Everyone knows that, according to scientific classification, the Animal kingdom is divided into types, they, in turn, into classes, and the latter into orders. The most common and known to everyone since childhood animals, such as cats, dogs, horses and others, are mammals. This class, in turn, belongs to the Chordata type.
Classification of mammals
Among this class, there are two subclasses and twenty-one units. The first subclass is single pass. These include the platypus and the echidna. The peculiarity of these animals is that they do not give birth to cubs, but lay eggs, however, the offspring that emerge from them are fed with milk. Representatives of the second subclass - viviparous - are divided into marsupials (lower) and placental (higher), the remaining nineteen orders belong to the latter. These are pinnipeds, bats, carnivores, cetaceans, edentulous, hyraxes, sirens, proboscis, artiodactyls, aardvarks, equids, woolly wings, rodents, calluses, lizards, hares, primates and insectivores. It is the latter that interests us. Today we will talk about what insectivorous animals exist. Examples, names and basic habits of these mammals will also be discussed in our article.

Squad summary
The vital organs of the representatives of this order retained the primitive features that were inherent in ancient animals. Thus, the large hemispheres of the brain of insectivores contain almost no convolutions, the skull has an elongated shape, the teeth are sharp, tuberculate, it is difficult to divide them into groups. Most of the animals that belong to this group are small in size, the skin is represented by short soft hairs or short spines, paws have five fingers. Many of these creatures are primarily nocturnal, but some are also active during the day. From the name of the detachment it is clear that various insects form the basis of their diet.
Not everyone knows which animals are insectivores. Their names, meanwhile, are known to us since childhood. Although there are unfamiliar species, which we will also talk about a little later. In the meantime, let's focus on the "old comrades".
The most famous and common example of insectivorous animals is the hedgehog. This family contains 14 species. By the way, a hedgehog is an example of insectivorous animals, the skin of which is thorns, not wool. In addition to the ordinary (or European) hedgehog, which we can often see, say, in the country, there are also South African, eared, Indian, Chinese, dark-skinned, Ethiopian, Amur, collared and others. Individuals wholive in hot areas, have large ears. Under such conditions, the latter act as body temperature regulators. Therefore, almost all animals living in the desert have large ears. Usually hedgehogs are more active at night. Their diet consists of a variety of insects, worms, which they look for in the ground. Also, animals can eat frogs, mice and even vipers, the poison of which has almost no effect on them. It is a mistake to think that hedgehogs eat apples and other fruits - they string them on needles to get rid of fleas and other parasites thanks to the acid contained in the juice. In winter, these animals, like many insectivores, hibernate.

The mole is also a prime example of insectivorous animals. These representatives of mammals have many characteristic features of this class, but there are also distinctive features. The skin of moles, unlike the hedgehogs discussed above, is presented in the form of short dark wool. The front paws of these animals have a rather specific appearance for insectivores - they are enlarged, they have long claws, since they are designed for convenient digging of the earth. Moles live in the ground, where they make holes for themselves with numerous nests and tunnels. Here it is convenient for them to find food in the form of earthworms, larvae of various insects, etc. Another distinguishing feature of the mole is its underdeveloped eyes - since it lives underground, it practically does not need them; the main sense organ is the nose.

Speaking about which animals are insectivores, we must also mention them. Each of us at least once had to hear about this funny animal. It is as common on the Eurasian continent as the "brothers" described above. These animals are found almost everywhere except Australia, South America and Antarctica. These are small creatures covered with sparse fur, active at any time of the day. They feed, of course, on insects and … other small animals that are found in the ground, which is clear from their name. Sometimes they also eat seeds. The family of shrews includes shrews and shrews. They are of great benefit, like hedgehogs, destroying many harmful insects.

Little-known representatives of this detachment
And now let's talk about those representatives of the detachment we are considering, which not everyone knows, so to speak, in person (well, or in the face). So, what animals are insectivores? For example, the tenrek family. These creatures are very similar to hedgehogs, before they were even ranked as one family. Tenrecs live in Madagascar and the Comoros. This is a very ancient family of insectivores, whose representatives have been known since the Cretaceous period. They, like hedgehogs, have spines, usually dark in color. Some species have yellow spots on them. An interesting feature of these animals is the extremely low metabolism and absolutely low body temperature, which is usually not characteristic of mammals.

Another interesting and little-known species to ordinary people is the flint tooth. These are insectivorous animals, differing in rather large sizes. Their habitat is Cuba and Haiti. They look like large shrews or rats, but have longer legs and, unlike rats, a longer proboscis-like snout. It is interesting that the sand tooth belongs to a few poisonous mammals, the poison is secreted by a gland, the duct of which is located on the lower jaw. Listed in the Red Book.
The jumper is also an example of insectivorous animals. Most of all, he resembles a jerboa, and lives in Africa. The basis of its diet is termites, other insects, seeds, small fruits.

The smallest mammal in the CIS countries
This can rightfully be called a tiny shrew, which also belongs to the order discussed in this article. Its dimensions are approximately 4-5 cm (including the tail), and its weight is only 2-4 grams.