Disagreement is part of life

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Disagreement is part of life
Disagreement is part of life

Why is truth born in a dispute? Each person with surprise studies the world around him, gets acquainted with the facts and phenomena, makes his own judgment. But when he begins to interact with society, it turns out that his view is not the only one. And a clash of views is a disagreement. It is found at the everyday level, in science and art, even in the political sphere. But what lies behind the colorful concept? Any Russian-speaking citizen will answer without hesitation.

Absolute dissonance

The primary source is the Proto-Slavic root, from which the Old Slavonic voice eventually came. The definition breaks down into many parallel and equally possible meanings:

  • human speech;
  • animal sounds;
  • any natural sound;
  • opinion, judgment.

With the help of the connecting vowel "o", people added the word "different" in the meanings:

  • unequal, unlike;
  • not the same, different;
  • diverse;
  • whatever.

Imply complete information chaos, when various data, their assessment comes from many independent sources.

Uncoordinated actions
Uncoordinated actions

From music to everyday life

Initially, there was an original interpretation, now obsolete. Once upon a time in Russia they said that “disagreement” is a dispute between musical instruments, vocalists. Any composition can be spoiled by poor performance if the members of the team refuse to work together and try to push through a personal reading of the melody, song. Gradually, two other meanings remained in everyday life:

  • difference of opinion;
  • lack of consistency.

The first case occurs when eminent scientists are doing research, their data or calculations do not match, and violent clashes of minds begin at conferences. But as an example, an ordinary fight of hooligans behind a school is also suitable. Since the term only indicates the difference in positions, but does not designate the actions of the parties as fruitful or destructive. There is a conflict, but the speed and method of its resolution depend on people.

The second option is more delicate. When one of the musicians misses the notes in an orchestra, it immediately becomes obvious. And if in a large company the manager does not have time to fill out and send documents? Failures begin, other employees without the necessary papers cannot physically work. Albeit less obvious, but this is a disagreement in the activities of colleagues.

Disagreements in teams
Disagreements in teams

Daily basis

The word has a negative connotation, but no offensive connotation. By stating the existence of problems, it pushes to correct the shortcomings. There's nothing wrong with arguing or disagreeingopinions: spouses learn to understand each other, find more efficient methods of work in production, and original trends are born in art. The main thing is that the discussion should take place with dignity and without prejudice to the parties.