Dedication - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

Dedication - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation
Dedication - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

Selflessness is a quality that delights and fascinates those who do not possess it. Today we will talk about the meaning of the word, its synonyms and examples.


dedication is
dedication is

In principle, even without knowing the meaning, you can guess about it. What is self-denial? This phenomenon, when a person denies, if we allow a tautology that is permissible here, denies himself. In other words, a selfless person is one who despises, sacrifices his own interests, life for the sake of others, for the common good. The same definition is written in the explanatory dictionary.

Why is this selflessness so admired by people? Everything is very simple: few people are able to give a shirt to their neighbor, marry someone on a shift, throw themselves under a puck or a ball, die for a great goal. The latter, naturally, is the least common. Feats in sports can be attributed to excitement, involvement in the game, and when it comes to life and death, that's when it comes on stage, real dedication. Filmmakers are well aware of the viewer's attitude to courage, so if possible, the film should have a corresponding scene.

With great reverencepeople also refer to reports of the courageous death of servicemen or policemen on duty who sacrificed themselves for the sake of others: someone covered a grenade for the sake of children, someone died in a fight with bandits, but did not allow losses among the civilian population. Yes, and this is selflessness, and it is not at all cinematic, but real, without embellishment. People put everything on the line and often lose. Admiration comes from one simple thought: “I couldn’t do that!”


dedication synonymous
dedication synonymous

However, let's disperse the sadness with words-substitutions. We are already accustomed to the fact that if the word is unambiguous, then there are not many synonyms that would selflessly take its place. Anyway, here's the list:

  • altruism;
  • selflessness;
  • valour;
  • sacrifice;
  • courage;
  • chivalry;
  • self-forgetfulness;
  • dedication;
  • courage.

Of course, we can say that we are not entirely honest, after all, courage, valor and courage are qualities that allow selflessness to unfold. The last statement is both true and false. Because valor does not arise, as a rule, on the basis of selfish interests, we remember it only when a person has accomplished almost a feat. So feel free to use the entire list when the need arises.

Can courage be developed?

Interesting question. Of course, history knows such people as kamikaze, they managed to overcome the fear of death and ram enemy planes. True, as practice shows, they usedthe plane as their last cartridge, not only the Japanese, but also the Soviet pilots.

And this historical fact proves that selflessness is a quality inherent in every person, provided that he was raised correctly by his parents, told and showed the right moral values and guidelines. And besides, there are situations when life is worth very little, and the hero himself can do something else.

But regardless of motives, courageous behavior is admirable, because not everyone can even die a hero.

Tristan Ludlow as an example of genuine dedication

what does selflessness mean
what does selflessness mean

As mentioned above, directors and screenwriters love spectacular scenes. Here our interests coincide with them: for a clear memorization of new information, emotional involvement is needed. When choosing a film to illustrate, we opted for Legends of the Fall (1994), where the main character, Tristan Ludlow, is an example of selflessness (what this quality of personality means, it is no longer necessary to explain). Tristan has always been brave when he fought a bear as a boy, when he watched and did not save his younger brother from the claws of the First World War, and when he shielded his father from a bandit's bullet.

Let the reader not be angry with us, we did not say a word about the plot, and the details that are mentioned here will only say something to those who have already seen the film. Valor really cannot be developed artificially by setting yourself the goal of being brave, but it can be brought up, focusing on correct, noble ideals. Yes, parents have a crucial role in education,but films and books that a person learns throughout life also play an important role in the formation of personality.

The reader can finally wish only one thing - courage. Moreover, he is already aware of the meaning of the word “selflessness”, its synonyms, which means that the first step has been taken.
