Educational areas according to GEF preschool education

Educational areas according to GEF preschool education
Educational areas according to GEF preschool education

Currently, there are serious changes in the country's kindergartens and schools. Instead of the old authoritarian methods and techniques of education and upbringing, a personality-oriented approach is being used. Let's try to find out what educational areas according to the Federal State Educational Standards exist in preschool education. At the moment, there are five such areas, each of which deserves a separate study.

what do children do in kindergarten
what do children do in kindergarten

Social and communicative direction

In this case, educational areas solve the following tasks:

  • learning by children the values and norms that are accepted in society, including moral and moral values;
  • formation of relationships between peers, adults;
  • formation of emotional and social intelligence, empathy for other people's grief, responsiveness to other people's problems;
  • development of independence, the ability to be responsible for the actions;
  • Develop teamwork skills;
  • inculcating respect for family values and traditions.

In order to fully implement these tasks, the teacher tries to create optimal conditions in the preschool educational institution. It forms positive attitudes towards various types of creativity and work, pays special attention to safe behavior in nature, in society, and in everyday life.

educational areas in preschool
educational areas in preschool

Cognitive development

Such educational areas are aimed at solving the following problems:

  • development of interests of preschoolers, their cognitive motivation and curiosity;
  • improving creativity and imagination;
  • formation of consciousness, cognitive skills;
  • creating ideas about self-importance, about objects of animate and inanimate nature, their properties (color, material, shape, movement, sound, causes, time);
  • formation of initial ideas about one's native land, folk traditions, holidays.

Teachers pay special attention to the formation of a sense of tolerance in their pupils towards representatives of other cultures and religions.

activities of children in preschool
activities of children in preschool

Speech development

Such educational areas suggest:

  • mastery of speech skills;
  • enrichment of children's vocabulary;
  • acquiring the skills to build grammatically correctdialogue related monologue speech;
  • formation of intonation and sound culture, development of phonemic hearing;
  • first acquaintance with children's books, development of ideas about different genres in literature;
  • the formation of sound analytical activity for subsequent literacy.

The teacher uses special exercises, involves children in role-playing games to fully cope with these tasks.

Artistic and aesthetic development

These educational areas according to GEF are designed to solve the following tasks:

  • to form elementary ideas about different types of art;
  • to develop the skills of perception of folklore, literature, music, paintings;
  • stimulate empathy of preschoolers with heroes of works of art.

The teacher creates conditions conducive to the development of independent creativity. To do this, he organizes classes in fine arts, music, and offers preschoolers educational kits.

happy childhood
happy childhood

Physical development

Such educational areas in preschool educational institutions solve the following tasks:

  • acquisition of positive experience within physical activity;
  • improving flexibility and coordination that helpsform the musculoskeletal system of the body, develop coordination of movement, fine and gross motor skills of the hands, without harming the physical he alth of babies.

Thanks to a set of activities carried out by a teacher or physical education teacher in kindergarten, kids develop a positive attitude towards sports. At present, all educational institutions pay special attention to the spiritual and physical he alth of the younger generation. GEF DO assume the formation of children's initial ideas about sports, mastery of outdoor games. Thanks to physical education, children master the simplest rules and norms of nutrition, hardening, and motor mode.

All educational areas, which are defined by the second generation federal standards for preschool state institutions, contribute to the education of active citizens who can be responsible for their actions.

toddler development games
toddler development games

Pro Tips

Content has been developed in each educational area of the GEF of preschool education. So, in the social and communicative direction, special emphasis should be placed on the formation of self-regulation of actions, the development of social experience, the formation of a positive attitude towards work.

Such educational areas of the educational program as cognitive development, defined by the Federal State Educational Standard, contribute to the formation of civic engagement of the individual.

In speech development, the teacher is guided by communicative methods that allow him to attachthe younger generation to the world of literature.

This educational activity in the educational field helps preschoolers develop their first dialogue skills.

As part of the artistic and aesthetic development, the teacher creates optimal conditions for the development of each pupil along their own developmental trajectory.

The physical area in the preschool educational institution involves the formation of an active citizen who knows the skills of a he althy diet, is aware of the importance of physical exercise for his he alth and social success.

how to develop children in kindergarten
how to develop children in kindergarten


Significant changes have taken place in domestic preschool education in recent years. The place of classes, which were aimed at the mechanical memorization of certain information, which did not involve the creative disclosure and development of children, was occupied by new forms of work. Federal state standards, developed specifically for the preschool system, identified five major areas of activity in the preschool educational institution. The teacher got the opportunity to identify gifted and talented children at an early preschool age, to create optimal conditions for their successful development and socialization. To do this, he uses innovative techniques and methods of work.

Kindergarten has turned into a creative workshop, in which children get the maximum opportunity to acquire positive social experience, develop communicative qualities, and develop a respectful attitude towards the older generation.
