In this short article we will discuss some state and technical universities in Moscow. The rating presented by us is based on certain criteria, which will be discussed below.
If we talk about the education system, then it is precisely those movements that have not succumbed to the influence of the West and have retained their originality, remain at the same high level of knowledge delivery as before. To establish such an assessment, three criteria for selecting a higher educational institution in the rating were used.
First place was taken by employers' reviews of new specialists, second place by the teaching staff, or rather, the absence of its deficit, and third place by the cost of education (the number of state-funded places is also included in this item). After such a global assessment, it is safe to say that Moscow State University named after M. V. M. V. Lomonosov.
All-Russian rating
The top ten almost always remains unchanged. And not only in Russia, but throughout the CIS, as well as in Europe. A specialist graduate of such a university becomesa universal mechanism for solving complex problems, unlike narrow-profile European specialists.
All higher educational institutions are located mainly in large cities, where all the energy of the country flows. Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tomsk are only the first three cities that have not dropped out of their first positions for many years. And below are the best universities in Russia.

TOP 5 universities over the past year:
- Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov.
- Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University).
- National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.
- Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman.
- National Research University Higher School of Economics.
All educational institutions of this list are located in Moscow. In addition, the Higher School of Economics was also ranked among the top ten universities in the CIS.
Cleverness and youth flee to big cities
The best universities in Moscow, whose rating is higher than any other institution, indicate that all young people, including teaching staff, are fleeing to the capital or another metropolis. Provincial higher education is losing ground. But this has its advantages: firstly, there is no sweeter period in life than student years, and secondly, if they take place in the brightest city not only in the country, but in the whole world, this will become the best motivation.
It is often people from small towns who have the mostmotivation, which is much higher than that of any inhabitant of a big city.
Teaching conditions
In the current situation, every university in Moscow (ranking does not matter) is trying to provide the maximum possible number of Olympiad places, for example, a discount for contract students, which can sometimes amount to 70% of the cost of education for the year.

The next chance for a student is to be admitted to the budget after excellent academic performance during the first two semesters. The number of Olympiad places directly affects the ranking of the university, as well as the percentage of retaining state-funded places. Along with this, it is important to note that the prices for education have not increased compared to the prices over the past period.
Ranking of professions
Due to the rapid development of science, the world labor market, like Russia, is in dire need of scientists in the field of IT and nanotechnology, ecologists, marketers and logisticians. Therefore, every young person, standing at a crossroads, should be aware that the choice of a profession is not always the same and for life, and mastering a qualification requires a lot of personal effort and investment from outside.
If liberal professions such as lawyers, economists, film industry and theater workers were popular, this created a shortage of technical speci alties that are so in demand today. The high demand is also due to the fact that such education brings up high-class executives and middle managers. Each university in Moscow, whose rating is presented in the article,takes into account the factor of demand for the profession.
Non-state universities in Moscow
Non-state institutions of higher education in Russia are generally evaluated according to the same criteria as the state ones. But a separate item that affects the rating is the absence of corruption.
Of course, this factor is very subjective, but it is taken into account, and this is often important when choosing a university. Most often non-state are just economic educational institutions. Below are the top three universities:
- Institute of International Trade and Law.
- Russian School of Economics.
- Moscow International Higher School of Business "MIRBIS" (Institute).

They are rated 4, 2-4, 24. Non-State University of Moscow, whose rating is 4, occupies the sixth position of the list and below. And it's called - Moscow University of Consumer Cooperatives.
It is important to remember about the universal technical universities. There are many humanitarian and economic areas (faculties) at universities, but the main focus is on technical speci alties. We will consider the rating of state universities in Moscow.
As you have probably seen from the above, at the moment farmers (especially genetic breeders), technicians and technologists are in great demand. After all, it is no secret to anyone that the level of development of a country directly depends on how developed its industry and production in general. For thisqualified personnel are needed - of course, it is better when they have their own.

Agrarian University of Moscow (ranking 31 out of 100) im. Timiryazev, despite its position in the list of Russian universities, was recognized as the best in the field of training breeders.
MATI them. Tsiolkovsky, like the Moscow Aviation Institute, graduates aviation and cosmonautics research engineers. This direction has always been considered prestigious (even under the Union), a positive attitude towards such education has been preserved today. Moreover, for 2016 and 2017 the state budget includes funds for the development of the aviation industry, thanks to which the number of budget and Olympiad places has been increased by 15-25% in aviation universities throughout the country.
How to make a wise choice of university
If in your school years you liked exact disciplines and the arrangement of all technical means, from a bicycle to your mobile phone, then you will go straight to the university.
You are already familiar with the state universities of Moscow (list, rating, faculties), thanks to which you will be able to get acquainted with the requirements for applicants in more detail. If you were a diligent student, moreover, of any physical and mathematical lyceum, then it will not be difficult for you to enter. If you have a simple school behind you, then you can try your hand at the results of the exam.

Each university, especially the state one, gives talentedstudents have many chances for admission to the budget. Therefore, everyone has a chance to get a higher education for free and find a prestigious job immediately after graduation.
If the chosen direction is “not yours”
Some students due to personal failure (under completely different circumstances) are expelled. This is inevitable, and you should not be afraid of this, as well as the fact that you did not manage to enter the university the first time or immediately after graduation. Perhaps you simply did not have enough knowledge in a particular area, and you still have a whole year to learn the material. You can get a job at the desired plant as the simplest worker and see the production from the inside. This will help in admission, as it systematizes the knowledge already received at school and disciplines.

During the first few years of study, all subjects are basically general education, so the possibility of transferring from faculty to faculty and to another university will cost an academic difference of only a few subjects. If it seems to you that you have chosen the wrong direction, then changing it will not be difficult with a strong desire. To do this, you just need to study the universities of Moscow, the list and rating of which will help you in your choice.
Good luck and success in all your endeavors!