More than 72 years have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War. If in the 70s and 80s most of the participants in the May 9 parade were directly veterans, combatants and home front workers, today only a small part of them are able to take part in the events - someone is no longer with us, someone then he alth does not allow.
In this regard, an action was created a few years ago, which quickly received popular support and spread throughout the world. The composition of schoolchildren "The Immortal Regiment" is a creative work aimed at preserving the memory of generations and maintaining the image of the victorious people, who honestly earned this title with sweat and blood.
Promotion history
In 2012, several residents of Tomsk came up with a new action dedicated to the Victory Day. That year, after coordinating on social networks, about two thousand people walked through the city with portraits of their relatives who took part in the war.
Looking ahead, we note that in the essay "The Immortal Regiment" it makes sense to mention some facts about the action - how it began, what is its value to society,what is its scope.

To date, the festive procession gathers tens of millions of people on the streets of cities and villages of our country. The traditional leaders are the two capitals: Moscow and St. Petersburg, where in 2017 up to a million and seven hundred thousand people, respectively, took part in the action.
The geography of the event is also rich: with portraits of their relatives and friends, people took to the streets of cities in 80 states, including the United States of America, China, all European countries and even in Australia, Brazil and South Africa! The action has become truly nationwide, and the composition of schoolchildren "The Immortal Regiment", which is written in high school, confirms this fact.
Why write creative work?
Human memory is not eternal - events pass, heroes grow old, and what seemed unshakable yesterday takes the form of some vague images. In 1941-1945, our country was defended by people who are your grandfathers and great-grandfathers. In memory of the heroes and heroines of that war, we were left with fragments of our common history - about battles and work in the rear, defeats and victories, terrible (and sometimes funny!) Stories that mean so much for each particular family and for the whole country..

The essay "The Immortal Regiment" in grade 4 already touches on the value system that makes people a people, thanks to which society becomes one, even despite some disagreements.
They say that there is no family in Russia that does notI lost one of my relatives in that terrible war. Indeed, up to 27 million people died and went missing during the Great Patriotic War. However, many sent letters home, and many survived, telling about the events at the front - these are the great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers of the guys who today write about their family - students of the 4th, 5th, 6th grade. The essay “The Immortal Regiment” gives you a reason to approach your relatives to ask questions about which of your family took part in the war, where they served, in which troops, on which front. Only by asking questions will you be able to learn what you will one day be proud to tell your own children and grandchildren.
Composition structure
Any essay is written according to certain rules. We can say that it is a full-fledged literary work, albeit a small form. The composition "The Immortal Regiment" is no exception.

Write in the introduction what information you know about this event. If you don't know enough, ask your parents and they will definitely help you. Think: why did the action so quickly gain people's love? Would you like to walk down the street with portraits of your relatives who fought in those years? Or have you already participated in the event and can describe your feelings and emotions?
In the main part, tell us about your relatives, because your parents or grandparents must have told you something about them. Do they have awards? Awards are always given for outstanding deeds - find out what they were received for. Maybemaybe you didn’t know this, but each insignia has a serial number by which documents can be restored - they describe the reason for awarding this order, and also says in what circumstances this or that act was committed, which in the essay “Immortal Regiment” we can regard as a feat.
In the final part, tell us about how you understand the holiday of May 9th. Why do we consider the Great Patriotic War so significant in the history of mankind and especially emphasize the role of the Russian people in it? Do you consider it necessary to keep the memory of that victory alive? Will you come out with portraits of relatives who participated in the war on the next May 9?
Knowledge of Russian
Remember that the task proposed by the teacher is part of the school curriculum. In other words, you should be proficient in grammar and punctuation at the level of your year of study, whether it is 4th, 6th or 5th grade. The composition "The Immortal Regiment" in this sense is the same work as any other.

Keep in mind: no matter how logical and literary your reasoning is, writing mistakes will lower your final grade.
In closing
Your teacher wants to see two details in the essay "The Immortal Regiment": firstly, that you write your own thoughts and impressions, offer your own personal opinion, and not someone else's, and, secondly, that you understand how the structure of the creative work should look like. If you do everything according to the instructions given in this article, you will receivehis well-earned A's.

And, of course, remember the feat of the Russian people and pass on the memory of it from generation to generation.