Tariffication of teaching staff: description, conditions, nuances

Tariffication of teaching staff: description, conditions, nuances
Tariffication of teaching staff: description, conditions, nuances

Tarification of teaching staff is a whole range of activities that are currently being carried out by the employer. They are aimed at setting the salary of employees based on the requirements for their professionalism and qualifications. In addition to the rate, it is supposed to take into account many other indicators, a separate column is allocated for each.

tariffing of pedagogical workers of additional education sample
tariffing of pedagogical workers of additional education sample


Tarification of teaching staff is an opportunity to receive decent pay for high performance in work. Despite the fact that it is formed only for the calendar year, some of its elements are taken into account in a longer period. Tariffication of teaching staff is carried out according to a certain algorithm, established in accordance with the local acts of the educational organization.

It allows you to take into account many nuances when calculating wages: qualification category, work experience, conducting additional courses and electives. For certain categories of employees there are additional payments for harmful working conditions. In particular, the billing of teaching staff of secondary vocational education implies additional interest (for harmfulness) for teachers of computer science, chemistry, and industrial training.

Arification of pedagogical workers of additional education in the Russian Federation
Arification of pedagogical workers of additional education in the Russian Federation

Compilation order

How are the parameters used to compile the table linked to the learning process? Since the billing of pedagogical workers is carried out for the academic year (from September 1), an approximate table is compiled in the spring. Teachers get acquainted with the expected teaching load (program hours, class management, additional courses) that they will have to conduct from the new academic year. By signing the preliminary billing, they agree to the new working conditions.

In August, after leaving the state leave, there may be some changes in the teaching load. All this is taken into account by the school administration, and from October 1, the tariffing of pedagogical workers is compiled. If only hours are indicated in the preliminary table (there is no monetary equivalent), then a detailed description is compiled for each employee in this tariff.

tariffing of teaching staff
tariffing of teaching staff

Important points

Salary is set based on pedagogicalload, additional payments, as well as target indicators. The last point is an innovation in the remuneration of Russian teachers. If earlier it was impossible to financially interest talented and bright teachers in demonstrating the high quality of work, since in Soviet schools teachers were not paid bonuses (high professionalism was evaluated only morally), now significant changes have been made to the remuneration of workers in the public sector of the Russian Federation.

Tarification of teachers of additional education (a sample table is shown in the photo) confirms the versatility of payments. In particular, in each kindergarten, school, gymnasium, within the framework of local acts, a Regulation on additional payments and allowances is being developed. It indicates all types of work (a detailed list is offered), in the performance of which the employee is en titled to material (monetary) incentives.

what is the pricing of teachers
what is the pricing of teachers

Modern realities

When analyzing the main elements that make up the salaries of teachers and teachers of additional education, it is also necessary to dwell on those innovations that have been introduced into domestic education. As part of the support for children with serious physical he alth problems, who are therefore unable to attend classes as usual, they study remotely.

This fact is noted in the tariffs compiled for teachers. In addition to the usual pay for hours, in such situations, an additional payment for working with such children is expected (the amount depends on the specific educationalinstitutions).

What you need to know

Tarification of teachers of additional education is compiled according to the same rules as for school teachers. Among some of the nuances that are typical for extracurricular activities, we note the occupancy of groups. Each center of additional education forms and approves its own Regulations on additional payments and allowances. It notes the main work, the implementation of which entails additional material remuneration. For example, the tariff sheet indicates the percentage of payments for high performance.

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How to confirm

On the basis of what is the billing of teaching staff of secondary vocational education? Its form is approved within the OS. It should not contradict the regulations adopted by the organization, as well as the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In order to count on additional incentive payments, the amount of which is set in each specific organization, you must fill out a certain form. In some schools and centers of additional education, employees fill out forms with indicators on a ready-made form, in others they list all activities on their own, using only approximate directions.

It is obligatory to confirm the information specified in the sheet with targets. The following documents can serve as evidence of the effectiveness and efficiency of the teacher's work: extracts (scans) of the protocols of olympiads, competitions, conferences, copies of diplomasand diplomas. In the absence of such confirmation from the commission, which will analyze the information provided by teachers (educator, employee of the center for additional education), they may be recognized as unconfirmed, and the teacher will not be awarded points for them.

Depending on the characteristics of the educational institution, the "cost" of one point can range from 30 to 150 rubles. After the completion of the activity, the commission decides on the amount of additional payments (their absence) for each specific employee of this OS. Information is brought to the attention of employees, it is noted in the tariff sheet. Teachers, after reviewing the information provided on the amount of additional payments, sign, thereby expressing their agreement with the salary established by them.

billing of pedagogical workers spo form
billing of pedagogical workers spo form


Tarification in the public sector is a mandatory procedure. It involves taking into account various factors for setting wages for teaching staff. As part of the preliminary billing (in the spring), before going on paid leave, the teacher gets the opportunity to learn in advance about the workload ahead of him in the next academic year. In the billing, not only the number of hours is noted, but also the class teacher (if any), as well as additional payments that he can count on according to target indicators (fill them out once every six months in the form established in the OS).
