Who is the Marquis? This is the same margrave or feudal lord. A title of nobility whose importance lies between a count and a duke. It was inherited and was a family title. Such a title was relevant in Western European countries in the Middle Ages.

Word Marquis
Marquis is a respected tribal rank that was relevant in the Middle Ages in European countries. Such a title was awarded to important counts. In the west of France, the more popular bearers were the Counts of the Breton March, the Margraves of Gothia, and the Margraves of Neustria. So who is the Marquis? This is the same graph, but with additional responsibilities. Also, people with such a rank could be called milord or milady. In conversation, it was appropriate to address them with the words lord or lady.
The eldest son of a marquis received the "Title of courtesy", and in the general hierarchy, the degree of marquis was determined by the title of his father. And it was the eldest son of the holder of this rank who became the bearer of such a title. And the younger sons got the title of lord.
As for women, they were awarded this title less often. Marquises were more often men. ATas an exception, the title could belong to a woman if it could be passed down through the female line. However, this was against all the rules. And usually women with such a rank were called marquises. To receive this title, a woman had to marry a marquis. But even in this case, the woman received a smaller set of privileges than the men who held this title. Transmission through the female line could only occur in two cases. Firstly, if the woman remained the only keeper of this title. After herself, she had to definitely transfer her title to her eldest son, but if it was simply impossible to do this, the rank was transferred to the heiress, and then to her son. Secondly, a woman could become the owner of such a title "by right", but still, unlike the male representatives, the Marquise could not take part in many events, and her rights were curtailed.
If we talk about the daughters of marquises, then we can say that they had the title of "lady" from birth. They retained such a rank even if a woman married an un titled man.

Who are marquises in France? In this country, the title was used only until the sixteenth century in the territory that belonged to the Holy Roman Empire. This rank was awarded to the Dukes of Provence and Lorraine. In 1505, the marquis was first rewarded by the French crown. Prior to this, in 1511, the Provencal government did not agree to the registration of this award, and only after pressure from the royallost power. According to the degree of nobility in this state, the marquis was on the third step, this was confirmed by the king himself. The document confirming this title read: in order to rise to the rank of marquis, one should have three baronies and three shatels, which would depend on the head of state. Over time, this rule ceased to be relevant and was not observed at all. The title quickly dropped and became a topic for jokes. And in the time of Napoleon, this rank was not used.
Who are marquises in Spain? Today in Spain, the title of marquis is officially confirmed by the king and is carefully regulated by the state. Misuse of this title is punishable by law, and the sale or purchase of the title of Marquess is prohibited. The title is transmitted only by inheritance, and only to the firstborn. And today there are more than a thousand of these titles.

Other countries
Who are awnings in other countries? In Italy, the title of marquis was taken from Spain and France. The concept of marquis in Russia was not relevant. This rank was worn by people who came from France during the Napoleonic Wars.