostilities, their hometown is on the front line, because of which the whole family has to move to relatives in Moscow. Having moved to Russia, Ditmar went to the 5th grade of the 15th Moscow gymnasium, and, interestingly, even then he did not have the slightest problem with the Russian language. But, as mentioned above, he was not even native to him. As he himself jokingly noted, he had an innate literacy and ability for languages.

After school, he enters the university for the speci alty "Italian", where he studied from 1918 to 1923. Further, until 1924, Ditmar studied at the Moscow Institute of National Economy named after K. Marx, where he received an education as an economist. It is possible that his parents pushed him to get a second education, because his father was an economist, and it is quite possible that the family considered Ditmar's profession not reliable enough. Then he becomes a graduate student, and later a researcher at RANION, where he worked for two years.
Pedagogical activity
Ditmar Elyashevich Rozental begins his teaching career while simultaneously studying at the Moscow Institute of National Economy. He teaches at a high school. A year after the start of his practice, she will be given the status of a higher school.
Later, from 1927, he taught Polonist studies at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University. Polonistika is a science that studies the Polish language and its culture. It was then that the knowledge gained in childhood was useful to him. During this period of time, in collaboration with another linguist, Rosenthal published a Polish phrasebook, as well as a Polish-Russian and Russian-Polish dictionary attached to it.
Moves from 1940 to MPI. There he remained for 12 years.
Further Ditmar Elyashevich became a professor and head of the Department of Stylistics of the Russian Language at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, in this position he stayed for 24 years, from 1962. Later he remained a consultant professor there until the end of his life. For a long time he was the head of the faculty group of television and radio announcers of the Soviet Union.
Work abroad
Ditmar Elyashevich Rosenthal was a professional in his field, and all thanks to a sincere love for languages and science. The professor lived by constantly improving his knowledge and trying to bring something new into speech. Linguistics was a matter of life.
Rosenthal's position in society is definitely very high. The government did not doubt him and, not being afraid, let him go on business trips abroad. Therefore, it was he who became the head of the cabinet "Russian language forabroad". The linguist traveled around Europe and taught the Russian language, and also participated in conferences.

Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich became the author of a manual on the Italian language for higher educational institutions. He also created a Russian-Italian dictionary and an Italian-Russian one. In addition, Ditmar Elyashevich translated books from this language. Rosenthal received a Ph. D. for creating a textbook on “Italian. Elementary Course. In many ways, he improved his knowledge when, during his postgraduate studies, he went on an internship to Italy. There he gained considerable experience and, in addition, the opportunity to learn various dialects.
Practical style
He and Bylinsky co-authored the book "Literary Editing". Thanks to this, they became the founders of practical stylistics. On this topic in the same year, only in collaboration with another linguist, Mamontov, Ditmar Elyashevich Rosenthal published another book, "Practical Style of the Modern Russian Language." These works have made a great contribution to education and served to improve the harmony and beauty of speech.

He wrote many works, articles, books, dictionaries, reference books. In total, there are about four hundred works. And also everything else works that affect many aspects of the grammar of the Russian language. His publications are addressed to a wide audience, from first-year students to professionallinguists and journalists. To this day, many works and books by Dietmar Rosenthal are reprinted.

The professor died in Moscow on July 29, 1994. Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich is buried at the Vostryakovsky cemetery. The biography of this person is very interesting and even a little paradoxical. Despite such a huge list of works and social life, he was very withdrawn and lonely. The greatest linguist in his entire life gave only one interview, and then at sunset. He spoke very little about the personal, talking more about the work that remained his inspiration until the end of his days.