MC: what is it?

MC: what is it?
MC: what is it?

The English abbreviation MS (pronounced Em-Ci) and its Russian version MTS (Em-Tse) are often used on the Internet and in the media. You can also hear this abbreviation from the lips of the younger generation. What does it mean?

Ice MC
Ice MC


Currently, the concept of MC is the most common in hip-hop culture. It is often used interchangeably with "rapper" or "hip-hop musician".

In a broader sense, this is a person who reads into a microphone to music or a bit of text prepared or invented on the go in order to entertain the audience, cheer them up, liberate them.

This definition fits not only rap artists, but also hosts of various parties and events.


The abbreviation MC comes from the English expression master of ceremony, which can be translated literally as "master of ceremonies". A more accurate translation is "master of the evening." It was believed that the MC is the one who is responsible for the atmosphere of the event and makes it memorable for participants and spectators.

In the last century in America, this was how the presenters called themselves, who at discos or concerts not only representedDJs and musicians, but also invited guests to dance and be active.

Coming in the 60s and 70s. In the 20th century, the fashion for reading simple phrases to the rhythm of a dance composition became one of the prerequisites for the emergence of hip-hop as an independent musical genre.

Instances of use

Almost every rapper in his work uses the abbreviation MC, calling himself and his colleagues "masters of ceremonies".

So, in one of the battles, Pyam explains to his opponent his idea of the role of the MC: "The MC does not ask how the mood is - he sets it."

Oksimiron read in one of the early tracks: "How many years have passed, and meanwhile my mentality is still MC".

Many rap artists include the letter combination MC in their pseudonym. The most famous of them are Hammer MC and Ice MC.

From Russian rap artists, we can remember Noise MS, Antokha MS, MS Molodoy, Dino MS-47.

Noize MC
Noize MC

Alternative transcripts

In hip-hop culture, as it developed, new versions of MC decoding appeared: microphone controller, mic checka (microphone control), music commentator (music commentator).

The abbreviation may have other meanings depending on the context.

If we are talking about sports, it is possible that MS is the title of master of sports. In politics, MC is often understood as the Ministry of Communications. In medicine, this is how the term "metabolic syndrome" is abbreviated. In physics, the unit of measurement "millisecond" is abbreviated as"ms". Despite the fact that we are accustomed to referring the abbreviation to music, it has other meanings.